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Need assistance linking entity names in language file to datawatcher


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So, title kinda explains it all in a nutshell.


So, I have made a datawatcher to keep track of my entity names, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how I would link it to the language file. Currently I am using the EntityList to get the names of the entities, but the names are displayed as modid.entity instead.


Not sure this is making any sense, so here is all the relevant code.



public abstract class EntityTest extends EntityCreature

    public EntityTest(World world)
dataWatcher.addObject(4, ""); //Name


    public void newTest()

//Naming process
public String getName() {

return dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectString(4);

public void setName(String name) {
dataWatcher.updateObject(4, name);

public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)

        nbt.setString("name", getName());

    public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)




And then the code adding the entity, as well as what it is marked down as in the language file


EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityTest.class, "TestEntity", 1, testmod.instance, 80, 3, true);




Now, this will give be the "Player has been slain by TestEntity" when killed, but when setName() is displayed in my render over the mob, it is shown as testmod.TestEntity


I figure this is somehow related to the way getEntityString() reads the names from mods. So is is possible to get setName() to read from the Lanuage file names?


Thanks for any help you can provide




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Consider reading "CustomNameTag" stuff. It is object 10 in the datawatcher for EntityLiving.


Not necessarily what I am looking for.


I have a rather large amount of custom entities, and there is nothing there that really satisfies what I am trying to do. I would still need to go through and set each entities name individually in their respective files.



A) Is irrelevant. I am trying to figure out if there is a way I can use EntityList to return the names without it returning as "modid.mobname", as EntityList seems like the best way to set names for over 240 entities without individually going through each file.


B) Use the language registry, so it will reflect the language(I.E. Using a spanish lanuage file rendering "Pollo" over a chicken, rather than "Chicken"

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