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Everything posted by NeX40

  1. Here are the other .json files for the block: //assets.testmod.models.block { "parent": "block/cube_all", "textures": { "all": "testmod:blocks/custom_block" } } //assets.testmod.models.item { "parent": "testmod:block/custom_block" }
  2. Hello everyone, i'm extremely new to Java and minecraft modding, i've been following a tutorials steps to get into it but for some reason, when i mine the custom block, it won't drop anything unless i set it to drop an already existing minecraft block. Also, for some reason my custom block doesn't have a texture when it's in my hand or is dropped, only when placed, i don't know if this has anything to do with the drop problem, here's my .json code: { "type": "minecraft:block", "pools": [ { "rolls": 1, "entries": [ { "type": "minecraft:item", "name": "testmod:custom_block" } ] } ] } I don't know if i should look for the problem here or somewhere else. And again, i'm really new to this so please don't bully me, i just couldn't find a solution anywhere.
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