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Posts posted by NeonEILFYT

  1. {
      "type": "minecraft:block",
      "pools": [
          "rolls": 1,
          "entries": [
              "type": "minecraft:item",
              "functions": [
                  "function": "minecraft:copy_nbt",
                  "source": "block_entity",
                  "ops": [
                      "source": "lava_level",
                      "target": "lava_level",
                      "op": "replace"
              "name": "starwars:iron_forge"

    the block has an int nbt tag called lava_level, this is the blocks class


  2. @SubscribeEvent public static void worldLoad(WorldEvent.Load e) {

    World world = (World) e.getWorld();

    List<Entity> entityList = world.getEntities(null, new AxisAlignedBB(0, 0, 0, 500, 250, 500));

    StarWarsInMinecraft.LOGGER.log(Level.DEBUG, entityList); for (Entity entity : entityList)  {

    if (entity instanceof EnderCrystalEntity) {

    DragonArcherEntity dragonarcherentity = ModEntityTypes.DRAGON_ARCHER.get().create(world);

    dragonarcherentity.moveTo(entity.getX() - 1, entity.getY(), entity.getZ()); world.addFreshEntity(dragonarcherentity);




    how do i make it wait for the entitys to load in the world before running the code?

  3. im trying to create a new type of shield but everything works except the texture in first person


    thats the class


    thats the item model json


    and thats the item blocking json

    can anyone help? also do i need to add anything to my main class, and if so, what is it? thanks in advance. (this is in 1.16.5 btw)

  4. my bow pulling animation type thing wont show up when i pull back with it to shoot. can anyone see any issues in here?

    this is the dragon_soul_bow.json



    this is the dragon_soul_bow_pulling_0.json



    this is the dragon_soul_bow_pulling_1.json



    this is the dragon_soul_bow_pulling_2.json



    this is the DragonBow class



    and this is the few lines of code in the Main Class that register the pull and pulling things



    everything with the bow works except the animation thing. does anyone see any issues in this? its probably just one of my stupid mistakes again. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.

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