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1.7.10 Forge Server Crashing

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My server doesn't launch. Here's the log:

[16:52:36] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
[16:52:36] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
[16:52:36] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
[16:52:37] [main/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.7.10 loading
[16:52:37] [main/INFO] [FML]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_75, running on Windows 7:amd64:6.1, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jre7
[16:52:37] [main/INFO] [FML]: [AppEng] Core Init
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.CodeChickenCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod cofh.asm.LoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod mods.immibis.core.ICCoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod ic2.core.coremod.IC2core does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod invtweaks.forge.asm.FMLPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod mekanism.common.asm.LoadingHook does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod mrtjp.core.handler.CorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod openblocks.OpenBlocksCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod openmods.core.OpenModsCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod xreliquary.common.asm.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod portablejim.veinminer.asm.VeinMinerCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[16:52:40] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[16:52:40] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
[16:52:40] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[16:52:40] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[16:52:40] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:43] [main/INFO] [FML]: Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft Forge. Certificate fingerprint e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557
[16:52:43] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:43] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:43] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:43] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:43] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:43] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:43] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:43] [main/INFO] [iC2-core]: Loaded library EJML-core-0.26.jar.
[16:52:43] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:43] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:43] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:44] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:44] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:44] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:44] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:44] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:44] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:45] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:45] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
[16:52:45] [main/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [cofh.asm.CoFHAccessTransformer:readMappingFile:40]: Adding Accesstransformer map: CoFH_at.cfg
[16:52:46] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[16:52:46] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
[16:52:46] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
[16:52:48] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer}
[16:52:51] [server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.7.10
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [MinecraftForge]: Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: MinecraftForge v10.13.3.1388 Initialized
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Replaced 183 ore recipies
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Preloading CrashReport classes
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.World$1
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.World$2
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.World$3
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.World$4
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk$1
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$1
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$2
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$3
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.entity.Entity$1
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.entity.Entity$2
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker$1
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.gen.layer.GenLayer$1
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.gen.layer.GenLayer$2
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer$1
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenStructure$1
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenStructure$2
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenStructure$3
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$3
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$4
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$5
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound$1
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound$2
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer$2
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.network.NetworkSystem$3
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity$1
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity$2
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity$3
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$1
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$2
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$3
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$4
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$5
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$6
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$7
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$8
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$9
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer$3
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer$4
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [MinecraftForge]: Completed early MinecraftForge initialization
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: [AppEng] Core Init
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Searching C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\Server\mods for mods
[16:52:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Also searching C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\Server\mods\1.7.10 for mods
[16:52:53] [server thread/WARN] [DamageIndicatorsMod]: Mod DamageIndicatorsMod is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 3.2.3
[16:52:55] [server thread/WARN] [ChiselFacades]: Mod ChiselFacades is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.7.10-2.10-cricket
[16:52:55] [server thread/INFO] [debug]: Mod debug is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting debug
[16:52:55] [server thread/WARN] [debug]: Mod debug is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
[16:52:56] [server thread/WARN] [EnderStorage]: Mod EnderStorage is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[16:52:56] [server thread/WARN] [ExtraUtilities]: Mod ExtraUtilities is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.2.5
[16:52:58] [server thread/WARN] [neiintegration]: Mod neiintegration is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.0.9
[16:52:59] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Core]: Mod ProjRed|Core is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[16:52:59] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Compatibility]: Mod ProjRed|Compatibility is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[16:52:59] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Integration]: Mod ProjRed|Integration is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[16:52:59] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Transmission]: Mod ProjRed|Transmission is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[16:52:59] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Illumination]: Mod ProjRed|Illumination is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[16:52:59] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Expansion]: Mod ProjRed|Expansion is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[16:52:59] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Transportation]: Mod ProjRed|Transportation is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[16:52:59] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Exploration]: Mod ProjRed|Exploration is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[16:52:59] [server thread/WARN] [simplyjetpacks]: Mod simplyjetpacks is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.4.1
[16:53:00] [server thread/WARN] [ThermalSmeltery]: Mod ThermalSmeltery is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.7.10-1.2.1
[16:53:00] [server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroblock]: Mod ForgeMicroblock is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[16:53:00] [server thread/WARN] [ForgeMultipart]: Mod ForgeMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[16:53:00] [server thread/WARN] [McMultipart]: Mod McMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[16:53:01] [server thread/WARN] [MrTJPCoreMod]: Mod MrTJPCoreMod is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[16:53:01] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader has identified 126 mods to load
[16:53:01] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [ExtraUtilities] containing declared API package baubles.api (owned by Baubles) without associated API reference
[16:53:01] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [EnderIO] containing declared API package mekanism.api.transmitters (owned by Mekanism) without associated API reference
[16:53:01] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [EnderIO] containing declared API package com.cricketcraft.chisel.api (owned by Chisel) without associated API reference
[16:53:01] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [stevesAddons] containing declared API package mcp.mobius.waila.api (owned by Waila) without associated API reference
[16:53:01] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [recycling] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
[16:53:01] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [exastris] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
[16:53:01] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [simplyjetpacks] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
[16:53:01] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [EnderIO] containing declared API package mekanism.api (owned by Mekanism) without associated API reference
[16:53:01] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [EnderIO] containing declared API package mekanism.api.gas (owned by Mekanism) without associated API reference
[16:53:03] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file COFHLIB-[1.7.10]1.0.2-160.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[16:53:03] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file INDUSTRIALCRAFT-2-2.2.727-EXPERIMENTAL-API.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[16:53:03] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[16:53:03] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, appliedenergistics2-core, CodeChickenCore, NotEnoughItems, VeinMiner_coremod, OpenModsCore, <CoFH ASM>, DamageIndicatorsMod, AdvancedMachines, ae2stuff, arsmagica2, AnimationAPI, appliedenergistics2, ArchimedesShips, asielib, bdlib, BigReactors, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Factory, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Compat, bcadditions, CarpentersBlocks, chisel, ChiselFacades, CoFHCore, CompactMachines, ComputerCraft, computronics, debug, denseores, DraconicEvolution, EnderIO, EnderStorage, eureka, exastris, exnihilo, extracells, ExtraTiC, ExtraUtilities, advgenerators, HydCraft, IC2NuclearControl, ImmibisCore, ImmibisPeripherals, IC2, inventorytweaks, iridiummod, IronChest, JABBA, k4lib, magicalcrops, Mantle, Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, MekanismTools, Metallurgy, MetallurgyCore, meteors, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTConstruct, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineTweaker3, morechisels, NEIAddons, NEIAddons|AppEng, NEIAddons|Botany, NEIAddons|Forestry, NEIAddons|CraftingTables, NEIAddons|ExNihilo, neiintegration, NetherOres, OpenBlocks, OpenMods, ProjRed|Core, ProjRed|Compatibility, ProjRed|Integration, ProjRed|Transmission, ProjRed|Illumination, ProjRed|Expansion, ProjRed|Transportation, ProjRed|Exploration, xreliquary, simplyjetpacks, StevesAddons, StevesCarts, StevesFactoryManager, StevesWorkshop, TConstruct, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, ThermalFoundation, recycling, ThermalSmeltery, VeinMiner, VeinMinerModSupport, Waila, WailaHarvestability, WailaNBT, weaponmod, ForgeMicroblock, ForgeMultipart, McMultipart, libsandstone, MrTJPCoreMod] at CLIENT
[16:53:03] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, appliedenergistics2-core, CodeChickenCore, NotEnoughItems, VeinMiner_coremod, OpenModsCore, <CoFH ASM>, DamageIndicatorsMod, AdvancedMachines, ae2stuff, arsmagica2, AnimationAPI, appliedenergistics2, ArchimedesShips, asielib, bdlib, BigReactors, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Factory, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Compat, bcadditions, CarpentersBlocks, chisel, ChiselFacades, CoFHCore, CompactMachines, ComputerCraft, computronics, debug, denseores, DraconicEvolution, EnderIO, EnderStorage, eureka, exastris, exnihilo, extracells, ExtraTiC, ExtraUtilities, advgenerators, HydCraft, IC2NuclearControl, ImmibisCore, ImmibisPeripherals, IC2, inventorytweaks, iridiummod, IronChest, JABBA, k4lib, magicalcrops, Mantle, Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, MekanismTools, Metallurgy, MetallurgyCore, meteors, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTConstruct, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineTweaker3, morechisels, NEIAddons, NEIAddons|AppEng, NEIAddons|Botany, NEIAddons|Forestry, NEIAddons|CraftingTables, NEIAddons|ExNihilo, neiintegration, NetherOres, OpenBlocks, OpenMods, ProjRed|Core, ProjRed|Compatibility, ProjRed|Integration, ProjRed|Transmission, ProjRed|Illumination, ProjRed|Expansion, ProjRed|Transportation, ProjRed|Exploration, xreliquary, simplyjetpacks, StevesAddons, StevesCarts, StevesFactoryManager, StevesWorkshop, TConstruct, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, ThermalFoundation, recycling, ThermalSmeltery, VeinMiner, VeinMinerModSupport, Waila, WailaHarvestability, WailaNBT, weaponmod, ForgeMicroblock, ForgeMultipart, McMultipart, libsandstone, MrTJPCoreMod] at SERVER
[16:53:04] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.Container
[16:53:06] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mods.immibis.core.ImmibisCore:initPreferredEnergySystem:163]: [immibis Core] Preferred energy system set to: ic2
[16:53:11] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerWorkbench
[16:53:11] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerRepair
[16:53:13] [server thread/INFO] [Draconic Evolution]: Hello Minecraft!!!
[16:53:13] [server thread/INFO] [TConstruct]: Preparing to take over the world
[16:53:15] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: =============================================================
[16:53:15] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Offendor: thirdParty/truetyper/TrueTypeFont.loadImage(Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage;)I
[16:53:15] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead
[16:53:15] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: =============================================================
[16:53:18] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Processing ObjectHolder annotations
[16:53:19] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found 518 ObjectHolder annotations
[16:53:20] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
[16:53:23] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Pre Initialization ( started )
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: func_145839_a(Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)V - Transformed
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: func_145841_b(Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)V - Transformed
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface ic2.api.energy.tile.IEnergySink from appeng/tile/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Removing Interface Reika.RotaryCraft.API.Power.AdvancedShaftPowerReceiver from appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft because RotaryCraft integration is disabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Removing Interface Reika.RotaryCraft.API.Interfaces.Transducerable from appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft because RotaryCraft integration is disabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Removing Method Tick_RotaryCraft from appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft because RotaryCraft integration is disabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Updated appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface cofh.api.energy.IEnergyReceiver from appeng/tile/powersink/RedstoneFlux because RF integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface mekanism.api.energy.IStrictEnergyAcceptor from appeng/tile/powersink/MekJoules because Mekanism integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api.rednet.connectivity.IRedNetConnection from appeng/block/networking/BlockCableBus because MFR integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Method getConnectionType from appeng/block/networking/BlockCableBus because MFR integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface buildcraft.api.tools.IToolWrench from appeng/items/tools/quartz/ToolQuartzWrench because BC integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface ic2.api.item.ISpecialElectricItem from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface ic2.api.item.IElectricItemManager from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Method getManager from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface cofh.api.energy.IEnergyContainerItem from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/RedstoneFlux because RFItem integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface buildcraft.api.tools.IToolWrench from appeng/items/tools/ToolNetworkTool because BC integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface buildcraft.api.transport.IPipeConnection from appeng/parts/misc/PartStorageBus because BC integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Method overridePipeConnection from appeng/parts/misc/PartStorageBus because BC integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface buildcraft.api.transport.IPipeConnection from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PItems because BC integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Method overridePipeConnection from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PItems because BC integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface ic2.api.energy.tile.IEnergySink from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PIC2Power because IC2 integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface ic2.api.energy.tile.IEnergySource from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PIC2Power because IC2 integration is enabled.
[16:53:24] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface cofh.api.energy.IEnergyReceiver from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PRFPower because RF integration is enabled.
[16:53:25] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Starting AE2 VersionChecker
[16:53:25] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Pre Initialization ( ended after 1940ms )
[16:53:25] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: bdlib loaded
[16:53:25] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Raw channel stable did not contain any of the pre-programmed types.
[16:53:25] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at appeng.services.version.VersionParser.parseChannel(VersionParser.java:117)
[16:53:25] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at appeng.services.version.VersionParser.parseVersion(VersionParser.java:72)
[16:53:25] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at appeng.services.version.VersionParser.parse(VersionParser.java:34)
[16:53:25] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at appeng.services.version.ModVersionFetcher.get(ModVersionFetcher.java:34)
[16:53:25] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at appeng.services.VersionChecker.processInterval(VersionChecker.java:106)
[16:53:25] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at appeng.services.VersionChecker.run(VersionChecker.java:86)
[16:53:25] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[16:53:25] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Initialized network channel 'bdew.multiblock' for mod 'bdlib'
[16:53:26] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading internal config files for mod AE2 Stuff
[16:53:26] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/AE2STUFF-!/assets/ae2stuff/config/tuning.cfg
[16:53:27] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/AE2STUFF-!/assets/ae2stuff/config/recipes.cfg
[16:53:27] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading user config files for mod AE2 Stuff
[16:53:27] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Config loading for mod AE2 Stuff finished
[16:53:27] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loaded creative tabs for ae2stuff
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica >> Extending Potions Array
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica >> injecting potions starting from index 32
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Attempting to set enchantment magic_resist to ID 100 (configured currently as 100)
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Successfully registered enchanment!
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Attempting to set enchantment soulbound to ID 101 (configured currently as 101)
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Successfully registered enchanment!
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_phy
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_drn
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_fall
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_exp
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_fire
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_frst
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_mage
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_litn
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: mn_reg
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: bn_red
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: soulbnd
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: fl_lure
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: mg_xp
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: pp_ore
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: mg_gog
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: tc_nrv
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: stp_up
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: run_spd
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dispel
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: fallprot
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: fireprot
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: freedom
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: healing
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: hungerup
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: highjump
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: lifesave
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: lightstep
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: minespd
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: recoil
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: swimspd
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: wtrbrth
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: wtrwalk
[16:53:28] [server thread/INFO] [CoFHWorld]: Registering Default Templates.
[16:53:29] [server thread/INFO] [CoFHWorld]: Registering default generators
[16:53:29] [server thread/INFO] [CoFHWorld]: Complete
[16:53:29] [server thread/INFO] [ThermalFoundation]: Loading Plugins...
[16:53:29] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [cofh.thermalfoundation.plugins.mfr.MFRPlugin:preInit:14]: should work
[16:53:29] [server thread/INFO] [ThermalFoundation]: Finished Loading Plugins.
[16:53:30] [server thread/INFO] [ThermalExpansion]: Loading Plugins...
[16:53:30] [server thread/INFO] [ThermalExpansion]: Finished Loading Plugins.
[16:53:30] [server thread/INFO] [ThermalExpansion]: There are no crafting files present in C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\Server\config\cofh\thermalexpansion\crafting.
[16:53:30] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft]: Starting BuildCraft 6.4.16
[16:53:30] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft]: Copyright (c) SpaceToad, 2011-2015
[16:53:30] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft]: http://www.mod-buildcraft.com
[16:53:32] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'Buildcraft' activated.
[16:53:32] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'Eureka' activated.
[16:53:32] [server thread/ERROR] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'Framez' is missing a dependency: 'framez'! This module will not be loaded.
[16:53:32] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'Metals' activated.
[16:53:32] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'MineTweaker' activated.
[16:53:32] [server thread/ERROR] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'Railcraft' is missing a dependency: 'Railcraft'! This module will not be loaded.
[16:53:32] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'Waila' activated.
[16:53:33] [Thread-7/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Trying to get the special list file...
[16:53:33] [Thread-7/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully downloaded and read the special list file!
[16:53:33] [server thread/INFO] [CarpentersBlocks]: Designs found: Bed(6), Chisel(9), FlowerPot(18), Tile(13)
[16:53:35] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Starting pre-init...
[16:53:35] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Loading blocks...
[16:53:35] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature amber as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[16:53:35] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature arcane as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[16:53:35] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature bloodRune as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[16:53:35] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature bloodBlock as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature railcraft as its required mod Railcraft was missing.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcAbyssalBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcBleachedBone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcBloodStained as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcFrostBoundBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcInfernalStone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcQuarriedBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcSandyStone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tallow as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature twilghtForest as its required mod TwilightForest was missing.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfMazestone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfTowerstone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfUnderBrick as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature thaumium as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: 87 Feature's blocks loaded.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Loading Tile Entities...
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Tile Entities loaded.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Loading items...
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature amber as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature arcane as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature bloodRune as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature bloodBlock as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature railcraft as its required mod Railcraft was missing.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcAbyssalBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcBleachedBone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcBloodStained as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcFrostBoundBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcInfernalStone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcQuarriedBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcSandyStone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tallow as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature twilghtForest as its required mod TwilightForest was missing.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfMazestone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfTowerstone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfUnderBrick as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature thaumium as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: 87 Feature's items loaded.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Pre-init finished.
[16:53:36] [server thread/INFO] [Compact Machines]: Registering dimension 3 on server side
[16:53:40] [server thread/INFO] [EnderIO]: XP Juice regististration left to Open Blocks.
[16:53:41] [server thread/INFO] [computronics]: Multiperipheral system for ComputerCraft engaged. Hooray!
[16:53:41] [server thread/INFO] [computronics]: Multiple mods registering peripherals for the same block now won't be a problem anymore.
[16:53:42] [server thread/INFO] [Draconic Evolution]: Finished PreInitialization
[16:53:43] [server thread/INFO] [Mantle]: Mantle (1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins184) -- Preparing for launch.
[16:53:43] [server thread/INFO] [Mantle]: Entering preinitialization phase.
[16:53:43] [server thread/INFO] [Mantle]: Loading configuration from disk.
[16:53:43] [server thread/INFO] [Mantle]: Configuration load completed.
[16:53:43] [server thread/INFO] [PulseManager-TConstruct]: Skipping Pulse Tinkers Thaumcraft Compatibility; missing dependency: Thaumcraft
[16:53:43] [server thread/INFO] [PulseManager-TConstruct]: Skipping Pulse Tinkers Mystcraft Compatibility; missing dependency: Mystcraft
[16:53:43] [server thread/INFO] [PulseManager-TConstruct]: Skipping Pulse Tinkers' Underground Biomes Compatiblity; missing dependency: UndergroundBiomes
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Hello World
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketAngelRingNotifier with discriminator: 0
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketGUIWidget with discriminator: 1
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketParticle with discriminator: 2
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketParticleEvent with discriminator: 3
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketPlaySound with discriminator: 4
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketRain with discriminator: 5
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketUseItemAlt with discriminator: 6
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketVillager with discriminator: 7
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketVillagerReturn with discriminator: 8
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketYoink with discriminator: 9
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:extractor_base_remote.0 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:extractor_base_remote.6 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing item.extrautils:nodeUpgrade.5 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing item.extrautils:nodeUpgrade.6 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:magnumTorch will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:endMarker will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:extractor_base.12 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:enderQuarryUpgrade.0 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[16:53:46] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:extractor_base.13 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeGlove to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeMicroBlocks to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeSoul to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeMagicalWood to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeCustomOres to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeFilterInvert to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeEnchantCrafting to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeHorseTransmutation to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeUnsigil to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeUnEnchanting to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeUnstableIngotCrafting to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeUnstableNuggetCrafting to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeUnstableCrafting to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeDifficultySpecific to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeBagDye to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeGBEnchanting to RecipeSorter
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: Metallurgy Detected
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: Mekanism Detected
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: Applied Energistics Detected
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: Thaumic Integration / Thermal Smeltery Detected
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: Dragonic Evolution Detected
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: EnderIO Detected
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: BigReactors Detected
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: ExtraUtils Detected
[16:53:47] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: Thermal Foundation Detected
[16:53:48] [server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: IC2 Version: IC2 2.2.727-experimental
[16:53:48] [server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: RF Version: CoFHAPI 1.7.10R1.0.0
[16:53:48] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading internal config files for mod Advanced Generators
[16:53:48] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/GENERATORS-!/assets/advgenerators/config/generators.cfg
[16:53:48] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/GENERATORS-!/assets/advgenerators/config/recipes.cfg
[16:53:48] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/GENERATORS-!/assets/advgenerators/config/turbine.cfg
[16:53:48] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/GENERATORS-!/assets/advgenerators/config/exchanger.cfg
[16:53:48] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/GENERATORS-!/assets/advgenerators/config/syngas.cfg
[16:53:48] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading user config files for mod Advanced Generators
[16:53:48] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Config loading for mod Advanced Generators finished
[16:53:48] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loaded creative tabs for advgenerators
[16:53:49] [server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Fluid 'syngas' not registered by any other mod, creating...
[16:53:49] [server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Adding block for fluid 'syngas'
[16:53:49] [server thread/INFO] [HydCraft]: Hydraulicraft Starting!
[16:53:51] [server thread/INFO] [meteors]: Baubles not found. Baubles integration disabled.
[16:53:51] [server thread/INFO] [meteors]: Thaumcraft not found. Thaumcraft integration disabled.
[16:53:51] [server thread/INFO] [More Chisels]: Logging is go!
[16:53:51] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons|AppEng]: Version check success: appliedenergistics2 required / rv2-stable-3 detected
[16:53:51] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons|Botany]: Wrong side: SERVER, Botany Addon not loading
[16:53:51] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry]: Required mod Forestry is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable
[16:53:51] [server thread/ERROR] [NEIAddons|Forestry]: Requirements unmet, Forestry Addon not loading
[16:53:51] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables]: Wrong side: SERVER, Crafting Tables Addon not loading
[16:53:51] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons|ExNihilo]: Wrong side: SERVER, Ex Nihilo Addon not loading
[16:53:51] [server thread/INFO] [neiintegration]: Starting NEI Integration
[16:53:51] [server thread/INFO] [neiintegration]: Loading configuration files
[16:53:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerPlayer
[16:53:53] [server thread/WARN] [Project Red]: Failed to load PR Plugin: Treecapitator gem axe compatibility
[16:53:53] [server thread/WARN] [Project Red]: Failed to load PR Plugin: CPT Colored Lights Compat for Illumination lighting
[16:53:54] [server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Starting Simply Jetpacks
[16:53:54] [server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Loading configuration files
[16:53:54] [server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Constructing items
[16:53:54] [server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering items
[16:53:54] [server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering handlers
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformer to vswe.stevesfactory.blocks.BlockCableCluster
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied CREATE_TE transformer
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformers to vswe.stevesfactory.blocks.TileEntityManager
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied ACTIVATE_TRIGGER transformer
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied MANAGER_INIT transformer
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied UPDATE_ENTITY transformer
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformers to vswe.stevesfactory.blocks.TileEntityCluster
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied PUBLIC_PAIR transformer
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied GET_PUBLIC_REGISTRATIONS transformer
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformers to vswe.stevesfactory.blocks.TileEntityRFCluster
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied GET_REGISTRATIONS transformer
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied GET_RF_NODE transformer
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformer to vswe.stevesfactory.blocks.ConnectionBlockType
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied IS_INSTANCE transformer
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformer to vswe.stevesfactory.components.ComponentMenuInterval
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformer to vswe.stevesfactory.components.ComponentMenuItem
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformers to vswe.stevesfactory.components.ComponentMenuContainerTypes
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied WRITE_TO_NBT transformer
[16:53:55] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied READ_FROM_NBT transformer
[16:53:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
[16:53:57] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:cobblestoneWall for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockMarbleWall com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.cobblestoneWall. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:53:57] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:obsidian2 for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.obsidian2. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:53:57] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:arcane for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.arcane. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:53:57] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:thaumium for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.thaumium. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:53:57] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:tallow for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.tallow. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:53:57] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:bloodRune for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.bloodRune. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:53:57] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:bloodBrick for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.bloodBrick. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:53:57] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup CompactMachines:interfaceblock for public static org.dave.CompactMachines.block.BlockCM org.dave.CompactMachines.init.ModBlocks.interfaceblock. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:53:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
[16:53:57] [server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
[16:53:57] [server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
[16:53:57] [server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[16:53:57] [server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
[16:53:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerEnchantment
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Initialization ( started )
[16:53:58] [server thread/WARN] [AE2:S]: Unable to register a recipe:Unable to find item: appliedenergistics2:ItemMaterial.WoodenGear:0
[16:53:58] [server thread/WARN] [AE2:S]: Unable to register a recipe:Unable to find item: appliedenergistics2:ItemMaterial.IronNugget:0
[16:53:58] [server thread/WARN] [AE2:S]: Unable to register a recipe:Unable to find item: appliedenergistics2:ItemMaterial.GoldDust:0
[16:53:58] [server thread/WARN] [AE2:S]: Unable to register a recipe:Unable to find item: appliedenergistics2:ItemMaterial.IronDust:0
[16:53:58] [server thread/WARN] [AE2:S]: Unable to register a recipe:Unable to find item: appliedenergistics2:ItemMaterial.Silicon:0
[16:53:58] [server thread/WARN] [AE2:S]: Unable to register a recipe:Unable to find item: appliedenergistics2:ItemMaterial.Silicon:0
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Macerator: 8 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Pulverizer: 9 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Shapeless: 55 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Inscribe: 8 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: HCCrusher: 9 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: MekCrusher: 3 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Smelt: 2 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Crusher: 9 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: OreRegistration: 12 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Grind: 4 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: MekEnrichment: 2 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: GrindFZ: 7 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Press: 3 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Shaped: 202 loaded.
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Initialization ( ended after 440ms )
[16:53:58] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Initialized network channel 'bdew.ae2stuff' for mod 'ae2stuff'
[16:53:58] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Redundant call to BiomeDictionary.registerAllBiomes ignored
[16:53:59] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Unregistered spell part in skill trees: am2.spell.components.MeltArmor@669f9679
[16:53:59] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Unregistered spell part in skill trees: am2.spell.components.ScrambleSynapses@77501691
[16:53:59] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Unregistered spell part in skill trees: am2.spell.components.Nauseate@2af9c6c9
[16:53:59] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Initializing API Hooks...
[16:53:59] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Finished API Initialization
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 1, Name: Iron, Color multiplier: 13815497, Dust type: Metal
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 2, Name: Gold, Color multiplier: 16310039, Dust type: Metal
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 3, Name: Diamond, Color multiplier: 1305852, Dust type: Gem
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 55, Name: Emerald, Color multiplier: 45112, Dust type: Gem
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 56, Name: Coal, Color multiplier: 1776411, Dust type: Coal
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 57, Name: Charcoal, Color multiplier: 5458234, Dust type: Charcoal
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 58, Name: Obsidian, Color multiplier: 1511716, Dust type: Obsidian
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 59, Name: EnderPearl, Color multiplier: 1072721, Dust type: Ender Pearl
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 60, Name: NetherQuartz, Color multiplier: 14404799, Dust type: Nether Quartz
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 83, Name: GildedRedMetal, Color multiplier: 16739867, Dust type: Metal
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: oreRedstone Output: 10xitem.redstone@0
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: oreCoal Output: 2xitem.coal@0
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: oreLapis Output: 12xitem.dyePowder@4
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: oreQuartz Output: 2xitem.netherquartz@0
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: stone Output: 1xtile.gravel@0
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: cobblestone Output: 1xtile.sand@0
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: oreDiamond Output: 2xitem.diamond@0
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: oreEmerald Output: 2xitem.emerald@0
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: 1xitem.blazeRod@0 Output: 4xitem.blazePowder@0
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Starting init...
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Loading recipes...
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature amber as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature arcane as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature bloodRune as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature bloodBlock as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature railcraft as its required mod Railcraft was missing.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcAbyssalBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcBleachedBone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcBloodStained as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcFrostBoundBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcInfernalStone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcQuarriedBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcSandyStone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tallow as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature twilghtForest as its required mod TwilightForest was missing.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfMazestone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfTowerstone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfUnderBrick as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature thaumium as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: 87 Feature's recipes loaded.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Init finished.
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [ChiselFacades]: Creating Facades...
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [ChiselFacades]: Old pillars disabled, adding Pillar slab Facades
[16:54:01] [server thread/INFO] [ChiselFacades]: Successfully created Facades for 36 Chisel block variations
[16:54:04] [server thread/INFO] [Compact Machines]: Creating new Entangle Registry
[16:54:13] [server thread/INFO] [Mantle]: Entering initialization phase.
[16:54:15] [server thread/ERROR] [exastris]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod exastris since required dependency exnihilo has errored
[16:54:17] [server thread/ERROR] [ExtraTiC]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod ExtraTiC since required dependency TConstruct has errored
[16:54:24] [server thread/ERROR] [MekanismGenerators]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod MekanismGenerators since required dependency Mekanism has errored
[16:54:24] [server thread/ERROR] [MekanismTools]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod MekanismTools since required dependency Mekanism has errored
[16:54:25] [server thread/ERROR] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft since required dependency MineFactoryReloaded has errored
[16:54:34] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons]: Loading NEI Addons
[16:54:34] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons]: Loading Applied Energistics 2 Addon...
[16:54:46] [server thread/ERROR] [stevesAddons]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod StevesAddons since required dependency StevesFactoryManager has errored
[16:54:51] [server thread/ERROR] [ThermalSmeltery]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod ThermalSmeltery since required dependency TConstruct has errored
[16:54:54] [server thread/INFO] [denseores]: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh, y'uln Dense Ores shugg ch'agl
[16:54:56] [server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Fatal errors were detected during the transition from INITIALIZATION to POSTINITIALIZATION. Loading cannot continue
[16:54:56] [server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 
mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
appliedenergistics2-core{rv2-stable-3} [AppliedEnergistics2 Core] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (NOTENOUGHITEMS-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
VeinMiner_coremod{0.27.1_build.unknown} [Core mod] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
OpenModsCore{0.7.3} [OpenModsCore] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
<CoFH ASM>{000} [CoFH ASM] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
debug{1.0} [debug] (DENSEORES-1.6.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
DamageIndicatorsMod{3.2.3} [Damage Indicators] ([1.7.10]DAMAGEINDICATORSMOD-3.2.3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
IC2{2.2.727-experimental} [industrialCraft 2] (INDUSTRIALCRAFT-2-2.2.727-EXPERIMENTAL.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ImmibisCore{59.1.0} [immibis Core] (IMMIBIS-CORE-59.1.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
AdvancedMachines{59.0.2} [Advanced Machines] (ADVANCED-MACHINES-59.0.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
appliedenergistics2{rv2-stable-3} [Applied Energistics 2] (APPLIEDENERGISTICS2-RV2-STABLE-3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
bdlib{} [bD Lib] (bdlib- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ae2stuff{} [AE2 Stuff] (AE2STUFF- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
AnimationAPI{1.2.4} [AnimationAPI] (AnimationAPI-1.7.10-1.2.4.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
arsmagica2{} [Ars Magica 2] (AM2- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ArchimedesShips{1.7.10 v1.7.1} [Archimedes' Ships] (ARCHIMEDESSHIPS-1.7.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
CoFHCore{1.7.10R3.0.2} [CoFH Core] (COFHCORE-[1.7.10]3.0.2-262.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
asielib{0.4.1} [asielib] (ASIELIB-1.7.10-0.4.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ThermalFoundation{1.7.10R1.0.0} [Thermal Foundation] (THERMALFOUNDATION-[1.7.10]1.0.0-81.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ThermalExpansion{1.7.10R4.0.1} [Thermal Expansion] (THERMALEXPANSION-[1.7.10]4.0.1-182.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BigReactors{0.4.3A} [big Reactors] (BIGREACTORS-0.4.3A.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Core{6.4.16} [buildCraft] (BUILDCRAFT-6.4.16.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Builders{6.4.16} [bC Builders] (BUILDCRAFT-6.4.16.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Energy{6.4.16} [bC Energy] (BUILDCRAFT-6.4.16.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Factory{6.4.16} [bC Factory] (BUILDCRAFT-6.4.16.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Transport{6.4.16} [bC Transport] (BUILDCRAFT-6.4.16.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Silicon{6.4.16} [bC Silicon] (BUILDCRAFT-6.4.16.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Compat{6.4.0} [buildCraft Compat] (BUILDCRAFT-COMPAT-6.4.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
eureka{3.0.2} [Eureka] (EUREKA-1.7.10-3.0.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
bcadditions{2.1.2} [buildCraft Additions] (BUILDCRAFTADDITIONS-1.7.10-2.1.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
CarpentersBlocks{3.3.6} [Carpenter's Blocks] (CARPENTERS BLOCKS V3.3.6 - MC 1.7.10.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ForgeMultipart{} [Forge Multipart] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
chisel{} [Chisel 2] (CHISEL2- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ChiselFacades{1.7.10-2.10-cricket} [Chisel Facades] (CHISELFACADES-1.7.10-2.10-CRICKET.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MrTJPCoreMod{} [MrTJPCore] (MrTJPCore-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ProjRed|Core{} [ProjectRed] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ProjRed|Transmission{} [ProjectRed-Transmission] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
Waila{1.5.10} [Waila] (Waila-1.5.10_1.7.10.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
CompactMachines{1.7.10-1.19b} [Compact Machines] (COMPACTMACHINES-1.7.10-1.19B.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ComputerCraft{1.73} [ComputerCraft] (COMPUTERCRAFT1.73.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MineFactory Reloaded] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MetallurgyCore{4.0.4} [Metallurgy Core] (METALLURGYCORE-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
Mekanism{8.1.3} [Mekanism] (MEKANISM-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
EnderIO{1.7.10-} [Ender IO] (ENDERIO-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
computronics{1.5.1} [Computronics] (COMPUTRONICS-1.7.10-1.5.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
DraconicEvolution{1.0.1c} [Draconic Evolution] (DRACONIC-EVOLUTION-1.7.10-1.0.1C.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
EnderStorage{} [EnderStorage] (ENDERSTORAGE-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
exnihilo{1.38-36} [Ex Nihilo] (Ex-Nihilo-1.38-36.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
Mantle{1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins184} [Mantle] (MANTLE-1.7.10-0.3.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
TConstruct{1.7.10-1.8.2.build858} [Tinkers' Construct] (TConstruct-1.7.10-1.8.2a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
Metallurgy{4.0.8} [Metallurgy 4] (METALLURGY-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
exastris{MC1.7.10-1.16-35} [Ex Astris] (Ex-Astris-MC1.7.10-1.16-35.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
extracells{2.2.70} [Extra Cells 2] (EXTRACELLS-1.7.10-2.2.70B119.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ExtraUtilities{1.2.5} [Extra Utilities] (EXTRAUTILITIES-1.2.5.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ExtraTiC{1.4.5} [ExtraTiC] (EXTRATIC-1.7.10-1.4.5.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
advgenerators{} [Advanced Generators] (GENERATORS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
k4lib{1.7.10-0.1.35} [K4Lib] (K4LIB-1.7.10-0.1.35-UNIVERSAL.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
HydCraft{1.7.10-2.0.87} [Hydraulicraft] (HYDCRAFT-1.7.10-2.0.87-UNIVERSAL.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
IC2NuclearControl{2.0.8c} [Nuclear Control 2] (IC2NUCLEARCONTROL-2.0.8C.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ImmibisPeripherals{59.0.2} [immibis's Peripherals] (IMMIBIS-PERIPHERALS-59.0.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
inventorytweaks{1.59-dev-156-af3bc68} [inventory Tweaks] (INVENTORYTWEAKS-1.59-DEV-156.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
iridiummod{1.0.1} [iridium Mod] (IRIDIUM MOD-1.0.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
IronChest{} [iron Chest] (IRONCHEST-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
JABBA{1.2.0b} [JABBA] (JABBA-1.2.1_1.7.10.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
magicalcrops{4.0.0_PUBLIC_BETA_3} [Magical Crops] (MAGICALCROPS-4.0.0_PUBLIC_BETA_3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MekanismGenerators{8.1.3} [MekanismGenerators] (MEKANISMGENERATORS-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MekanismTools{8.1.3} [MekanismTools] (MEKANISMTOOLS-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
meteors{2.14.1} [Falling Meteors] (METEORS-1.7.10-2.14.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Applied Energistics] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Atum] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: BackTools] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: BuildCraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Chococraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Forestry] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: IC2] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Mystcraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ProjRed|Exploration{} [ProjectRed-Exploration] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat ProjectRed] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Railcraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Thaumcraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTConstruct{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Tinkers' Construct] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: TwilightForest] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Vanilla] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MineTweaker3{3.0.9B} [MineTweaker 3] (MINETWEAKER3-1.7.10-3.0.9C.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
morechisels{@VERSION@} [More Chisels] (MORECHISELS-1.7.10-1.0-20.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
NEIAddons{} [NEI Addons] (NEIADDONS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
NEIAddons|AppEng{} [NEI Addons: Applied Energistics 2] (NEIADDONS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
NEIAddons|Botany{} [NEI Addons: Botany] (NEIADDONS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
NEIAddons|Forestry{} [NEI Addons: Forestry] (NEIADDONS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
NEIAddons|CraftingTables{} [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables] (NEIADDONS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
NEIAddons|ExNihilo{} [NEI Addons: Ex Nihilo] (NEIADDONS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
neiintegration{1.0.9} [NEI Integration] (NEIINTEGRATION-MC1.7.10-1.0.9.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
NetherOres{1.7.10R2.3.0} [Nether Ores] (NETHERORES-[1.7.10]2.3.0-12.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
OpenMods{0.7.3} [OpenMods] (OPENMODSLIB-1.7.10-0.7.3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
OpenBlocks{1.4.3} [OpenBlocks] (OPENBLOCKS-1.7.10-1.4.3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ProjRed|Transportation{} [ProjectRed-Transportation] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ProjRed|Compatibility{} [ProjectRed-Compatibility] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ProjRed|Integration{} [ProjectRed-Integration] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ProjRed|Illumination{} [ProjectRed-Illumination] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ProjRed|Expansion{} [ProjectRed-Expansion] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
libsandstone{1.0.0} [libsandstone] (LibSandstone-1.0.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
xreliquary{1.2} [Reliquary] (RELIQUARY-1.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
simplyjetpacks{1.4.1} [simply Jetpacks] (SIMPLYJETPACKS-MC1.7.10-1.4.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
StevesFactoryManager{A93} [steve's Factory Manager] (STEVESFACTORYMANAGERA93.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
StevesAddons{0.10.12} [steve's Addons] (STEVESADDONS-1.7.10-0.10.12.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
StevesCarts{2.0.0.b18} [steve's Carts 2] (STEVESCARTS2.0.0.B18.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
StevesWorkshop{0.5.1} [steve's Workshop] (STEVESWORKSHOP-0.5.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ThermalDynamics{1.7.10R1.0.0} [Thermal Dynamics] (THERMALDYNAMICS-[1.7.10]1.0.0-122.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
recycling{} [Thermal Recycling] (THERMALRECYCLING-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ThermalSmeltery{1.7.10-1.2.1} [Thermal Smeltery] (THERMALSMELTERY-1.7.10-1.2.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
VeinMiner{0.27.1_build.unknown} [Vein Miner] (VEINMINER-1.7.10_0.27.1.UNKNOWN.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
VeinMinerModSupport{0.27.1_build.unknown} [Mod Support] (VEINMINER-1.7.10_0.27.1.UNKNOWN.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
WailaHarvestability{1.1.2} [Waila Harvestability] (WailaHarvestability-mc1.7.x-1.1.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
WailaNBT{1.4} [Waila NBT] (WailaNBT-1.7.10-1.4.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
weaponmod{v1.14.3} [balkon's WeaponMod] (WEAPONMOD-1.14.3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
McMultipart{} [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
denseores{1.0} [Dense Ores] (DENSEORES-1.6.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ForgeMicroblock{} [Forge Microblocks] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
[16:54:56] [server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The following problems were captured during this phase
[16:54:58] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Can't revert to frozen GameData state without freezing first.
[16:54:58] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
[16:54:58] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:cobblestoneWall for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockMarbleWall com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.cobblestoneWall. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:54:58] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:obsidian2 for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.obsidian2. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:54:58] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:arcane for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.arcane. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:54:58] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:thaumium for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.thaumium. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:54:58] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:tallow for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.tallow. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:54:58] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:bloodRune for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.bloodRune. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:54:58] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:bloodBrick for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.bloodBrick. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:54:58] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup CompactMachines:interfaceblock for public static org.dave.CompactMachines.block.BlockCM org.dave.CompactMachines.init.ModBlocks.interfaceblock. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[16:54:58] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
[16:54:58] [server thread/ERROR] [exastris]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod exastris since required dependency exnihilo has errored
[16:54:58] [server thread/ERROR] [ExtraTiC]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod ExtraTiC since required dependency TConstruct has errored
[16:54:58] [server thread/ERROR] [MekanismGenerators]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod MekanismGenerators since required dependency Mekanism has errored
[16:54:58] [server thread/ERROR] [MekanismTools]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod MekanismTools since required dependency Mekanism has errored
[16:54:58] [server thread/ERROR] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft since required dependency MineFactoryReloaded has errored
[16:55:11] [server thread/ERROR] [stevesAddons]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod StevesAddons since required dependency StevesFactoryManager has errored
[16:55:11] [server thread/ERROR] [ThermalSmeltery]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod ThermalSmeltery since required dependency TConstruct has errored
[16:55:12] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: The state engine was in incorrect state ERRORED and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED. Errors may have been discarded.
[16:55:12] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: The state engine was in incorrect state ERRORED and forced into state AVAILABLE. Errors may have been discarded.


EULA has been accepted.


Help would be much appreciated! :D

Sup bruh.

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Nope. Still didn't work. Here's the new log:

[17:48:26] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
[17:48:26] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
[17:48:26] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
[17:48:27] [main/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.7.10 loading
[17:48:27] [main/INFO] [FML]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_75, running on Windows 7:amd64:6.1, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jre7
[17:48:27] [main/INFO] [FML]: [AppEng] Core Init
[17:48:28] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.CodeChickenCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod cofh.asm.LoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod mods.immibis.core.ICCoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod ic2.core.coremod.IC2core does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod invtweaks.forge.asm.FMLPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod mekanism.common.asm.LoadingHook does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod mrtjp.core.handler.CorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod openblocks.OpenBlocksCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod openmods.core.OpenModsCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod xreliquary.common.asm.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod portablejim.veinminer.asm.VeinMinerCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[17:48:29] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[17:48:29] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
[17:48:29] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[17:48:29] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[17:48:29] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:31] [main/INFO] [FML]: Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft Forge. Certificate fingerprint e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557
[17:48:31] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:31] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:31] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:31] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:31] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:31] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:31] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:31] [main/INFO] [iC2-core]: Loaded library EJML-core-0.26.jar.
[17:48:31] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:31] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:31] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:32] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:32] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:32] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:32] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:32] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:32] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:33] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:33] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
[17:48:33] [main/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [cofh.asm.CoFHAccessTransformer:readMappingFile:40]: Adding Accesstransformer map: CoFH_at.cfg
[17:48:33] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[17:48:34] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
[17:48:34] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
[17:48:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer}
[17:48:38] [server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.7.10
[17:48:38] [server thread/INFO] [MinecraftForge]: Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization
[17:48:38] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: MinecraftForge v10.13.3.1388 Initialized
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Replaced 183 ore recipies
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Preloading CrashReport classes
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.World$1
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.World$2
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.World$3
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.World$4
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk$1
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$1
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$2
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$3
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.entity.Entity$1
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.entity.Entity$2
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker$1
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.gen.layer.GenLayer$1
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.gen.layer.GenLayer$2
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer$1
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenStructure$1
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenStructure$2
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenStructure$3
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$3
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$4
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$5
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound$1
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound$2
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer$2
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.network.NetworkSystem$3
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity$1
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity$2
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity$3
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$1
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$2
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$3
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$4
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$5
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$6
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$7
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$8
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldInfo$9
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer$3
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: 	net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer$4
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [MinecraftForge]: Completed early MinecraftForge initialization
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: [AppEng] Core Init
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Searching C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\Server\mods for mods
[17:48:39] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Also searching C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\Server\mods\1.7.10 for mods
[17:48:41] [server thread/WARN] [ChiselFacades]: Mod ChiselFacades is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.7.10-2.10-cricket
[17:48:41] [server thread/INFO] [debug]: Mod debug is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting debug
[17:48:41] [server thread/WARN] [debug]: Mod debug is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
[17:48:41] [server thread/WARN] [EnderStorage]: Mod EnderStorage is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[17:48:42] [server thread/WARN] [ExtraUtilities]: Mod ExtraUtilities is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.2.5
[17:48:43] [server thread/WARN] [neiintegration]: Mod neiintegration is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.0.9
[17:48:43] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Core]: Mod ProjRed|Core is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[17:48:43] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Compatibility]: Mod ProjRed|Compatibility is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[17:48:43] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Integration]: Mod ProjRed|Integration is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[17:48:43] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Transmission]: Mod ProjRed|Transmission is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[17:48:43] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Illumination]: Mod ProjRed|Illumination is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[17:48:43] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Expansion]: Mod ProjRed|Expansion is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[17:48:43] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Transportation]: Mod ProjRed|Transportation is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[17:48:43] [server thread/WARN] [ProjRed|Exploration]: Mod ProjRed|Exploration is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[17:48:43] [server thread/WARN] [simplyjetpacks]: Mod simplyjetpacks is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.4.1
[17:48:44] [server thread/WARN] [ThermalSmeltery]: Mod ThermalSmeltery is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.7.10-1.2.1
[17:48:44] [server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroblock]: Mod ForgeMicroblock is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[17:48:44] [server thread/WARN] [ForgeMultipart]: Mod ForgeMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[17:48:44] [server thread/WARN] [McMultipart]: Mod McMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[17:48:44] [server thread/WARN] [MrTJPCoreMod]: Mod MrTJPCoreMod is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[17:48:44] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader has identified 125 mods to load
[17:48:44] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [ExtraUtilities] containing declared API package baubles.api (owned by Baubles) without associated API reference
[17:48:44] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [EnderIO] containing declared API package mekanism.api.transmitters (owned by Mekanism) without associated API reference
[17:48:44] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [EnderIO] containing declared API package com.cricketcraft.chisel.api (owned by Chisel) without associated API reference
[17:48:44] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [stevesAddons] containing declared API package mcp.mobius.waila.api (owned by Waila) without associated API reference
[17:48:44] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [exastris] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
[17:48:44] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [recycling] containing declared API package cofh.api.energy (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
[17:48:44] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [simplyjetpacks] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
[17:48:44] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [EnderIO] containing declared API package mekanism.api (owned by Mekanism) without associated API reference
[17:48:44] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [EnderIO] containing declared API package mekanism.api.gas (owned by Mekanism) without associated API reference
[17:48:45] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file COFHLIB-[1.7.10]1.0.2-160.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[17:48:45] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file INDUSTRIALCRAFT-2-2.2.727-EXPERIMENTAL-API.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[17:48:45] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[17:48:45] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, appliedenergistics2-core, CodeChickenCore, NotEnoughItems, VeinMiner_coremod, OpenModsCore, <CoFH ASM>, AdvancedMachines, ae2stuff, arsmagica2, AnimationAPI, appliedenergistics2, ArchimedesShips, asielib, bdlib, BigReactors, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Factory, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Compat, bcadditions, CarpentersBlocks, chisel, ChiselFacades, CoFHCore, CompactMachines, ComputerCraft, computronics, debug, denseores, DraconicEvolution, EnderIO, EnderStorage, eureka, exastris, exnihilo, extracells, ExtraTiC, ExtraUtilities, advgenerators, HydCraft, IC2NuclearControl, ImmibisCore, ImmibisPeripherals, IC2, inventorytweaks, iridiummod, IronChest, JABBA, k4lib, magicalcrops, Mantle, Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, MekanismTools, Metallurgy, MetallurgyCore, meteors, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTConstruct, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineTweaker3, morechisels, NEIAddons, NEIAddons|AppEng, NEIAddons|Botany, NEIAddons|Forestry, NEIAddons|CraftingTables, NEIAddons|ExNihilo, neiintegration, NetherOres, OpenBlocks, OpenMods, ProjRed|Core, ProjRed|Compatibility, ProjRed|Integration, ProjRed|Transmission, ProjRed|Illumination, ProjRed|Expansion, ProjRed|Transportation, ProjRed|Exploration, xreliquary, simplyjetpacks, StevesAddons, StevesCarts, StevesFactoryManager, StevesWorkshop, TConstruct, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, ThermalFoundation, recycling, ThermalSmeltery, VeinMiner, VeinMinerModSupport, Waila, WailaHarvestability, WailaNBT, weaponmod, ForgeMicroblock, ForgeMultipart, McMultipart, libsandstone, MrTJPCoreMod] at CLIENT
[17:48:45] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, appliedenergistics2-core, CodeChickenCore, NotEnoughItems, VeinMiner_coremod, OpenModsCore, <CoFH ASM>, AdvancedMachines, ae2stuff, arsmagica2, AnimationAPI, appliedenergistics2, ArchimedesShips, asielib, bdlib, BigReactors, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Factory, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Compat, bcadditions, CarpentersBlocks, chisel, ChiselFacades, CoFHCore, CompactMachines, ComputerCraft, computronics, debug, denseores, DraconicEvolution, EnderIO, EnderStorage, eureka, exastris, exnihilo, extracells, ExtraTiC, ExtraUtilities, advgenerators, HydCraft, IC2NuclearControl, ImmibisCore, ImmibisPeripherals, IC2, inventorytweaks, iridiummod, IronChest, JABBA, k4lib, magicalcrops, Mantle, Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, MekanismTools, Metallurgy, MetallurgyCore, meteors, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTConstruct, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineTweaker3, morechisels, NEIAddons, NEIAddons|AppEng, NEIAddons|Botany, NEIAddons|Forestry, NEIAddons|CraftingTables, NEIAddons|ExNihilo, neiintegration, NetherOres, OpenBlocks, OpenMods, ProjRed|Core, ProjRed|Compatibility, ProjRed|Integration, ProjRed|Transmission, ProjRed|Illumination, ProjRed|Expansion, ProjRed|Transportation, ProjRed|Exploration, xreliquary, simplyjetpacks, StevesAddons, StevesCarts, StevesFactoryManager, StevesWorkshop, TConstruct, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, ThermalFoundation, recycling, ThermalSmeltery, VeinMiner, VeinMinerModSupport, Waila, WailaHarvestability, WailaNBT, weaponmod, ForgeMicroblock, ForgeMultipart, McMultipart, libsandstone, MrTJPCoreMod] at SERVER
[17:48:46] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.Container
[17:48:47] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mods.immibis.core.ImmibisCore:initPreferredEnergySystem:163]: [immibis Core] Preferred energy system set to: ic2
[17:48:48] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerWorkbench
[17:48:48] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerRepair
[17:48:49] [server thread/INFO] [Draconic Evolution]: Hello Minecraft!!!
[17:48:49] [server thread/INFO] [TConstruct]: Preparing to take over the world
[17:48:50] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: =============================================================
[17:48:50] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Offendor: thirdParty/truetyper/TrueTypeFont.loadImage(Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage;)I
[17:48:50] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead
[17:48:50] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: =============================================================
[17:48:51] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Processing ObjectHolder annotations
[17:48:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found 518 ObjectHolder annotations
[17:48:52] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
[17:48:54] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Pre Initialization ( started )
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: func_145841_b(Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)V - Transformed
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: func_145839_a(Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)V - Transformed
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface ic2.api.energy.tile.IEnergySink from appeng/tile/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Removing Interface Reika.RotaryCraft.API.Power.AdvancedShaftPowerReceiver from appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft because RotaryCraft integration is disabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Removing Interface Reika.RotaryCraft.API.Interfaces.Transducerable from appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft because RotaryCraft integration is disabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Removing Method Tick_RotaryCraft from appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft because RotaryCraft integration is disabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Updated appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface cofh.api.energy.IEnergyReceiver from appeng/tile/powersink/RedstoneFlux because RF integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface mekanism.api.energy.IStrictEnergyAcceptor from appeng/tile/powersink/MekJoules because Mekanism integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api.rednet.connectivity.IRedNetConnection from appeng/block/networking/BlockCableBus because MFR integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Method getConnectionType from appeng/block/networking/BlockCableBus because MFR integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface buildcraft.api.tools.IToolWrench from appeng/items/tools/quartz/ToolQuartzWrench because BC integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface ic2.api.item.ISpecialElectricItem from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface ic2.api.item.IElectricItemManager from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Method getManager from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface cofh.api.energy.IEnergyContainerItem from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/RedstoneFlux because RFItem integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface buildcraft.api.tools.IToolWrench from appeng/items/tools/ToolNetworkTool because BC integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface buildcraft.api.transport.IPipeConnection from appeng/parts/misc/PartStorageBus because BC integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Method overridePipeConnection from appeng/parts/misc/PartStorageBus because BC integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface buildcraft.api.transport.IPipeConnection from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PItems because BC integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Method overridePipeConnection from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PItems because BC integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface ic2.api.energy.tile.IEnergySink from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PIC2Power because IC2 integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface ic2.api.energy.tile.IEnergySource from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PIC2Power because IC2 integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE]: Allowing Interface cofh.api.energy.IEnergyReceiver from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PRFPower because RF integration is enabled.
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Starting AE2 VersionChecker
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Pre Initialization ( ended after 1901ms )
[17:48:55] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: bdlib loaded
[17:48:55] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Raw channel stable did not contain any of the pre-programmed types.
[17:48:55] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at appeng.services.version.VersionParser.parseChannel(VersionParser.java:117)
[17:48:55] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at appeng.services.version.VersionParser.parseVersion(VersionParser.java:72)
[17:48:55] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at appeng.services.version.VersionParser.parse(VersionParser.java:34)
[17:48:55] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at appeng.services.version.ModVersionFetcher.get(ModVersionFetcher.java:34)
[17:48:55] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at appeng.services.VersionChecker.processInterval(VersionChecker.java:106)
[17:48:55] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at appeng.services.VersionChecker.run(VersionChecker.java:86)
[17:48:55] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: 	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[17:48:56] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Initialized network channel 'bdew.multiblock' for mod 'bdlib'
[17:48:56] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading internal config files for mod AE2 Stuff
[17:48:56] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/AE2STUFF-!/assets/ae2stuff/config/tuning.cfg
[17:48:56] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/AE2STUFF-!/assets/ae2stuff/config/recipes.cfg
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading user config files for mod AE2 Stuff
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Config loading for mod AE2 Stuff finished
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loaded creative tabs for ae2stuff
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica >> Extending Potions Array
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica >> injecting potions starting from index 32
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Attempting to set enchantment magic_resist to ID 100 (configured currently as 100)
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Successfully registered enchanment!
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Attempting to set enchantment soulbound to ID 101 (configured currently as 101)
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Successfully registered enchanment!
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_phy
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_drn
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_fall
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_exp
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_fire
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_frst
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_mage
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dr_litn
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: mn_reg
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: bn_red
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: soulbnd
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: fl_lure
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: mg_xp
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: pp_ore
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: mg_gog
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: tc_nrv
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: stp_up
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: run_spd
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: dispel
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: fallprot
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: fireprot
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: freedom
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: healing
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: hungerup
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: highjump
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: lifesave
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: lightstep
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: minespd
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: recoil
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: swimspd
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: wtrbrth
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Registered imbuement: wtrwalk
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [CoFHWorld]: Registering Default Templates.
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [CoFHWorld]: Registering default generators
[17:48:57] [server thread/INFO] [CoFHWorld]: Complete
[17:48:58] [server thread/INFO] [ThermalFoundation]: Loading Plugins...
[17:48:58] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [cofh.thermalfoundation.plugins.mfr.MFRPlugin:preInit:14]: should work
[17:48:58] [server thread/INFO] [ThermalFoundation]: Finished Loading Plugins.
[17:48:59] [server thread/INFO] [ThermalExpansion]: Loading Plugins...
[17:48:59] [server thread/INFO] [ThermalExpansion]: Finished Loading Plugins.
[17:48:59] [server thread/INFO] [ThermalExpansion]: There are no crafting files present in C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\Server\config\cofh\thermalexpansion\crafting.
[17:48:59] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft]: Starting BuildCraft 6.4.16
[17:48:59] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft]: Copyright (c) SpaceToad, 2011-2015
[17:48:59] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft]: http://www.mod-buildcraft.com
[17:49:00] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'Buildcraft' activated.
[17:49:00] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'Eureka' activated.
[17:49:00] [server thread/ERROR] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'Framez' is missing a dependency: 'framez'! This module will not be loaded.
[17:49:00] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'Metals' activated.
[17:49:00] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'MineTweaker' activated.
[17:49:00] [server thread/ERROR] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'Railcraft' is missing a dependency: 'Railcraft'! This module will not be loaded.
[17:49:00] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: CompatModule 'Waila' activated.
[17:49:01] [Thread-7/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Trying to get the special list file...
[17:49:01] [Thread-7/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully downloaded and read the special list file!
[17:49:01] [server thread/INFO] [CarpentersBlocks]: Designs found: Bed(6), Chisel(9), FlowerPot(18), Tile(13)
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Starting pre-init...
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Loading blocks...
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature amber as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature arcane as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature bloodRune as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature bloodBlock as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature railcraft as its required mod Railcraft was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcAbyssalBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcBleachedBone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcBloodStained as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcFrostBoundBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcInfernalStone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcQuarriedBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcSandyStone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tallow as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature twilghtForest as its required mod TwilightForest was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfMazestone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfTowerstone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfUnderBrick as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature thaumium as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: 87 Feature's blocks loaded.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Loading Tile Entities...
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Tile Entities loaded.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Loading items...
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature amber as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature arcane as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature bloodRune as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature bloodBlock as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature railcraft as its required mod Railcraft was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcAbyssalBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcBleachedBone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcBloodStained as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcFrostBoundBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcInfernalStone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcQuarriedBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcSandyStone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tallow as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature twilghtForest as its required mod TwilightForest was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfMazestone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfTowerstone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfUnderBrick as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature thaumium as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: 87 Feature's items loaded.
[17:49:02] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Pre-init finished.
[17:49:03] [server thread/INFO] [Compact Machines]: Registering dimension 3 on server side
[17:49:05] [server thread/INFO] [EnderIO]: XP Juice regististration left to Open Blocks.
[17:49:05] [server thread/INFO] [computronics]: Multiperipheral system for ComputerCraft engaged. Hooray!
[17:49:05] [server thread/INFO] [computronics]: Multiple mods registering peripherals for the same block now won't be a problem anymore.
[17:49:06] [server thread/INFO] [Draconic Evolution]: Finished PreInitialization
[17:49:06] [server thread/INFO] [Mantle]: Mantle (1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins184) -- Preparing for launch.
[17:49:06] [server thread/INFO] [Mantle]: Entering preinitialization phase.
[17:49:06] [server thread/INFO] [Mantle]: Loading configuration from disk.
[17:49:06] [server thread/INFO] [Mantle]: Configuration load completed.
[17:49:06] [server thread/INFO] [PulseManager-TConstruct]: Skipping Pulse Tinkers Thaumcraft Compatibility; missing dependency: Thaumcraft
[17:49:06] [server thread/INFO] [PulseManager-TConstruct]: Skipping Pulse Tinkers Mystcraft Compatibility; missing dependency: Mystcraft
[17:49:06] [server thread/INFO] [PulseManager-TConstruct]: Skipping Pulse Tinkers' Underground Biomes Compatiblity; missing dependency: UndergroundBiomes
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Hello World
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketAngelRingNotifier with discriminator: 0
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketGUIWidget with discriminator: 1
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketParticle with discriminator: 2
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketParticleEvent with discriminator: 3
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketPlaySound with discriminator: 4
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketRain with discriminator: 5
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketUseItemAlt with discriminator: 6
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketVillager with discriminator: 7
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketVillagerReturn with discriminator: 8
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering Packet class PacketYoink with discriminator: 9
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:extractor_base_remote.0 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:extractor_base_remote.6 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing item.extrautils:nodeUpgrade.5 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing item.extrautils:nodeUpgrade.6 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:magnumTorch will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:endMarker will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:extractor_base.12 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:enderQuarryUpgrade.0 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Recipes constructing tile.extrautils:extractor_base.13 will now be used in the Ender Constructor
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeGlove to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeMicroBlocks to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeSoul to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeMagicalWood to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeCustomOres to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeFilterInvert to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeEnchantCrafting to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeHorseTransmutation to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeUnsigil to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeUnEnchanting to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeUnstableIngotCrafting to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeUnstableNuggetCrafting to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeUnstableCrafting to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeDifficultySpecific to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeBagDye to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Registering RecipeGBEnchanting to RecipeSorter
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: Metallurgy Detected
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: Mekanism Detected
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: Applied Energistics Detected
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: Thaumic Integration / Thermal Smeltery Detected
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: Dragonic Evolution Detected
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: EnderIO Detected
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: BigReactors Detected
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: ExtraUtils Detected
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [ExtraTiC]: Thermal Foundation Detected
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: IC2 Version: IC2 2.2.727-experimental
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: RF Version: CoFHAPI 1.7.10R1.0.3
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading internal config files for mod Advanced Generators
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/GENERATORS-!/assets/advgenerators/config/generators.cfg
[17:49:09] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/GENERATORS-!/assets/advgenerators/config/recipes.cfg
[17:49:10] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/GENERATORS-!/assets/advgenerators/config/turbine.cfg
[17:49:10] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/GENERATORS-!/assets/advgenerators/config/exchanger.cfg
[17:49:10] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Lucas/Desktop/Server/mods/GENERATORS-!/assets/advgenerators/config/syngas.cfg
[17:49:10] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading user config files for mod Advanced Generators
[17:49:10] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Config loading for mod Advanced Generators finished
[17:49:10] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loaded creative tabs for advgenerators
[17:49:10] [server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Fluid 'syngas' not registered by any other mod, creating...
[17:49:10] [server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Adding block for fluid 'syngas'
[17:49:10] [server thread/INFO] [HydCraft]: Hydraulicraft Starting!
[17:49:12] [server thread/INFO] [meteors]: Baubles not found. Baubles integration disabled.
[17:49:12] [server thread/INFO] [meteors]: Thaumcraft not found. Thaumcraft integration disabled.
[17:49:12] [server thread/INFO] [More Chisels]: Logging is go!
[17:49:12] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons|AppEng]: Version check success: appliedenergistics2 required / rv2-stable-3 detected
[17:49:12] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons|Botany]: Wrong side: SERVER, Botany Addon not loading
[17:49:12] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry]: Required mod Forestry is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable
[17:49:12] [server thread/ERROR] [NEIAddons|Forestry]: Requirements unmet, Forestry Addon not loading
[17:49:12] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables]: Wrong side: SERVER, Crafting Tables Addon not loading
[17:49:12] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons|ExNihilo]: Wrong side: SERVER, Ex Nihilo Addon not loading
[17:49:12] [server thread/INFO] [neiintegration]: Starting NEI Integration
[17:49:12] [server thread/INFO] [neiintegration]: Loading configuration files
[17:49:13] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerPlayer
[17:49:14] [server thread/WARN] [Project Red]: Failed to load PR Plugin: Treecapitator gem axe compatibility
[17:49:14] [server thread/WARN] [Project Red]: Failed to load PR Plugin: CPT Colored Lights Compat for Illumination lighting
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Starting Simply Jetpacks
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Loading configuration files
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Constructing items
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering items
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering handlers
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformer to vswe.stevesfactory.blocks.BlockCableCluster
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied CREATE_TE transformer
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformers to vswe.stevesfactory.blocks.TileEntityManager
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied ACTIVATE_TRIGGER transformer
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied MANAGER_INIT transformer
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied UPDATE_ENTITY transformer
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformers to vswe.stevesfactory.blocks.TileEntityCluster
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied PUBLIC_PAIR transformer
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied GET_PUBLIC_REGISTRATIONS transformer
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformers to vswe.stevesfactory.blocks.TileEntityRFCluster
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied GET_REGISTRATIONS transformer
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied GET_RF_NODE transformer
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformer to vswe.stevesfactory.blocks.ConnectionBlockType
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied IS_INSTANCE transformer
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformer to vswe.stevesfactory.components.ComponentMenuInterval
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformer to vswe.stevesfactory.components.ComponentMenuItem
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applying Transformers to vswe.stevesfactory.components.ComponentMenuContainerTypes
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied WRITE_TO_NBT transformer
[17:49:15] [server thread/INFO] [stevesAddons]: Applied READ_FROM_NBT transformer
[17:49:17] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
[17:49:17] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup CompactMachines:interfaceblock for public static org.dave.CompactMachines.block.BlockCM org.dave.CompactMachines.init.ModBlocks.interfaceblock. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:49:17] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:cobblestoneWall for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockMarbleWall com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.cobblestoneWall. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:49:17] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:obsidian2 for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.obsidian2. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:49:17] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:arcane for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.arcane. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:49:17] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:thaumium for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.thaumium. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:49:17] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:tallow for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.tallow. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:49:17] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:bloodRune for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.bloodRune. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:49:17] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:bloodBrick for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.bloodBrick. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:49:17] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
[17:49:17] [server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
[17:49:17] [server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
[17:49:17] [server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[17:49:17] [server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
[17:49:17] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerEnchantment
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Initialization ( started )
[17:49:18] [server thread/WARN] [AE2:S]: Unable to register a recipe:Unable to find item: appliedenergistics2:ItemMaterial.WoodenGear:0
[17:49:18] [server thread/WARN] [AE2:S]: Unable to register a recipe:Unable to find item: appliedenergistics2:ItemMaterial.IronNugget:0
[17:49:18] [server thread/WARN] [AE2:S]: Unable to register a recipe:Unable to find item: appliedenergistics2:ItemMaterial.GoldDust:0
[17:49:18] [server thread/WARN] [AE2:S]: Unable to register a recipe:Unable to find item: appliedenergistics2:ItemMaterial.IronDust:0
[17:49:18] [server thread/WARN] [AE2:S]: Unable to register a recipe:Unable to find item: appliedenergistics2:ItemMaterial.Silicon:0
[17:49:18] [server thread/WARN] [AE2:S]: Unable to register a recipe:Unable to find item: appliedenergistics2:ItemMaterial.Silicon:0
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Crusher: 9 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Pulverizer: 9 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Shaped: 202 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Macerator: 8 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: MekCrusher: 3 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: GrindFZ: 7 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: MekEnrichment: 2 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: OreRegistration: 12 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Shapeless: 55 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Grind: 4 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Press: 3 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Inscribe: 8 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: Smelt: 2 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Recipes Loading: HCCrusher: 9 loaded.
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [AE2:S]: Initialization ( ended after 534ms )
[17:49:18] [server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Initialized network channel 'bdew.ae2stuff' for mod 'ae2stuff'
[17:49:18] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Redundant call to BiomeDictionary.registerAllBiomes ignored
[17:49:19] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Unregistered spell part in skill trees: am2.spell.components.MeltArmor@6fd8adee
[17:49:19] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Unregistered spell part in skill trees: am2.spell.components.ScrambleSynapses@7a831d9f
[17:49:19] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Unregistered spell part in skill trees: am2.spell.components.Nauseate@360df08f
[17:49:19] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Initializing API Hooks...
[17:49:19] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ars Magica 2 >> Finished API Initialization
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 1, Name: Iron, Color multiplier: 13815497, Dust type: Metal
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 2, Name: Gold, Color multiplier: 16310039, Dust type: Metal
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 3, Name: Diamond, Color multiplier: 1305852, Dust type: Gem
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 55, Name: Emerald, Color multiplier: 45112, Dust type: Gem
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 56, Name: Coal, Color multiplier: 1776411, Dust type: Coal
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 57, Name: Charcoal, Color multiplier: 5458234, Dust type: Charcoal
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 58, Name: Obsidian, Color multiplier: 1511716, Dust type: Obsidian
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 59, Name: EnderPearl, Color multiplier: 1072721, Dust type: Ender Pearl
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 60, Name: NetherQuartz, Color multiplier: 14404799, Dust type: Nether Quartz
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added a dust: Meta: 83, Name: GildedRedMetal, Color multiplier: 16739867, Dust type: Metal
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: oreRedstone Output: 10xitem.redstone@0
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: oreCoal Output: 2xitem.coal@0
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: oreLapis Output: 12xitem.dyePowder@4
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: oreQuartz Output: 2xitem.netherquartz@0
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: stone Output: 1xtile.gravel@0
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: cobblestone Output: 1xtile.sand@0
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: oreDiamond Output: 2xitem.diamond@0
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: oreEmerald Output: 2xitem.emerald@0
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [buildCraft Additions]: Successfully added duster recipe with Input: 1xitem.blazeRod@0 Output: 4xitem.blazePowder@0
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Starting init...
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Loading recipes...
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature amber as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature arcane as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature bloodRune as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[17:49:20] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature bloodBlock as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature railcraft as its required mod Railcraft was missing.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcAbyssalBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcBleachedBone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcBloodStained as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcFrostBoundBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcInfernalStone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcQuarriedBlock as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature rcSandyStone as its parent feature railcraft was disabled.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tallow as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature twilghtForest as its required mod TwilightForest was missing.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfMazestone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfTowerstone as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature tfUnderBrick as its parent feature twilghtForest was disabled.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Skipping feature thaumium as its required mod Thaumcraft was missing.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: 87 Feature's recipes loaded.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [Chisel 2]: Init finished.
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [ChiselFacades]: Creating Facades...
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [ChiselFacades]: Old pillars disabled, adding Pillar slab Facades
[17:49:21] [server thread/INFO] [ChiselFacades]: Successfully created Facades for 36 Chisel block variations
[17:49:24] [server thread/INFO] [Compact Machines]: Creating new Entangle Registry
[17:49:33] [server thread/INFO] [Mantle]: Entering initialization phase.
[17:49:36] [server thread/ERROR] [exastris]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod exastris since required dependency exnihilo has errored
[17:49:38] [server thread/ERROR] [ExtraTiC]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod ExtraTiC since required dependency TConstruct has errored
[17:49:47] [server thread/ERROR] [MekanismGenerators]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod MekanismGenerators since required dependency Mekanism has errored
[17:49:47] [server thread/ERROR] [MekanismTools]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod MekanismTools since required dependency Mekanism has errored
[17:49:48] [server thread/ERROR] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft since required dependency MineFactoryReloaded has errored
[17:49:58] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons]: Loading NEI Addons
[17:49:58] [server thread/INFO] [NEIAddons]: Loading Applied Energistics 2 Addon...
[17:50:15] [server thread/ERROR] [stevesAddons]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod StevesAddons since required dependency StevesFactoryManager has errored
[17:50:22] [server thread/ERROR] [ThermalSmeltery]: Skipping event FMLInitializationEvent and marking errored mod ThermalSmeltery since required dependency TConstruct has errored
[17:50:24] [server thread/INFO] [denseores]: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh, y'uln Dense Ores shugg ch'agl
[17:50:27] [server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Fatal errors were detected during the transition from INITIALIZATION to POSTINITIALIZATION. Loading cannot continue
[17:50:27] [server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 
mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
appliedenergistics2-core{rv2-stable-3} [AppliedEnergistics2 Core] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (NOTENOUGHITEMS-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
VeinMiner_coremod{0.27.1_build.unknown} [Core mod] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
OpenModsCore{0.7.3} [OpenModsCore] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
<CoFH ASM>{000} [CoFH ASM] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
debug{1.0} [debug] (DENSEORES-1.6.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
IC2{2.2.727-experimental} [industrialCraft 2] (INDUSTRIALCRAFT-2-2.2.727-EXPERIMENTAL.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ImmibisCore{59.1.0} [immibis Core] (IMMIBIS-CORE-59.1.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
AdvancedMachines{59.0.2} [Advanced Machines] (ADVANCED-MACHINES-59.0.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
appliedenergistics2{rv2-stable-3} [Applied Energistics 2] (APPLIEDENERGISTICS2-RV2-STABLE-3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
bdlib{} [bD Lib] (bdlib- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ae2stuff{} [AE2 Stuff] (AE2STUFF- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
AnimationAPI{1.2.4} [AnimationAPI] (AnimationAPI-1.7.10-1.2.4.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
arsmagica2{} [Ars Magica 2] (AM2- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ArchimedesShips{1.7.10 v1.7.1} [Archimedes' Ships] (ARCHIMEDESSHIPS-1.7.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
CoFHCore{1.7.10R3.0.2} [CoFH Core] (COFHCORE-[1.7.10]3.0.2-262.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
asielib{0.4.1} [asielib] (ASIELIB-1.7.10-0.4.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ThermalFoundation{1.7.10R1.0.0} [Thermal Foundation] (THERMALFOUNDATION-[1.7.10]1.0.0-81.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ThermalExpansion{1.7.10R4.0.1} [Thermal Expansion] (THERMALEXPANSION-[1.7.10]4.0.1-182.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BigReactors{0.4.3A} [big Reactors] (BIGREACTORS-0.4.3A.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Core{6.4.16} [buildCraft] (BUILDCRAFT-6.4.16.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Builders{6.4.16} [bC Builders] (BUILDCRAFT-6.4.16.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Energy{6.4.16} [bC Energy] (BUILDCRAFT-6.4.16.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Factory{6.4.16} [bC Factory] (BUILDCRAFT-6.4.16.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Transport{6.4.16} [bC Transport] (BUILDCRAFT-6.4.16.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Silicon{6.4.16} [bC Silicon] (BUILDCRAFT-6.4.16.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
BuildCraft|Compat{6.4.0} [buildCraft Compat] (BUILDCRAFT-COMPAT-6.4.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
eureka{3.0.2} [Eureka] (EUREKA-1.7.10-3.0.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
bcadditions{2.1.2} [buildCraft Additions] (BUILDCRAFTADDITIONS-1.7.10-2.1.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
CarpentersBlocks{3.3.6} [Carpenter's Blocks] (CARPENTERS BLOCKS V3.3.6 - MC 1.7.10.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ForgeMultipart{} [Forge Multipart] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
chisel{} [Chisel 2] (CHISEL2- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ChiselFacades{1.7.10-2.10-cricket} [Chisel Facades] (CHISELFACADES-1.7.10-2.10-CRICKET.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MrTJPCoreMod{} [MrTJPCore] (MrTJPCore-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ProjRed|Core{} [ProjectRed] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ProjRed|Transmission{} [ProjectRed-Transmission] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
Waila{1.5.10} [Waila] (Waila-1.5.10_1.7.10.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
CompactMachines{1.7.10-1.19b} [Compact Machines] (COMPACTMACHINES-1.7.10-1.19B.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ComputerCraft{1.73} [ComputerCraft] (COMPUTERCRAFT1.73.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MineFactory Reloaded] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MetallurgyCore{4.0.4} [Metallurgy Core] (METALLURGYCORE-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
Mekanism{8.1.3} [Mekanism] (MEKANISM-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
EnderIO{1.7.10-} [Ender IO] (ENDERIO-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
computronics{1.5.1} [Computronics] (COMPUTRONICS-1.7.10-1.5.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
DraconicEvolution{1.0.1c} [Draconic Evolution] (DRACONIC-EVOLUTION-1.7.10-1.0.1C.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
EnderStorage{} [EnderStorage] (ENDERSTORAGE-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
exnihilo{1.38-36} [Ex Nihilo] (Ex-Nihilo-1.38-36.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
Mantle{1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins184} [Mantle] (MANTLE-1.7.10-0.3.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
TConstruct{1.7.10-1.8.2.build858} [Tinkers' Construct] (TConstruct-1.7.10-1.8.2a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
Metallurgy{4.0.8} [Metallurgy 4] (METALLURGY-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
exastris{MC1.7.10-1.16-35} [Ex Astris] (Ex-Astris-MC1.7.10-1.16-35.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
extracells{2.2.70} [Extra Cells 2] (EXTRACELLS-1.7.10-2.2.70B119.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ExtraUtilities{1.2.5} [Extra Utilities] (EXTRAUTILITIES-1.2.5.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ExtraTiC{1.4.5} [ExtraTiC] (EXTRATIC-1.7.10-1.4.5.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
advgenerators{} [Advanced Generators] (GENERATORS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
k4lib{1.7.10-0.1.35} [K4Lib] (K4LIB-1.7.10-0.1.35-UNIVERSAL.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
HydCraft{1.7.10-2.0.87} [Hydraulicraft] (HYDCRAFT-1.7.10-2.0.87-UNIVERSAL.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
IC2NuclearControl{2.0.8c} [Nuclear Control 2] (IC2NUCLEARCONTROL-2.0.8C.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ImmibisPeripherals{59.0.2} [immibis's Peripherals] (IMMIBIS-PERIPHERALS-59.0.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
inventorytweaks{1.59-dev-156-af3bc68} [inventory Tweaks] (INVENTORYTWEAKS-1.59-DEV-156.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
iridiummod{1.0.1} [iridium Mod] (IRIDIUM MOD-1.0.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
IronChest{} [iron Chest] (IRONCHEST-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
JABBA{1.2.0b} [JABBA] (JABBA-1.2.1_1.7.10.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
magicalcrops{4.0.0_PUBLIC_BETA_3} [Magical Crops] (MAGICALCROPS-4.0.0_PUBLIC_BETA_3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MekanismGenerators{8.1.3} [MekanismGenerators] (MEKANISMGENERATORS-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MekanismTools{8.1.3} [MekanismTools] (MEKANISMTOOLS-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
meteors{2.14.1} [Falling Meteors] (METEORS-1.7.10-2.14.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Applied Energistics] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Atum] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: BackTools] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: BuildCraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Chococraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Forestry] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: IC2] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Mystcraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
ProjRed|Exploration{} [ProjectRed-Exploration] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat ProjectRed] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Railcraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Thaumcraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTConstruct{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Tinkers' Construct] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: TwilightForest] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla{1.7.10R2.8.0} [MFR Compat: Vanilla] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
MineTweaker3{3.0.9B} [MineTweaker 3] (MINETWEAKER3-1.7.10-3.0.9C.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
morechisels{@VERSION@} [More Chisels] (MORECHISELS-1.7.10-1.0-20.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
NEIAddons{} [NEI Addons] (NEIADDONS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
NEIAddons|AppEng{} [NEI Addons: Applied Energistics 2] (NEIADDONS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
NEIAddons|Botany{} [NEI Addons: Botany] (NEIADDONS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
NEIAddons|Forestry{} [NEI Addons: Forestry] (NEIADDONS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
NEIAddons|CraftingTables{} [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables] (NEIADDONS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
NEIAddons|ExNihilo{} [NEI Addons: Ex Nihilo] (NEIADDONS- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
neiintegration{1.0.9} [NEI Integration] (NEIINTEGRATION-MC1.7.10-1.0.9.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
NetherOres{1.7.10R2.3.0} [Nether Ores] (NETHERORES-[1.7.10]2.3.0-12.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
OpenMods{0.7.3} [OpenMods] (OPENMODSLIB-1.7.10-0.7.3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
OpenBlocks{1.4.3} [OpenBlocks] (OPENBLOCKS-1.7.10-1.4.3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ProjRed|Transportation{} [ProjectRed-Transportation] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ProjRed|Compatibility{} [ProjectRed-Compatibility] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ProjRed|Integration{} [ProjectRed-Integration] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ProjRed|Illumination{} [ProjectRed-Illumination] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ProjRed|Expansion{} [ProjectRed-Expansion] (PROJECTRED-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
libsandstone{1.0.0} [libsandstone] (LibSandstone-1.0.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
xreliquary{1.2} [Reliquary] (RELIQUARY-1.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
simplyjetpacks{1.4.1} [simply Jetpacks] (SIMPLYJETPACKS-MC1.7.10-1.4.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
StevesFactoryManager{A93} [steve's Factory Manager] (STEVESFACTORYMANAGERA93.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
StevesAddons{0.10.12} [steve's Addons] (STEVESADDONS-1.7.10-0.10.12.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
StevesCarts{2.0.0.b18} [steve's Carts 2] (STEVESCARTS2.0.0.B18.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
StevesWorkshop{0.5.1} [steve's Workshop] (STEVESWORKSHOP-0.5.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ThermalDynamics{1.7.10R1.0.0} [Thermal Dynamics] (THERMALDYNAMICS-[1.7.10]1.0.0-122.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
recycling{} [Thermal Recycling] (THERMALRECYCLING-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ThermalSmeltery{1.7.10-1.2.1} [Thermal Smeltery] (THERMALSMELTERY-1.7.10-1.2.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
VeinMiner{0.27.1_build.unknown} [Vein Miner] (VEINMINER-1.7.10_0.27.1.UNKNOWN.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
VeinMinerModSupport{0.27.1_build.unknown} [Mod Support] (VEINMINER-1.7.10_0.27.1.UNKNOWN.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
WailaHarvestability{1.1.2} [Waila Harvestability] (WailaHarvestability-mc1.7.x-1.1.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
WailaNBT{1.4} [Waila NBT] (WailaNBT-1.7.10-1.4.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
weaponmod{v1.14.3} [balkon's WeaponMod] (WEAPONMOD-1.14.3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
McMultipart{} [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized
denseores{1.0} [Dense Ores] (DENSEORES-1.6.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
ForgeMicroblock{} [Forge Microblocks] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored
[17:50:27] [server thread/ERROR] [FML]: The following problems were captured during this phase
[17:50:29] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Can't revert to frozen GameData state without freezing first.
[17:50:29] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
[17:50:29] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup CompactMachines:interfaceblock for public static org.dave.CompactMachines.block.BlockCM org.dave.CompactMachines.init.ModBlocks.interfaceblock. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:50:29] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:cobblestoneWall for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockMarbleWall com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.cobblestoneWall. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:50:29] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:obsidian2 for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.obsidian2. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:50:29] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:arcane for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.arcane. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:50:29] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:thaumium for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.thaumium. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:50:29] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:tallow for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.tallow. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:50:29] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:bloodRune for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.bloodRune. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:50:29] [server thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to lookup chisel:bloodBrick for public static com.cricketcraft.chisel.block.BlockCarvable com.cricketcraft.chisel.init.ChiselBlocks.bloodBrick. Is there something wrong with the registry?
[17:50:29] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
[17:50:30] [server thread/ERROR] [exastris]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod exastris since required dependency exnihilo has errored
[17:50:30] [server thread/ERROR] [ExtraTiC]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod ExtraTiC since required dependency TConstruct has errored
[17:50:30] [server thread/ERROR] [MekanismGenerators]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod MekanismGenerators since required dependency Mekanism has errored
[17:50:30] [server thread/ERROR] [MekanismTools]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod MekanismTools since required dependency Mekanism has errored
[17:50:30] [server thread/ERROR] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft since required dependency MineFactoryReloaded has errored
[17:50:42] [server thread/ERROR] [stevesAddons]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod StevesAddons since required dependency StevesFactoryManager has errored
[17:50:42] [server thread/ERROR] [ThermalSmeltery]: Skipping event FMLServerStoppedEvent and marking errored mod ThermalSmeltery since required dependency TConstruct has errored
[17:50:42] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: The state engine was in incorrect state ERRORED and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED. Errors may have been discarded.
[17:50:42] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: The state engine was in incorrect state ERRORED and forced into state AVAILABLE. Errors may have been discarded.

Sup bruh.

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Mekanism{8.1.3} [Mekanism] (MEKANISM-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored

Parsing the logs yourself is fairly simple, it lists everything that errored -.-

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Your log isnt telling us the error just that SOMETHING errored.

So start removing things and try till it works, then start adding things back in one by one untill you find the culprit. I can't do that for you and im not gunna sit here telling you one by one to remove mods.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
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