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Posts posted by vassdeniss

  1. 1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

    Look at e.g. LoomContainer.

    Something like this?

        public void onCraftMatrixChanged(IInventory inventoryIn) {
            ItemStack itemStack = base.getStack();
            ItemStack itemStack1 = addition.getStack();
            ItemStack itemStack2 = result.getStack();
            if (itemStack2.isEmpty() && itemStack.isEmpty() || itemStack1.isEmpty()) {


  2. I made a custom machine in my mod alongside a custom recipe but I can't seem to get the output to update based on the input. Help would be appreciated!

    Here is how i am trying to implement it in my container.

        public void updateOutput() {
            List<SpiritRecipe> list = world.getRecipeManager().getRecipes(ModRecipeSerializers.SPIRIT_TYPE, inventory, world);
            if (list.isEmpty()) {
                craftResultInventory.setInventorySlotContents(0, ItemStack.EMPTY);
                System.out.println("List is empty");
            } else {
                SpiritRecipe spiritRecipe = list.get(0);
                ItemStack itemstack = spiritRecipe.getCraftingResult(inventory);
                craftResultInventory.setInventorySlotContents(0, itemstack);
        public void onCraftMatrixChanged(IInventory inventoryIn) {
            if (inventoryIn == inventory) {


  3. I am trying to create a custom anvil for my mod and the approach i am trying is to create a normal vanilla anvil with custom recipe container - i tried creating the block and passing a custom container to it but i do feel a bit stuck and confused on how to do this. Some explanation and guidence would be great! Thanks in advance.

    package com.vassdeniss.makoru.blocks;
    import net.minecraft.block.Block;
    import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
    import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
    import net.minecraft.inventory.container.INamedContainerProvider;
    import net.minecraft.inventory.container.SimpleNamedContainerProvider;
    import net.minecraft.stats.Stats;
    import net.minecraft.util.ActionResultType;
    import net.minecraft.util.Hand;
    import net.minecraft.util.IWorldPosCallable;
    import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
    import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockRayTraceResult;
    import net.minecraft.util.text.ITextComponent;
    import net.minecraft.util.text.TranslationTextComponent;
    import net.minecraft.world.World;
    import net.minecraftforge.fml.network.NetworkHooks;
    public class AngelAnvilBlock extends Block {
        private static final ITextComponent AngelAnvilContainer = new TranslationTextComponent("container.crafting");
        public AngelAnvilBlock() {
        public ActionResultType onBlockActivated(BlockState p_225533_1_, World worldIn, BlockPos p_225533_3_, PlayerEntity player, Hand p_225533_5_, BlockRayTraceResult p_225533_6_) {
            if (worldIn.isRemote) {
                return ActionResultType.SUCCESS;
            } else {
                NetworkHooks.openGui(player, );
                return ActionResultType.CONSUME;
        public INamedContainerProvider getContainer(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos)  {
            return new SimpleNamedContainerProvider((id, inventory, player) -> new AngelAnvilContainer(id, inventory, IWorldPosCallable.of(world, pos)),
    package com.vassdeniss.makoru.blocks;
    import com.vassdeniss.makoru.util.RegistryHandler;
    import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
    import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerInventory;
    import net.minecraft.inventory.container.RepairContainer;
    import net.minecraft.util.IWorldPosCallable;
    public class AngelAnvilContainer extends RepairContainer {
        private final IWorldPosCallable field_217070_e;
        public AngelAnvilContainer(int id, PlayerInventory playerInventory, IWorldPosCallable p_i50102_3_) {
            super(id, playerInventory, p_i50102_3_);
            this.field_217070_e = p_i50102_3_;
        public boolean canInteractWith(PlayerEntity player) {
            return isWithinUsableDistance(this.field_217070_e, player, RegistryHandler.ANGEL_ANVIL.get());


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