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[1.6.4] [SOLVED] Custom Tree Branches & Custom Leaf Patterns on Tree


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Hi, I have been making a mod for quite some time & I am trying to create multiple custom trees. I want to make my trees unique by adding custom branches and leaf patterns, however I do not know how to do that. Can someone please help. Thanks




Code ModSaplings:






Code ModWorldGenBananaTree:






Bye the way, do I need a ModWorldGenTrees Class that contains all of my trees or not?


And just to answer this question before you guys ask it.

No I cannot upgrade to newer versions. This is all I have got.

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What I mean is you know how the spruce trees have different leaf designs than the oak trees. Like the oak trees just have a top and the spruce trees have two layers of leaves, one in the middle and one near the top. I want my tree to have a custom design of leaf patterns for my tree. Also you know how there is custom branches in the big oak tree, I want some of those branches in some of my trees.




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No I don't need help with updating to another version it's just I learned how to make a basic mod from youth digital & I downloaded my modding program from them (which is a modified version of minecraft forge) so I cannot update my version until they update their version of minecraft forge. So I am stuck with 1.6.4.

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OK so for the tree itself just look into the BlockLeave class and there should be something about the foliage


and if you go into "net.minecraft.world.gen.feature" there should be a class called WorldGenBigTree.class so that should contain how the big oak tree grows and the branches on it.  Hope this helped :D 

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I think it has to do with the world gen tree class. I looked at the world gen taiga class and the world gen tree class at the same time and I found several differences but I do not understand some of the code. Because of that I do not know where to put the code so I can customize my trees so that they look unique.

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True Story...


The first language i fully understood was... Casio Basic, the uglyest and slowest thing in the world, but quite simple and easy to learn the basics...


looking at java... highly complicated mess of weirdness...


looking at minecaft/forge... badly coded, hacked together, badly documented ball of mud...


not the perfect thing to begin with. Heck, even a standalone java game is probably less confusing!

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