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Texture file not found (but no compile exception)


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Hello !

I opened a topic earlier today about rendering a flower, and I kind of fixed my issue. As a new and different issue popped, I decided to make a new topic.
The thing is now, it seems like the game can't find the texture for the flower (I get the purple/black squares instead of my custom texture). I have been trying to fix this new issue for a couple of hours but nothing to be found helpful.

I don't really know why it can't find the texture. I don't get any compile or runtime exception, and every file seems to be in place. I've been messing around but couldn't find the issue.

My resources file structure is attached below. I don't know if I need to share any json file, or any part of the code. If so, please ask and I'll gladly provide it. I'm pretty new to the modding field so maybe the issue is obvious.

Thanks in advance for the help !


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21 hours ago, Nephty said:

Hello !

I opened a topic earlier today about rendering a flower, and I kind of fixed my issue. As a new and different issue popped, I decided to make a new topic.
The thing is now, it seems like the game can't find the texture for the flower (I get the purple/black squares instead of my custom texture). I have been trying to fix this new issue for a couple of hours but nothing to be found helpful.

I don't really know why it can't find the texture. I don't get any compile or runtime exception, and every file seems to be in place. I've been messing around but couldn't find the issue.

My resources file structure is attached below. I don't know if I need to share any json file, or any part of the code. If so, please ask and I'll gladly provide it. I'm pretty new to the modding field so maybe the issue is obvious.

Thanks in advance for the help !


Show the code and your debug.log

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On 6/9/2021 at 6:33 PM, aritod said:

Show your debug.log

Actually, no error related to the topic shows up in the console nor in the debug.log. The on ly error is an authentication error. I attached it anyways but I doubt it contains any useful information, but would be glad to be wrong.

Here is the code that I use :

The block itself :

package net.Nephty.rgbee.data.blocks;

import net.Nephty.rgbee.setup.ModItems;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.block.FlowerBlock;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.item.Items;
import net.minecraft.potion.Effect;
import net.minecraft.util.ActionResultType;
import net.minecraft.util.Hand;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockRayTraceResult;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class CustomFlower extends FlowerBlock {
    public CustomFlower(Effect p_i49984_1_, int p_i49984_2_, Properties p_i49984_3_) {
        super(p_i49984_1_, p_i49984_2_, p_i49984_3_);

    public ActionResultType use(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity player, Hand hand, BlockRayTraceResult rayTrace) {
        if (world.isClientSide) {
            return ActionResultType.SUCCESS;
        if (player.isHolding(ModItems.POLLEN_HARVESTER.get())) {
            if (player.inventory.getFreeSlot() != -1) {
                if (!player.isCreative()) {
                    player.inventory.getSelected().hurtAndBreak(1, player, (p_226874_1_) -> p_226874_1_.broadcastBreakEvent(hand));
                player.inventory.add(new ItemStack(ModItems.POLLEN::get));
            } else {
                if (!player.isCreative()) {
                    player.inventory.getSelected().hurtAndBreak(1, player, (p_226874_1_) -> p_226874_1_.broadcastBreakEvent(hand));
                popResource(world, pos, new ItemStack(ModItems.POLLEN::get));
            return ActionResultType.SUCCESS;
        return ActionResultType.PASS;

Register the blocks :

package net.Nephty.rgbee.setup;

import net.Nephty.rgbee.data.blocks.CustomFlower;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.SoundType;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.item.BlockItem;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemGroup;
import net.minecraft.potion.Effects;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ToolType;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.RegistryObject;

import java.util.function.Supplier;

public class ModBlocks {
    public static final RegistryObject<Block> POLLEN_BLOCK = register("pollen_block",
            () -> new Block(AbstractBlock.Properties.of(Material.WOOL)
                    .strength(0.3F, 3)));
    public static final RegistryObject<Block> ENCHANTED_FLOWER = register("enchanted_flower", () ->
            new CustomFlower(Effects.HEAL, 1, AbstractBlock.Properties.of(Material.PLANT)

    public static void register() {}

    private static <T extends Block> RegistryObject<T> registerNoItem(String name, Supplier<T> block) {
        return Registration.BLOCKS.register(name, block);

    private static <T extends Block> RegistryObject<T> register(String name, Supplier<T> block) {
        RegistryObject<T> res = registerNoItem(name, block);
        Registration.ITEMS.register(name, () -> new BlockItem(res.get(), new Item.Properties().tab(ItemGroup.TAB_BUILDING_BLOCKS)));
        return res;

Creation of the deferred register :

public class Registration {
    public static final DeferredRegister<Block> BLOCKS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS, Rgbee.MOD_ID);
    public static final DeferredRegister<Item> ITEMS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS, Rgbee.MOD_ID);

    public static void register() {
        IEventBus modEventBus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus();


json file of the block located in assets\mod\models\block :

  "parent": "minecraft:block/cross",
  "textures": {
    "all": "rgbee:block/enchanted_flower"

I don't know if I need a json file for the texture itself, rather than the model ? I don't know why it wouldn't get created, since it works fine for other items and blocks.

Thank you for your time.


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[10Jun2021 18:57:12.968] [Worker-Main-8/WARN] [net.minecraft.client.renderer.model.ModelBakery/]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #cross in rgbee:block/enchanted_flower
[10Jun2021 18:57:12.968] [Worker-Main-8/WARN] [net.minecraft.client.renderer.model.ModelBakery/]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #cross in rgbee:item/enchanted_flower


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1 hour ago, Nephty said:

"all": "rgbee:block/enchanted_flower"

On 6/8/2021 at 3:23 AM, SerpentDagger said:

textures is a tag containing a number of String variables, whose names should correspond to the parent model's definitions. The cross model has only one textures variable, which is named cross.

Fancy 3D Graphing Calculator mod, with many different coordinate systems.

Lightweight 3D/2D position/vector transformations library, also with support for different coordinate systems.

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