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[1.8][Open Source] Realms of Chaos Alpha 1.1


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Realms of Chaos -- Alpha 1.1


Have you ever gotten bored with a Minecraft world because you felt that you had collected all the items and explored all the structures and dimensions? Have you been looking for a mod that makes Minecraft seem more "endless"? Well look no further! Realms of Chaos is a huge adventure mod which adds, items, blocks, mobs, and even dimensions. It currently has 8 new material sets to collect, as well as some new items made of vanilla materials. The mod it still a work in progress, and updates will be released periodically with new features and bug fixes. See below for more information.





The latest version of the mod is Alpha 1.1 for Minecraft 1.8. It was compiled for FML Download it at https://app.box.com/s/3vlybuytg83d628kckyd


You can still get the stable version (Alpha 1.0) for 1.7.10 Here:








The mod was developed by Eternaldoom, and most of the textures were made by LegoShokwave123.




Source Code:



The mod is distributed under the GNU General public license. The source code is available on Github at https://github.com/Eternaldoom/Realms-of-Chaos. Feel free to write a pull request if you would like a new feature to be added.














How to build the portals:



Ocean dimension:




Place a Xylite block in the bottom to activate the portal.




Frozen Ruins dimension:




Place an Aquatic block in the top to activate the portal.






Recipes code (Temporary until I can make a list of recipes):

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.netherrack_bricks, 4), new Object[]{"XX", "XX", 'X', Blocks.netherrack});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.charwood_planks, 4), new Object[]{"X", 'X', ROCBlocks.charwood_log});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.crafting_table), new Object[]{"XX", "XX", 'X', ROCBlocks.charwood_planks});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.stick, 4), new Object[]{"X", "X", 'X', ROCBlocks.charwood_planks});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.citronite_stone), new Object[]{" C ", "C C", " C ", 'C', ROCItems.citronite_gem});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.flame_stone), new Object[]{"ACA", "CLC", "ACA", 'A', ROCItems.ash_dust, 'C', ROCItems.citronite_gem, 'L', Items.lava_bucket});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.extractor), new Object[]{"CWC", "WWW", "CWC", 'C', ROCBlocks.citronite_block, 'W', ROCBlocks.charwood_log});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.heliotrope_block), new Object[]{"CCC", "CCC", "CCC", 'C', ROCItems.heliotrope});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.heliotrope, 9), new Object[]{"C", 'C', ROCBlocks.heliotrope_block});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.citronite_block), new Object[]{"CCC", "CCC", "CCC", 'C', ROCItems.citronite_stone});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.citronite_stone, 9), new Object[]{"C", 'C', ROCBlocks.citronite_block});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.xylite_block), new Object[]{"XXX", "XXX", "XXX", 'X', ROCItems.xylite_ingot});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.xylite_ingot, 9), new Object[]{"X", 'X', ROCBlocks.xylite_block});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.aquatic_orb), new Object[]{" A ", "A A", " A ", 'A', ROCItems.aquatic_shard});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(ROCBlocks.compressed_lava)), new Object[]{"LL", "LL", 'L', Items.lava_bucket});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(ROCBlocks.ocean_glass_pane), 12), new Object[]{"GGG", "GGG", 'G', ROCBlocks.ocean_glass});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.neptunite_block), new Object[]{"XXX", "XXX", "XXX", 'X', ROCItems.neptunite_ingot});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.neptunite_ingot, 9), new Object[]{"X", 'X', ROCBlocks.neptunite_block});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.aquatic_block), new Object[]{"XXX", "XXX", "XXX", 'X', ROCItems.aquatic_orb});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.aquatic_orb, 9), new Object[]{"X", 'X', ROCBlocks.aquatic_block});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.fractonite_block), new Object[]{"XXX", "XXX", "XXX", 'X', ROCItems.fractonite_stone});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.fractonite_stone, 9), new Object[]{"X", 'X', ROCBlocks.fractonite_block});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.osmaralt_block), new Object[]{"XXX", "XXX", "XXX", 'X', ROCItems.osmaralt_ingot});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.osmaralt_ingot, 9), new Object[]{"X", 'X', ROCBlocks.osmaralt_block});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.iron_bow), new Object[]{" XS", "X S", " XS", 'X', Items.iron_ingot, 'S', Items.string});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.diamond_bow), new Object[]{" XS", "X S", " XS", 'X', Items.diamond, 'S', Items.string});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.iron_arrow, 16), new Object[]{"F", "X", "C", 'F', Items.flint, 'X', Items.iron_ingot, 'C', Items.feather});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.diamond_arrow, 16), new Object[]{"F", "X", "C", 'F', Items.flint, 'X', Items.diamond, 'C', Items.feather});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.netherrack_bricks), new Object[]{RecipeHelper.stonePatterns[2], 'M', Blocks.netherrack});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.netherrack_brick_slab, 6), new Object[]{RecipeHelper.stonePatterns[0], 'M', ROCBlocks.netherrack_bricks});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.netherrack_brick_stairs, 4), new Object[]{RecipeHelper.stonePatterns[1], 'M', ROCBlocks.netherrack_bricks});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.charwood_slab, 6), new Object[]{RecipeHelper.stonePatterns[0], 'M', ROCBlocks.charwood_planks});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.charwood_stairs, 4), new Object[]{RecipeHelper.stonePatterns[1], 'M', ROCBlocks.charwood_planks});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.flamestone_block), new Object[]{"XXX", "XXX", "XXX", 'X', ROCItems.flame_stone});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.flame_stone, 9), new Object[]{"X", 'X', ROCBlocks.flamestone_block});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.nether_chest), new Object[]{"WWW", "W W", "WWW", 'W', ROCBlocks.charwood_planks});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.frozen_wood_slab, 6), new Object[]{RecipeHelper.stonePatterns[0], 'M', ROCBlocks.frozen_planks});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.frozen_wood_stairs, 4), new Object[]{RecipeHelper.stonePatterns[1], 'M', ROCBlocks.frozen_planks});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.frozen_planks, 4), new Object[]{"X", 'X', ROCBlocks.frozen_log});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.crafting_table), new Object[]{"XX", "XX", 'X', ROCBlocks.frozen_planks});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.stick, 4), new Object[]{"X", "X", 'X', ROCBlocks.frozen_planks});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCBlocks.frozen_chest), new Object[]{"WWW", "W W", "WWW", 'W', Blocks.ice});

	RecipeHelper.addCannonRecipe(Blocks.iron_block, ROCItems.iron_cannon, Items.iron_ingot, ROCItems.iron_bullet);
	RecipeHelper.addCannonRecipe(Blocks.diamond_block, ROCItems.diamond_cannon, Items.diamond, ROCItems.diamond_bullet);
	RecipeHelper.addCannonRecipe(ROCBlocks.heliotrope_block, ROCItems.heliotrope_cannon, ROCItems.heliotrope, ROCItems.heliotrope_bullet);
	RecipeHelper.addCannonRecipe(ROCBlocks.citronite_block, ROCItems.citronite_cannon, ROCItems.citronite_stone, ROCItems.citronite_bullet);
	RecipeHelper.addCannonRecipe(ROCBlocks.xylite_block, ROCItems.xylite_cannon, ROCItems.xylite_ingot, ROCItems.xylite_bullet);
	RecipeHelper.addCannonRecipe(ROCBlocks.flamestone_block, ROCItems.flamestone_cannon, ROCItems.flame_stone, ROCItems.flamestone_bullet);
	RecipeHelper.addCannonRecipe(ROCBlocks.neptunite_block, ROCItems.neptunite_cannon, ROCItems.neptunite_ingot, ROCItems.neptunite_bullet);
	RecipeHelper.addCannonRecipe(ROCBlocks.aquatic_block, ROCItems.aquatic_cannon, ROCItems.aquatic_orb, ROCItems.aquatic_bullet);
	RecipeHelper.addCannonRecipe(ROCBlocks.osmaralt_block, ROCItems.osmaralt_cannon, ROCItems.osmaralt_ingot, ROCItems.osmaralt_bullet);
	RecipeHelper.addCannonRecipe(ROCBlocks.fractonite_block, ROCItems.fractonite_cannon, ROCItems.fractonite_stone, ROCItems.fractonite_bullet);

	RecipeHelper.addArmorRecipe(ROCItems.heliotrope_helmet, ROCItems.heliotrope_chestplate, ROCItems.heliotrope_leggings, ROCItems.heliotrope_boots, ROCItems.heliotrope);
	RecipeHelper.addArmorRecipe(ROCItems.citronite_helmet, ROCItems.citronite_chestplate, ROCItems.citronite_leggings, ROCItems.citronite_boots, ROCItems.citronite_gem);
	RecipeHelper.addArmorRecipe(ROCItems.xylite_helmet, ROCItems.xylite_chestplate, ROCItems.xylite_leggings, ROCItems.xylite_boots, ROCItems.xylite_ingot);
	RecipeHelper.addArmorRecipe(ROCItems.flame_helmet, ROCItems.flame_chestplate, ROCItems.flame_leggings, ROCItems.flame_boots, ROCItems.flame_stone);
	RecipeHelper.addArmorRecipe(ROCItems.neptunite_helmet, ROCItems.neptunite_chestplate, ROCItems.neptunite_leggings, ROCItems.neptunite_boots, ROCItems.neptunite_ingot);
	RecipeHelper.addArmorRecipe(ROCItems.aquatic_helmet, ROCItems.aquatic_chestplate, ROCItems.aquatic_leggings, ROCItems.aquatic_boots, ROCItems.aquatic_orb);
	RecipeHelper.addArmorRecipe(ROCItems.osmaralt_helmet, ROCItems.osmaralt_chestplate, ROCItems.osmaralt_leggings, ROCItems.osmaralt_boots, ROCItems.osmaralt_ingot);
	RecipeHelper.addArmorRecipe(ROCItems.fractonite_helmet, ROCItems.fractonite_chestplate, ROCItems.fractonite_leggings, ROCItems.fractonite_boots, ROCItems.fractonite_stone);

	RecipeHelper.addToolRecipe(ROCItems.heliotrope_sword, ROCItems.heliotrope_pickaxe, ROCItems.heliotrope_axe, ROCItems.heliotrope_shovel, ROCItems.heliotrope_bow, ROCItems.heliotrope_arrow, ROCItems.heliotrope);
	RecipeHelper.addToolRecipe(ROCItems.citronite_sword, ROCItems.citronite_pickaxe, ROCItems.citronite_axe, ROCItems.citronite_shovel, ROCItems.citronite_bow, ROCItems.citronite_arrow, ROCItems.citronite_stone);
	RecipeHelper.addToolRecipe(ROCItems.xylite_sword, ROCItems.xylite_pickaxe, ROCItems.xylite_axe, ROCItems.xylite_shovel, ROCItems.xylite_bow, ROCItems.xylite_arrow, ROCItems.xylite_ingot);
	RecipeHelper.addToolRecipe(ROCItems.flame_sword, ROCItems.flame_pickaxe, ROCItems.flame_axe, ROCItems.flame_shovel, ROCItems.flamestone_bow, ROCItems.flamestone_arrow, ROCItems.flame_stone, Items.lava_bucket);
	RecipeHelper.addToolRecipe(ROCItems.neptunite_sword, ROCItems.neptunite_pickaxe, ROCItems.neptunite_axe, ROCItems.neptunite_shovel, ROCItems.neptunite_bow, ROCItems.neptunite_arrow, ROCItems.neptunite_ingot, ROCItems.fish_scale);
	RecipeHelper.addToolRecipe(ROCItems.aquatic_sword, ROCItems.aquatic_pickaxe, ROCItems.aquatic_axe, ROCItems.aquatic_shovel, ROCItems.aquatic_bow, ROCItems.aquatic_arrow, ROCItems.aquatic_orb, ROCItems.fish_scale);
	RecipeHelper.addToolRecipe(ROCItems.osmaralt_sword, ROCItems.osmaralt_pickaxe, ROCItems.osmaralt_axe, ROCItems.osmaralt_shovel, ROCItems.osmaralt_bow, ROCItems.osmaralt_arrow, ROCItems.osmaralt_ingot);
	RecipeHelper.addToolRecipe(ROCItems.fractonite_sword, ROCItems.fractonite_pickaxe, ROCItems.fractonite_axe, ROCItems.fractonite_shovel, ROCItems.fractonite_bow, ROCItems.fractonite_arrow, ROCItems.fractonite_stone);

	RecipeHelper.addStoneRecipe(ROCBlocks.ocean_stone, ROCBlocks.oceanstone_bricks, ROCBlocks.oceanstone_slab, ROCBlocks.oceanstone_stairs, ROCBlocks.oceanstone_brick_slab, ROCBlocks.ocean_cobblestone, ROCBlocks.ocean_cobblestone_slab, ROCBlocks.ocean_cobblestone_stairs, ROCBlocks.oceanstone_brick_stairs);
	RecipeHelper.addStoneRecipe(ROCBlocks.frozen_stone, ROCBlocks.frozen_stone_bricks, ROCBlocks.frozen_stone_slab, ROCBlocks.frozen_stone_stairs, ROCBlocks.frozen_stone_brick_slab, ROCBlocks.frozen_cobblestone, ROCBlocks.frozen_cobblestone_slab, ROCBlocks.frozen_cobblestone_stairs, ROCBlocks.frozen_stone_brick_stairs);

	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.fish_scale, 2), new Object[]{"F", 'F', Items.fish});
	GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.miso_soup), new Object[]{ROCItems.dried_seaweed, ROCItems.dried_seaweed, ROCItems.dried_seaweed, ROCItems.soybean, ROCItems.soybean, ROCItems.soybean, ROCItems.soybean, ROCItems.soybean, Items.bowl});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.tofu, 3), new Object[]{"SSS", "SWS", "SSS", 'S', ROCItems.soybean, 'W', Items.water_bucket});
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.scorpius_crystal), new Object[]{"SSS", "SXS", "SSS", 'S', ROCItems.scorpion_stone, 'X', ROCBlocks.xylite_block});
	GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(ROCItems.soymilk), new Object[]{Items.water_bucket, ROCItems.soybean, ROCItems.soybean});

    	ExtractorRecipes.addItemRecipe(ROCItems.xylite_crystal, new ItemStack(ROCItems.xylite_ingot), 50.0f);
    	ExtractorRecipes.addItemRecipe(Item.getItemFromBlock(ROCBlocks.neptunite_ore), new ItemStack(ROCItems.neptunite_ingot), 40.0f);
    	ExtractorRecipes.addItemRecipe(Item.getItemFromBlock(ROCBlocks.ocean_stone), new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(ROCBlocks.ocean_glass)), 10.0f);
    	ExtractorRecipes.addItemRecipe(Item.getItemFromBlock(ROCBlocks.osmaralt_ore), new ItemStack(ROCItems.osmaralt_ingot), 50f);
    	ExtractorRecipes.addItemRecipe(Item.getItemFromBlock(ROCBlocks.fractonite_ore), new ItemStack(ROCItems.fractonite_stone), 65f);
    	GameRegistry.addSmelting(ROCBlocks.heliotrope_ore, new ItemStack(ROCItems.heliotrope), 30.0f);
    	GameRegistry.addSmelting(ROCItems.raw_scorpion, new ItemStack(ROCItems.cooked_scorpion), 20.0f);
    	GameRegistry.addSmelting(ROCItems.seaweed, new ItemStack(ROCItems.dried_seaweed), 10);

Check out my mod, Realms of Chaos, here.


If I helped you, be sure to press the "Thank You" button!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Realms of Chaos Alpha 1.1 for Minecraft 1.8 has been released! It has a couple new features (like a cool display case block). Note: until Forge updates, the dimensions and all of the armor will be missing. Sorry about this. Also, I have made the mod a coremod since some features in 1.8 (like bows' icons changing when they are pulled) are now hardcoded. Enjoy the mod!

Check out my mod, Realms of Chaos, here.


If I helped you, be sure to press the "Thank You" button!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you using 1.7.10 or 1.8? This is a known issue for 1.8, since I cant add the armor until Forge is released (I'll fix the crash by removing the recipes temporarily). If you are using 1.7.10, post your crash log. Thanks for the feedback!

Check out my mod, Realms of Chaos, here.


If I helped you, be sure to press the "Thank You" button!

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I'm using Forge Mod Loader (FML) and Minecraft Coder Pack 9.05, dropped it into my mods folder and created a new world in survival. I'm totally new to modding so other than that I didn't actually DO anything. It runs completely smooth with the exception of the crashes from when I tried to touch/craft any armor (even iron but not leather or diamond, they are good to go). I even found some xylite finally  :D I really haven't had a chance to test other items as I really only play survival and have not found much yet and have no recipes. Thanks for the heads up about the citronite!

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-Soybeans are not able to be planted in tilled soil (or any other as far as I can tell)


-Charwood trees/logs cut with pickaxe but planks are cut with axe


-Citronite is a PAIN IN THE ASS to find, I see it being rare but I just got enough for an extractor and I play A LOT and have been mining for it basically since I have been posting


Also could you post extractor recipes?



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