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Posts posted by Toma™

  1. Not exactly that, I most likely worded that poorly.

    I have already implemented different codec mappings using the #dispatch functions, this question is more about codec creation for one value.

    I'll try to explain my current code in greater detail.


    I currently have one registry of objects which are called RewardTransformerType and it's class looks like this

    public final class RewardTransformerType<V, T extends RewardTransformer<V>> implements IdentifierHolder, Predicate<Class<?>> {
        public static final Codec<RewardTransformer<?>> CODEC = QuestingRegistries.REWARD_TRANSFORMERS.dispatch("type", RewardTransformer::getType, type -> type.codec);
        private final ResourceLocation identifier;
        private final Codec<T> codec;
        private final Class<V> type;
        public RewardTransformerType(ResourceLocation identifier, Codec<T> codec, Class<V> type) {
            this.identifier = identifier;
            this.codec = codec;
            this.type = type;
        public ResourceLocation getIdentifier() {
            return identifier;
        public boolean test(Class<?> aClass) {
            return aClass.equals(this.type);

    And one type implementation which looks like this

    public class CountByAttributeTransformer implements RewardTransformer<Integer> {
        public static final Codec<CountByAttributeTransformer> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create(instance -> instance.group(
                OutputModifier.CODEC.fieldOf("modifier").forGetter(t -> t.modifier)
        ).apply(instance, CountByAttributeTransformer::new));
        private final OutputModifier modifier;
        public CountByAttributeTransformer(OutputModifier modifier) {
            this.modifier = modifier;
        public Integer adjust(Integer originalValue, Player player, Quest quest) {
            return PlayerData.get(player).map(data -> {
                IAttributeProvider provider = data.getAttributes();
                return (int) Math.round(this.modifier.getModifiedValue(provider, originalValue));
        public RewardTransformerType<?, ?> getType() {
            return QuestRegistry.COUNT_BY_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFORMER;

    As you can see, currently the Codec for CountByAttributeTransformer class uses codec from OutputModifier class, which looks like this

    public static final Codec<OutputModifier> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create(instance -> instance.group(
                ResourceLocation.CODEC.flatXmap(location -> {
                    IAttributeId id = Attribs.find(location);
                    return id == null ? DataResult.error("Unknown attribute " + location) : DataResult.success(id);
                }, attributeId -> attributeId == null ? DataResult.error("Attribute is null") : DataResult.success(attributeId.getId()))
                        .fieldOf("attribute").forGetter(t -> t.attributeId),
                ResourceLocation.CODEC.flatXmap(location -> {
                    IModifierOp op = AttributeOps.find(location);
                    return op == null ? DataResult.error("Unknown operation " + location) : DataResult.success(op);
                }, operation -> operation == null ? DataResult.error("Operation is null") : DataResult.success(operation.getId()))
                        .fieldOf("operation").forGetter(t -> t.operator)
        ).apply(instance, OutputModifier::new));


    My problem with this is that when I want to serialize/deserialize it, result looks like this

        "type": "namespace:id",
        "modifier": {
            "attribute": "namespace:id",
            "operation": "namespace:id"

    and I would like to get this result instead

        "type": "namespace:id",
        "attribute": "namespace:id",
        "operation": "namespace:id"


    So my question is how to adjust the codec in CountByAttribute class so I can get the wanted result (if it is even possible). I have also tried using this codec, but that was resulting in "Not an JSON object" error, so thats wrong approach too

    public static final Codec<CountByAttributeTransformer> CODEC = OutputModifier.CODEC.xmap(CountByAttributeTransformer::new, t -> t.modifier);


    Is there a way to get to the second result (without creating duplicate codec for OutputModifier class)?

  2. Hello,

    I recently started implementation of Codec based serialization for my data objects and ran into some minor issues. I have some external utility class holding few parameters which is used by one data object (single parameter). The data object codecs are loaded via registry lookup and this extra parameter is mapped by extra key, which I would like to remove (even though I think that won't be possible as it could possibly cause issues when multiple objects are inlined, but in my case it's just one which would work). I have checked several documentations about codecs, but I have not found anything useful (is there any documentation by Mojang? I found only the DFU repository, which is for version 1.x, while MC is already on 5.x).

    I'll share code snippets which should explain the situation better than I do..


    So I have some common class like this for example

    public class MyObj {
        public static final Codec<MyObj> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create(i -> i.group(
        ).apply(i, MyObj::new));

    which I want to be loaded from format like this

        "type": "namespace:id",
        "i": 1,
        "j": 2

    The actual codec inside the following class is mapped via Codec#dispatch method. My current implementation has it like this:

    public class DataObj {
        public static final Codec<DataObj> CODEC = MyObj.CODEC.fieldOf("key").xmap(DataObj::new, t -> t.myObj).codec();
        private final MyObj myObj;
        private DataObj(MyObj myObj) {
            this.myObj = myObj;

    which expects to be in another Map object like this

        "type": "namespace:id",
        "key": {
            "i": 1,
            "j": 2

    Is there any way to inline it without the key parameter?

  3. Hello guys, what would be the best way to apply blur effect on player's screen?
    So far I have tried loading the vanilla blur shader in RenderTickEvent, but the fps went down like crazy, so I'm looking for better alternatives.
    Am I even supposed to load shaders in RenderTick event? 

  4. Hello everyone, I'm trying to render player's view (basically everything on screen) into screen overlay (using RenderGameOverlayEvent). But I cannot get my head around it. I have tried using FrameBuffer texture, but it didn't work out really well. As you can see here.

    Does anyone have any ideas how I would be able to achieve that?

    Current code, don't think it's going to actually help

    public static void renderOverlay(RenderGameOverlayEvent.Pre event) {
        if (event.getType() == RenderGameOverlayEvent.ElementType.ALL) {
            Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
            Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
            BufferBuilder builder = tessellator.getBuffer();
            builder.begin(7, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX);
            builder.pos(x, y + h, 0).tex(0, 0).endVertex();
            builder.pos(x + w, y + h, 0).tex(1, 0).endVertex();
            builder.pos(x + w, y, 0).tex(1, 1).endVertex();
            builder.pos(x, y, 0).tex(0, 1).endVertex();


    edit: I know I have no zoom in code here, for now I'm mostly interested in getting it to work normally

  5. Hi there, I'm trying to change player hitbox. I just don't know where should I do it. I have tried to modify the bounding box inside the LivingUpdateEvent, however that works only until the original player hitbox collides with anything (and I have changed the hitbox on both sides). I see that there's method in EntityPlayer called updateSize which always resets the hitbox to the default one. Any ideas? 

    Managed to solve it by subscribing to PlayerTickEvent and changing it there on both tick phases using the Entity#setBoundingBox method

  6. I'm trying to render shape in world similar to mc's world border, but I'm getting some weird issues with colors. When I rotate in specific angle, the color turns black and otherwise it's just plain blue. I cannot figure this out at all, and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Anyway, I'd be very happy if someone offered help. So there's the render code: 

        public void renderBlueZone(RenderWorldLastEvent e) {
            Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
            World world = mc.world;
            IGameData gameData = world.getCapability(IGameData.GameDataProvider.GAMEDATA, null);
            Game game = gameData.getCurrentGame();
            if (!gameData.isPlaying() || gameData.isInactiveGame()) {
            BlueZone zone = game.zone;
            if (zone == null) {
            EntityPlayerSP player = mc.player;
            double maxClientRenderDist = mc.gameSettings.renderDistanceChunks * 16;
            if (isCloseToBorder(player, zone, maxClientRenderDist)) {
                float partialTicks = e.getPartialTicks();
                double interpolatedPlayerX = interpolate(player.posX, player.lastTickPosX, partialTicks);
                double interpolatedPlayerY = interpolate(player.posY, player.lastTickPosY, partialTicks);
                double interpolatedPlayerZ = interpolate(player.posZ, player.lastTickPosZ, partialTicks);
                int clientZoneColor = ConfigPMC.client.other.zoneColor;
                float a = 0.75F;
                float r = 0.0F;
                float g = 1.0F;
                float b = 1.0F;
                //actual rendering
                Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
                BufferBuilder bufferBuilder = tessellator.getBuffer();
                GlStateManager.color(1f, 1f, 1f);
                GlStateManager.alphaFunc(516, 0.1F);
                bufferBuilder.begin(7, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR);
                bufferBuilder.setTranslation(-interpolatedPlayerX, -interpolatedPlayerY, -interpolatedPlayerZ);
                double minRenderPosZ = Math.max(Math.floor(interpolatedPlayerZ - maxClientRenderDist), zone.minZ());
                double maxRenderPosZ = Math.min(Math.ceil(interpolatedPlayerZ + maxClientRenderDist), zone.maxZ());
                double minRenderPosX = Math.max(Math.floor(interpolatedPlayerX - maxClientRenderDist), zone.minX());
                double maxRenderPosX = Math.min(Math.ceil(interpolatedPlayerX + maxClientRenderDist), zone.maxX());
                if (interpolatedPlayerX > zone.maxX() - maxClientRenderDist) {
                    bufferBuilder.pos(zone.maxX(), 256D, minRenderPosZ).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                    bufferBuilder.pos(zone.maxX(), 256D, maxRenderPosZ).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                    bufferBuilder.pos(zone.maxX(), 0D, maxRenderPosZ).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                    bufferBuilder.pos(zone.maxX(), 0D, minRenderPosZ).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                if(interpolatedPlayerX < zone.minX() + maxClientRenderDist) {
                    bufferBuilder.pos(zone.minX(), 256D, minRenderPosZ).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                    bufferBuilder.pos(zone.minX(), 256D, maxRenderPosZ).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                    bufferBuilder.pos(zone.minX(), 0D, maxRenderPosZ).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                    bufferBuilder.pos(zone.minX(), 0D, minRenderPosZ).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                if(interpolatedPlayerZ > zone.maxZ() - maxClientRenderDist) {
                    bufferBuilder.pos(minRenderPosX, 256D, zone.maxZ()).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                    bufferBuilder.pos(maxRenderPosX, 256D, zone.maxZ()).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                    bufferBuilder.pos(maxRenderPosX, 0D, zone.maxZ()).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                    bufferBuilder.pos(minRenderPosX, 0D, zone.maxZ()).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                if(interpolatedPlayerZ < zone.minZ() + maxClientRenderDist) {
                    bufferBuilder.pos(minRenderPosX, 256D, zone.minZ()).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                    bufferBuilder.pos(maxRenderPosX, 256D, zone.minZ()).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                    bufferBuilder.pos(maxRenderPosX, 0D, zone.minZ()).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                    bufferBuilder.pos(minRenderPosX, 0D, zone.minZ()).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex();
                bufferBuilder.setTranslation(0, 0, 0);



    And some images for reference:


  7. For world gen there are some events, try to take look in the events package in forge. It might have what you need.

    Also for the newer versions I guess you mean 1.13+, and in that case I have very little experience with that.

    Also I was looking at some mods which improve world gen and they always used the world type approach. 

    There are many more experienced modders, who might know more about this. So maybe you'll get more help from them.

  8. Guys, I have recently switched to Intellij from Eclipse, and I've run into some issue. No matter what I do, I always end up with error: Couldn't locate OpenAL library and Minecraft starts in silent mode - I cannot hear any sounds. Any ideas what to do? I've tried to delete the repository and then clone it again, then running the setupDecompWorkspace task and genIntellijRuns (I basically followed the readme which is included in the mdk package). Before I have switched to intellij it would rarely do that, but resource reload always fixed that. Any ideas how to fix that?

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