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2 tileentities spawning on one block


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Hi, since i started codding i always got that bug no matter what i tried, it will stay continue to exist.

Let me explain, when i want to put a tileentity on the ground that i created it will always create 2 tileentities with the same values. I know that because i tried wrote a line that says: "init" whenever a tileentity spawns and it always says Init 2 times.

Furthermore sometimes when the tileentity destroys or place a block the block that has been placed or destroyed is sometimes a illusion (when i click on it i reverts back to what it was before) and i assume that those 2 problems are linked.


Here is my code tell me if i did something wrong. Thank you in advance ! (the code is very long i tried to delete useless parts like particle effects and other things sry)

//Chest Variables
	protected NonNullList<ItemStack> ItemsList = NonNullList.withSize(1, ItemStack.EMPTY);
	int inventory_size = 1;
	int numPlayerUsing =0;
	private IItemHandlerModifiable items = createHandler();
	private LazyOptional<IItemHandlerModifiable> itemHandler = LazyOptional.of(() -> items);
	//Chest Variables
	//TileEntity variables
	boolean init = false;
	private int MagicFuel;
	Random random = new Random();
	int tick;
	PlayerEntity player;
	int EventLocker, BlockInfected;
	//TileEntity variables

	public Sterious_ChestTileEntity(TileEntityType<?> tileEntityTypeIn) {
		// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
	public Sterious_ChestTileEntity() {

	public void tick() {
		if(!init) {
			player.sendMessage(new StringTextComponent("Init"), null); //HERE IS THE LINE THAT SAYS INIT WHEN THE TILEENTITY APPEARS IDK WHY IT SAYS IT TWICE
		} else {
	private void init() {
		MagicFuel = 0;
		init = true;
		tick = 0;
		if(Minecraft.getInstance().isSingleplayer()) {
			player = Minecraft.getInstance().player;
		EventLocker = 0;
		BlockInfected =0;
	private void execute() { 
		if(!this.getStackInSlot(0).isEmpty()) {
			int value = random.nextInt(3);
			float seconds =5;
			ItemStack itemstack = this.getStackInSlot(0);
			if(MagicFuel > 0) {
				if(itemstack.getItem().equals(Items.DIAMOND)) {
					if(EventLocker == 0) {
						seconds = 5;
						if(tick%5 ==0 && tick != 0) {
							this.world.playSound(this.pos.getX(), this.pos.getY(), this.pos.getZ(), new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation("block.dispenser.dispense")), SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 100f, 10f, false);
					} else seconds = 0.2f;
					if(tick > 20*seconds) {
						if(EventLocker != 0) value = EventLocker;
						switch(value) {
						case 0:
						case 1:
						case 2:
						if(EventLocker == 0) {
							for(float i=0; i<2; i=i+0.1f) {
								ringofParticle(1f, i-0.5f, ParticleTypes.PORTAL);
							this.world.playSound(this.pos.getX(), this.pos.getY(), this.pos.getZ(), new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation("entity.enderman.teleport")), SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 100f, 10f, false);
							this.world.removeBlock(this.pos, false);
						tick = 0;
			//Recharge Magic point
			if(itemstack.getItem().equals(Items.GOLD_INGOT) && MagicFuel == 0) {
				if(tick%5 ==0 && tick != 0) {
					this.world.playSound(this.pos.getX(), this.pos.getY(), this.pos.getZ(), new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation("block.dispenser.dispense")), SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 100f, 10f, false);
				if(tick > 40) {
					this.world.playSound(this.pos.getX(), this.pos.getY(), this.pos.getZ(), new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation("entity.player.levelup")), SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 100f, 0f, false);
					ringofParticle(1, 0.5f, ParticleTypes.HAPPY_VILLAGER);
			//Recharg Magic point
		} else {
			tick =0;
	private void DiamondTower() {
		this.world.playSound(this.pos.getX(), this.pos.getY(), this.pos.getZ(), new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation("entity.firework_rocket.launch")), SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 100f, 10f, false);
		for(int i =0; i<20; i++) {
			Block.spawnDrops(Blocks.DIAMOND_ORE.getDefaultState(), this.world, this.pos.add(0, i+1, 0));
			ringofParticle(2, i, ParticleTypes.SOUL_FIRE_FLAME);
	private void TntSpawning() {
		this.world.playSound(this.pos.getX(), this.pos.getY(), this.pos.getZ(), new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation("entity.ender_dragon.growl")), SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 100f, 0f, false);
		float radius;
		int value = random.nextInt(10);
		TNTEntity tnt = new TNTEntity(this.world, this.pos.getX(), this.pos.getY()+1, this.pos.getZ(), null);
		for(radius = value; radius>0; radius=radius-(value/2)) {
			for(float i=-radius; i<radius;i=i+1f) {
				this.world.addEntity(new TNTEntity(this.world, this.pos.getX()+i+0.5, this.pos.getY()+40, this.pos.getZ()+circleTop(i, radius)+0.5, null));
				this.world.addEntity(new TNTEntity(this.world, this.pos.getX()+i+0.5, this.pos.getY()+40, this.pos.getZ()+circleBot(i, radius)+0.5, null));
				ringofParticle(value, 1, ParticleTypes.FLAME);
		this.world.playSound(this.pos.getX(), this.pos.getY(), this.pos.getZ(), new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation("block.dispenser.dispense")), SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 100f, 0f, false);
		player.sendStatusMessage(new StringTextComponent("RUN !"), true);
	private void netherInvasion() {
		int SelectBlock;
		int x,y,z;
		this.EventLocker = 1;
		x= random.nextInt(20)-10;
		y= random.nextInt(10)-5;
		z= random.nextInt(20)-10;
		BlockPos posBlock = new BlockPos(this.pos.getX()+x,this.pos.getY()+y,this.pos.getZ()+z);
		if(this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.GRASS_BLOCK.getDefaultState()) {
			SelectBlock = random.nextInt(3);
			switch(SelectBlock) {
			case 0:
				this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.NETHERRACK.getDefaultState());
			case 1:
				this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.WARPED_NYLIUM.getDefaultState());
				this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.CRIMSON_NYLIUM.getDefaultState());
		if(this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.STONE.getDefaultState()
				|| this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.COBBLESTONE.getDefaultState() 
				|| this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.DIORITE.getDefaultState() 
				|| this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.GRANITE.getDefaultState() 
				|| this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.ANDESITE.getDefaultState() || world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.DIRT.getDefaultState()) {
			this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.LAVA.getDefaultState());
		if(this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.IRON_ORE.getDefaultState() || this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.GOLD_ORE.getDefaultState()) {
			SelectBlock = random.nextInt(10);
			if(SelectBlock == 0) {
				this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.ANCIENT_DEBRIS.getDefaultState());
			} else this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.LAVA.getDefaultState());
		if(this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState()) {
			world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.LAVA.getDefaultState());
		if(this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.GRAVEL.getDefaultState()) {
			this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.LAVA.getDefaultState());
		if(this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.OAK_LOG.getDefaultState() || this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.BIRCH_LOG.getDefaultState() 
				|| this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.DARK_OAK_LOG.getDefaultState() 
				|| this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.JUNGLE_LOG.getDefaultState() || this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.SPRUCE_LOG.getDefaultState() || this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.ACACIA_LOG.getDefaultState()) {
			SelectBlock = random.nextInt(2);
			switch(SelectBlock) {
			case 0:
				this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.CRIMSON_STEM.getDefaultState());
				this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.WARPED_STEM.getDefaultState());
		if(this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.POPPY.getDefaultState()) {
		if(this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.DANDELION.getDefaultState()) {
			this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.WARPED_FUNGUS.getDefaultState());
		if(this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.GRASS.getDefaultState() || this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.DEAD_BUSH.getDefaultState()) {
			SelectBlock = random.nextInt(3);
			if(SelectBlock ==0) this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.WARPED_ROOTS.getDefaultState());
			if(SelectBlock ==1) this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.FIRE.getDefaultState());
			if(SelectBlock ==2) this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.SOUL_FIRE.getDefaultState());
		if(this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.SAND.getDefaultState() || this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.RED_SAND.getDefaultState()) {
			this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.SOUL_SAND.getDefaultState());
		if(this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.SANDSTONE.getDefaultState() || this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.RED_SANDSTONE.getDefaultState()) {
			this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.SOUL_SOIL.getDefaultState());
		if(this.world.getBlockState(posBlock) == Blocks.CAMPFIRE.getDefaultState()) this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.SOUL_CAMPFIRE.getDefaultState());
		if(this.BlockInfected>200) {
			this.EventLocker = 0;
			this.BlockInfected =0;
		lightExplosionOfParticle(posBlock, ParticleTypes.LAVA);
		ringofParticle(1f, 0.5f, ParticleTypes.FLAME);
		ringofParticle(1f, 0.5f, ParticleTypes.SOUL_FIRE_FLAME);
	private void spawnRoses(BlockPos posBlock) {
		int value = random.nextInt(3);
		if(value ==1) this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.CRIMSON_FUNGUS.getDefaultState());
		if(value == 2) {
			this.world.setBlockState(posBlock, Blocks.WITHER_ROSE.getDefaultState());
			ringofParticle(0.5f, 1, ParticleTypes.FLAME);
			lightExplosionOfParticle(posBlock, ParticleTypes.LAVA);
	public void read(BlockState state, CompoundNBT nbt) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		super.read(state, nbt);
	public CompoundNBT write(CompoundNBT compound) {
		return super.write(compound);


Edited by Armanse
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So i need to delete this in order to fix that bug is that right ? but how can i get the player then ?

19 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

You cannot do this.

Your init shows twice because your TE is initialized once on the server and once on the client.

Edited by Armanse
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the closest to the block if possible

9 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

The concept of "the player" does not make sense on a server. There are many players. Which one do you want?

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42 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

The concept of "the player" does not make sense on a server. There are many players. Which one do you want?

Btw even thought i removed the player variable the bug is still there but it's less "powerful"/ buggy than before. Thank you for help btw

Is there anything else that makes the same problem in my code ?

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6 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

I have no idea what you mean by "less powerful" / "buggy".

Show updated code and elaborate.

What i mean by that is that the bug is happening less frequently but it is still happening. And if you want the updated code it's the same one but i removed the player variable. 

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2 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

You must place blocks only on the server.

Sorry i'm dum but wdym when you say server i know that there is a client side and a server side but i have no idea what those are. If u send me a link to a documentation it's ok but i would like a simple explanation.

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12 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

You must place blocks only on the server.

So as you said i did run the code on the server side however now none of the sounds and the particles are here, since they need to be on the client side. How can i fix that ? i want the particles to appear even thought it's in the server side ? If not possible i would like to at least sync the client side TileEntity to the server side TileEntity but i don't know how since they are not sharing the same variables.

Is it possible to send the particles and sounds to the client side while in the server side ?

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