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Custom food that applies a random effect.


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Hey, I've been trying to make a custom food that gives the player a random potion effect when they consume it However, this hasn't exactly worked out for me the greatest, and I would like to know if I'm going about it all wrong or if there is something I can do with what I have to fix it. Here's my mod.

public class coolNewItem
    public static final String MOD_ID = "coolnewitem";
    // Directly reference a slf4j logger
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger();

    public coolNewItem()

        IEventBus eventBus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus();



        // Register ourselves for server and other game events we are interested in

    private void setup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event)
        // some preinit code
        LOGGER.info("DIRT BLOCK >> {}", Blocks.DIRT.getRegistryName());

package net.kiwichris84.items;

import net.kiwichris84.coolnewitem.coolNewItem;
import net.minecraft.world.item.CreativeModeTab;
import net.minecraft.world.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.world.item.Items;
import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.IEventBus;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.DeferredRegister;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.ForgeRegistries;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.RegistryObject;

public class ModItems extends Items {
    public static final DeferredRegister<Item> ITEMS =
            DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS, coolNewItem.MOD_ID);

    public static final RegistryObject<Item> EYE_OF_ALWORTH = ITEMS.register("eye_of_alworth",
            ()-> new Item(new Item.Properties().tab(CreativeModeTab.TAB_MISC).food(ModFoods.EYE_OF_ALWORTH)));

    public static void register(IEventBus eventBus){

package net.kiwichris84.items;

import net.minecraft.world.food.FoodProperties;

public class ModFoods extends ModItems {
    public static final FoodProperties EYE_OF_ALWORTH = (new FoodProperties.Builder()).fast().nutrition(4).saturationMod(0.2F).alwaysEat().build();
package net.kiwichris84.items;

import com.mojang.bridge.game.GameSession;
import net.kiwichris84.coolnewitem.coolNewItem;
import net.minecraft.client.Session;
import net.minecraft.world.effect.MobEffect;
import net.minecraft.world.effect.MobEffectInstance;
import net.minecraft.world.entity.player.Player;
import net.minecraft.world.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.world.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.world.level.Level;
import net.minecraftforge.event.TickEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.living.LivingEntityUseItemEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.LogicalSide;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;

import java.util.Objects;
@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid= coolNewItem.MOD_ID)
public class ModEventListeners {

    protected static void onFoodEaten(LivingEntityUseItemEvent.Finish event) {
        if (event.getEntityLiving() instanceof Player) {
            Player player = (Player) event.getEntity();
            if (player.getMainHandItem().getItem().toString().equals("eye_of_alworth")){
                    int random = (int) ((Math.random() * 32) +1);
                    player.addEffect(new MobEffectInstance(Objects.requireNonNull(MobEffect.byId(random)), 1200, 2));}



I know there is a lot of unused imports, I'll fix that later, but the problem's I've seen so far with the project is that it gives two potion effects instead of one, making me think it is firing twice. The wither effect simply doesn't work, the potion icons in the top right don't go away, and that the levitation effect lasts forever. I would assume that these things all stem from the same root issue, so if anyone could help me out I would appreciate it.ย 

Also, I know I'm not the best coder in the world, this is my first minecraft mod.

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to take the time to help a brother out.

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  1. 53 minutes ago, KiwiChris84 said:

    why did you check the Item name, you can just compare the Items with the == operator

  2. why did you use LivingEntityUseItemEvent.Finish? you can just override #finishUsingItem in your Item class and perform the action you want there

  3. 1 hour ago, KiwiChris84 said:
    int random = (int) ((Math.random() * 32) +1);

    i would recommend you to avoid constants when working with registries
    you can use something like:

    		List<MobEffect> effects = Lists.newArrayList(ForgeRegistries.MOB_EFFECTS.getValues());
    		MobEffect randomEffect = effects.get(new Random().nextInt(effects.size()));
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1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:
  • Do not create a new Random instance every time.
  • You might want to consider using Iterables.get instead of copying into a list every time.

i know, this was just a simple example how itย couldย be possible to do

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When I attempted to replace the the .equals toString part of my if statement i recieved this error

Operator '==' cannot be applied to 'net.minecraft.world.item.Item', 'net.minecraftforge.registries.RegistryObject<net.minecraft.world.item.Item>'


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It says that registryobject#get is a static method. Also, when I tried to change to override the Item class extending the class said that there is no default constructor, and implementing the class said that an interface was required and to be honest I'm not familiar enough with setting up an interface class properly.

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    protected void onFoodEaten(LivingEntityUseItemEvent.Finish event) {
        if (event.getEntityLiving() instanceof Player) {
            Player player = (Player) event.getEntity();
            if (player.getMainHandItem().getItem()== RegistryObject.get(EYE_OF_ALWORTH)){
                    int random = (int) ((Math.random() * 32) +1);
                    player.addEffect(new MobEffectInstance(Objects.requireNonNull(MobEffect.byId(random)), 1200, 2));}




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Alright I did that, and now for theย  Player player declaration what should I do to fix the variables? now "event" is marked as red

public class ModEventListeners extends Item {

    public ModEventListeners(Properties pProperties) {
    public ItemStack finishUsingItem(ItemStack pStack, Level pLevel, LivingEntity pLivingEntity) {
        Player player = (Player) event.getEntity();
        if (player.getMainHandItem().getItem()== EYE_OF_ALWORTH.get()){
            int random = (int) ((Math.random() * 32) +1);
            player.addEffect(new MobEffectInstance(Objects.requireNonNull(MobEffect.byId(random)), 1200, 2));}

        return this.isEdible() ? pLivingEntity.eat(pLevel, pStack) : pStack;


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package net.kiwichris84.items;

import net.kiwichris84.coolnewitem.coolNewItem;
import net.minecraft.world.effect.MobEffect;
import net.minecraft.world.effect.MobEffectInstance;
import net.minecraft.world.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.world.entity.player.Player;
import net.minecraft.world.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.world.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.world.level.Level;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.Objects;
@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid= coolNewItem.MOD_ID)
public class ModEventListeners extends Item { public ModEventListeners(Properties pProperties) {super(pProperties);}
    public @NotNull ItemStack finishUsingItem(@NotNull ItemStack pStack, @NotNull Level pLevel, @NotNull LivingEntity pLivingEntity) {
        if (pLivingEntity instanceof Player) {
            Player player = (Player) pLivingEntity;
            if (player.getMainHandItem().getItem() == ModItems.EYE_OF_ALWORTH.get()) {
                int random = (int) ((Math.random() * 32) + 1);
                player.addEffect(new MobEffectInstance(Objects.requireNonNull(MobEffect.byId(random)), 1200, 2));
                return this.isEdible() ? pLivingEntity.eat(pLevel, pStack) : pStack;
        return this.isEdible() ? pLivingEntity.eat(pLevel, pStack) : pStack;

It doesn't seem to be firing now, what should I do?

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package net.kiwichris84.items;

import net.minecraft.world.food.FoodProperties;

public class ModFoods extends ModItems {
    public static final FoodProperties EYE_OF_ALWORTH = (new FoodProperties.Builder()).fast().nutrition(4).saturationMod(0.2F).alwaysEat().build();
package net.kiwichris84.coolnewitem;

import com.mojang.logging.LogUtils;
import net.kiwichris84.items.ModItems;

import net.minecraft.world.level.block.Blocks;
import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;

import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.IEventBus;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.event.lifecycle.FMLCommonSetupEvent;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.javafmlmod.FMLJavaModLoadingContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

// The value here should match an entry in the META-INF/mods.toml file
public class coolNewItem
    public static final String MOD_ID = "coolnewitem";
    // Directly reference a slf4j logger
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger();

    public coolNewItem()

        IEventBus eventBus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus();



        // Register ourselves for server and other game events we are interested in

    private void setup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event)
        // some preinit code
        LOGGER.info("DIRT BLOCK >> {}", Blocks.DIRT.getRegistryName());

package net.kiwichris84.items;

import net.kiwichris84.coolnewitem.coolNewItem;
import net.minecraft.world.item.CreativeModeTab;
import net.minecraft.world.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.world.item.Items;
import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.IEventBus;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.DeferredRegister;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.ForgeRegistries;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.RegistryObject;

public class ModItems extends Items {
    public static final DeferredRegister<Item> ITEMS =
            DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS, coolNewItem.MOD_ID);

    public static final RegistryObject<Item> EYE_OF_ALWORTH = ITEMS.register("eye_of_alworth",
            ()-> new Item(new Item.Properties().tab(CreativeModeTab.TAB_MISC).food(ModFoods.EYE_OF_ALWORTH)));

    public static void register(IEventBus eventBus){


These are my other classes for the mod.

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17 minutes ago, KiwiChris84 said:
    public static final RegistryObject<Item> EYE_OF_ALWORTH = ITEMS.register("eye_of_alworth",
            ()-> new Item(new Item.Properties().tab(CreativeModeTab.TAB_MISC).food(ModFoods.EYE_OF_ALWORTH)));

you did not use your Item class in when creating your Item,

also why did you use your ModEventListeners as Item class?

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