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Minecraft Forge Randomly Crashing /w Eclipse

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Hello Forge Forums ! This is my first post, and hopefuly not the last  ;D .I have a problem with testing my Mod in Eclipse. The game would randomly crash without there being any errors in my code but there being errors with sound O.o .Sometimes it crashes on clicking the Singeplayer buttong, sometimes when I don't wait for the chuncks to load but use my inventory, and sometimes it just suddenly crashes. Does anyone know how can I fix this or can I even fix this...

Thanks  ;D

To Craft, or not to Craft. That is the question.

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Ok, so I dont know exactly where it started but here is the report after the first error:

[embed=425,349]A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:



-- System Details --


Minecraft Version: 1.8

Operating System: Windows 8.1 (x86) version 6.3

Java Version: 1.8.0_51, Oracle Corporation

Java VM Version: Java HotSpot Client VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation

Memory: 974123920 bytes (928 MB) / 1060372480 bytes (1011 MB) up to 1060372480 bytes (1011 MB)

JVM Flags: 3 total; -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M

IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0


Loaded coremods (and transformers):

GL info: ' Vendor: 'NVIDIA Corporation' Version: '3.3.0' Renderer: 'GeForce GT 240/PCIe/SSE2'

[15:23:52] [Client thread/INFO] [MinecraftForge]: Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization

[15:23:52] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: MinecraftForge v11.14.3.1502 Initialized

[15:23:53] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Replaced 204 ore recipies

[15:23:53] [Client thread/INFO] [MinecraftForge]: Completed early MinecraftForge initialization

[15:23:54] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Found 0 mods from the command line. Injecting into mod discoverer

[15:23:54] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Searching C:\Users\nikola\Downloads\Mo' Things Mod\eclipse\mods for mods

[15:24:01] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader has identified 4 mods to load

[15:24:02] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, carbonmod] at CLIENT

[15:24:02] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, carbonmod] at SERVER

[15:24:04] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:CarbonMod

[15:24:04] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Processing ObjectHolder annotations

[15:24:04] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Found 384 ObjectHolder annotations

[15:24:04] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Identifying ItemStackHolder annotations

[15:24:04] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Found 0 ItemStackHolder annotations

[15:24:05] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0

[15:24:05] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups

[15:24:05] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied

[15:24:05] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Injecting itemstacks

[15:24:05] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Itemstack injection complete

[15:24:06] [sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...

[15:24:06] [Thread-9/INFO]: Initializing LWJGL OpenAL

[15:24:06] [Thread-9/INFO]: (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL.  For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.org)

[15:24:08] [Thread-9/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: java.lang.NullPointerException

[15:24:08] [Thread-9/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.openal.ALC10.alcDestroyContext(ALC10.java:362)

[15:24:08] [Thread-9/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.openal.AL.destroy(AL.java:210)

[15:24:08] [Thread-9/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.openal.AL.init(AL.java:175)

[15:24:08] [Thread-9/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.openal.AL.create(AL.java:138)

[15:24:08] [Thread-9/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.openal.AL.create(AL.java:102)

[15:24:08] [Thread-9/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.openal.AL.create(AL.java:201)

[15:24:08] [Thread-9/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.libraries.LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.init(LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.java:164)

[15:24:08] [Thread-9/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandNewLibrary(SoundSystem.java:1576)

[15:24:08] [Thread-9/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandQueue(SoundSystem.java:2572)

[15:24:08] [Thread-9/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.CommandThread.run(CommandThread.java:121)

AL lib: (EE) MMDevApiOpenPlayback: Device init failed: 0x80004005

Exception in thread "Thread-9" [15:24:27] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Max texture size: 8192

[15:24:27] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 16x16 textures-atlas

[15:24:30] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Injecting itemstacks

[15:24:30] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Itemstack injection complete

[15:24:30] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 4 mods

[15:24:30] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:CarbonMod

[15:24:31] [sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...

[15:24:31] [Thread-11/INFO]: Initializing LWJGL OpenAL

[15:24:31] [Thread-11/INFO]: (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL.  For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.org)

[15:24:31] [Thread-11/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Only one OpenAL context may be instantiated at any one time.

[15:24:31] [Thread-11/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.openal.AL.create(AL.java:113)

[15:24:31] [Thread-11/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.openal.AL.create(AL.java:102)

[15:24:31] [Thread-11/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.openal.AL.create(AL.java:201)

[15:24:31] [Thread-11/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.libraries.LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.init(LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.java:164)

[15:24:31] [Thread-11/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandNewLibrary(SoundSystem.java:1576)

[15:24:31] [Thread-11/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandQueue(SoundSystem.java:2572)

[15:24:31] [Thread-11/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.CommandThread.run(CommandThread.java:121)

Exception in thread "Thread-11" [15:24:48] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Max texture size: 8192

[15:24:48] [sound Library Loader/WARN]: ERROR MESSAGE:

[15:24:48] [sound Library Loader/INFO]: SoundSystem did not load after 30 seconds.

[15:24:48] [sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...

Exception in thread "Thread-13" [15:24:48] [Thread-13/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: java.lang.NullPointerException

[15:24:48] [Thread-13/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.openal.ALC10.alcDestroyContext(ALC10.java:362)

[15:24:48] [Thread-13/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.openal.AL.destroy(AL.java:210)

[15:24:48] [Thread-13/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.libraries.LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.cleanup(LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.java:340)

[15:24:48] [Thread-13/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandNewLibrary(SoundSystem.java:1521)

[15:24:48] [Thread-13/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandQueue(SoundSystem.java:2572)

[15:24:48] [Thread-13/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.CommandThread.run(CommandThread.java:121)

[15:24:49] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 512x512 textures-atlas

[15:24:55] [server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.8

[15:24:55] [server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair

[15:24:56] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Injecting existing block and item data into this server instance

[15:24:56] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups

[15:24:56] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied

[15:24:56] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 0 (mod test) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@1d9006)

[15:24:56] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 1 (mod test) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@1d9006)

[15:24:56] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension -1 (mod test) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@1d9006)

[15:24:57] [server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0

[15:24:58] [server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 10%

[15:24:59] [server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 72%

[15:25:00] [server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 5, from 10

[15:25:07] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO] [FML]: Server protocol version 2

[15:25:07] [Netty Server IO #1/INFO] [FML]: Client protocol version 2

[15:25:07] [Netty Server IO #1/INFO] [FML]: Client attempting to join with 4 mods : [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

[15:25:07] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO] [FML]: [Netty Local Client IO #0] Client side modded connection established

[15:25:07] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: [server thread] Server side modded connection established

[15:25:07] [server thread/INFO]: Player156[local:E:b19fb9cd] logged in with entity id 56 at (-648.7623300746113, 4.0625, -866.5700030656656)

[15:25:07] [server thread/INFO]: Player156 joined the game

[15:25:09] [pool-2-thread-1/WARN]: Couldn't look up profile properties for com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@291e59[id=fd2b0ed7-411b-3fc7-aa79-261670dbe34f,name=Player156,properties={},legacy=false]

com.mojang.authlib.exceptions.AuthenticationException: The client has sent too many requests within a certain amount of time

at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilAuthenticationService.makeRequest(YggdrasilAuthenticationService.java:65) ~[YggdrasilAuthenticationService.class:?]

at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.fillGameProfile(YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.java:158) [YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.class:?]

at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService$1.load(YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.java:53) [YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService$1.class:?]

at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService$1.load(YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.java:50) [YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService$1.class:?]

at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$LoadingValueReference.loadFuture(LocalCache.java:3524) [guava-17.0.jar:?]

at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$Segment.loadSync(LocalCache.java:2317) [guava-17.0.jar:?]

at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$Segment.lockedGetOrLoad(LocalCache.java:2280) [guava-17.0.jar:?]

at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$Segment.get(LocalCache.java:2195) [guava-17.0.jar:?]

at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache.get(LocalCache.java:3934) [guava-17.0.jar:?]

at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache.getOrLoad(LocalCache.java:3938) [guava-17.0.jar:?]

at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$LocalLoadingCache.get(LocalCache.java:4821) [guava-17.0.jar:?]

at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$LocalLoadingCache.getUnchecked(LocalCache.java:4827) [guava-17.0.jar:?]

at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.fillProfileProperties(YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.java:148) [YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.class:?]

at net.minecraft.client.resources.SkinManager$3.run(SkinManager.java:138) [skinManager$3.class:?]

at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_51]

at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_51]

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_51]

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_51]

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_51]

[15:25:12] [sound Library Loader/WARN]: ERROR MESSAGE:

[15:25:12] [sound Library Loader/INFO]: SoundSystem did not load after 30 seconds.

[15:25:12] [sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...

Exception in thread "Thread-16" [15:25:12] [Thread-16/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: java.lang.NullPointerException

[15:25:12] [Thread-16/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.openal.ALC10.alcDestroyContext(ALC10.java:362)

[15:25:12] [Thread-16/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.openal.AL.destroy(AL.java:210)

[15:25:12] [Thread-16/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.libraries.LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.cleanup(LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.java:340)

[15:25:12] [Thread-16/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandNewLibrary(SoundSystem.java:1521)

[15:25:12] [Thread-16/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandQueue(SoundSystem.java:2572)

[15:25:12] [Thread-16/INFO] [sTDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at paulscode.sound.CommandThread.run(CommandThread.java:121)

[15:25:13] [server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 3997ms behind, skipping 79 tick(s)

[15:25:14] [server thread/INFO]: Player156 has just earned the achievement [Taking Inventory]

[15:25:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Player156 has just earned the achievement [Taking Inventory]

[15:25:29] [sound Library Loader/WARN]: ERROR MESSAGE:

[15:25:29] [sound Library Loader/INFO]: SoundSystem did not load after 30 seconds.

[15:25:29] [sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started

[15:25:42] [server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 12661ms behind, skipping 253 tick(s)

[15:25:51] [server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 5337ms behind, skipping 106 tick(s)

[15:25:52] [sound Library Loader/WARN]: ERROR MESSAGE:

[15:25:52] [sound Library Loader/INFO]: SoundSystem did not load after 30 seconds.

[15:25:52] [sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started

[15:26:16] [server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 10835ms behind, skipping 216 tick(s)

[15:26:30] [server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 6040ms behind, skipping 120 tick(s)

[15:26:50] [server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 7106ms behind, skipping 142 tick(s)

[15:27:07] [server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 6051ms behind, skipping 121 tick(s)

[15:27:26] [server thread/INFO]: Stopping server

[15:27:26] [server thread/INFO]: Saving players

[15:27:26] [server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds

[15:27:26] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'mod test'/Overworld

[15:27:26] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'mod test'/Nether

[15:27:26] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'mod test'/The End

[15:27:26] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension 0

[15:27:26] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension -1

[15:27:26] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension 1

[15:27:26] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups

[15:27:27] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied

[15:27:28] [Client thread/FATAL]: Unreported exception thrown!


at net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundManager$SoundSystemStarterThread.playing(SoundManager.java:575) ~[soundManager$SoundSystemStarterThread.class:?]

at net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundManager.updateAllSounds(SoundManager.java:273) ~[soundManager.class:?]

at net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundHandler.update(SoundHandler.java:256) ~[soundHandler.class:?]

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runTick(Minecraft.java:2191) ~[Minecraft.class:?]

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runGameLoop(Minecraft.java:1087) ~[Minecraft.class:?]

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:376) [Minecraft.class:?]

at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:117) [Main.class:?]

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_51]

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_51]

at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_51]

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_51]

at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135) [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]

at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]

at net.minecraftforge.gradle.GradleStartCommon.launch(Unknown Source) [start/:?]

at GradleStart.main(Unknown Source) [start/:?]

[15:27:28] [Client thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [net.minecraft.init.Bootstrap:printToSYSOUT:663]: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----

// This is a token for 1 free hug. Redeem at your nearest Mojangsta: [~~HUG~~]


Time: 11/8/15 3:27 PM

Description: Unexpected error


java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error

at net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundManager$SoundSystemStarterThread.playing(SoundManager.java:575)

at net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundManager.updateAllSounds(SoundManager.java:273)

at net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundHandler.update(SoundHandler.java:256)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runTick(Minecraft.java:2191)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runGameLoop(Minecraft.java:1087)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:376)

at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:117)

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)

at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)

at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135)

at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28)

at net.minecraftforge.gradle.GradleStartCommon.launch(Unknown Source)

at GradleStart.main(Unknown Source)



A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:



-- Head --


at net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundManager$SoundSystemStarterThread.playing(SoundManager.java:575)

at net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundManager.updateAllSounds(SoundManager.java:273)

at net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundHandler.update(SoundHandler.java:256)


-- Affected level --


Level name: MpServer

All players: 1 total; [EntityPlayerSP['Player156'/56, l='MpServer', x=-664.70, y=4.00, z=-858.70]]

Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 121, 121

Level seed: 0

Level generator: ID 01 - flat, ver 0. Features enabled: false

Level generator options:

Level spawn location: -637.00,4.00,-861.00 - World: (-637,4,-861), Chunk: (at 3,0,3 in -40,-54; contains blocks -640,0,-864 to -625,255,-849), Region: (-2,-2; contains chunks -64,-64 to -33,-33, blocks -1024,0,-1024 to -513,255,-513)

Level time: 69625 game time, 272 day time

Level dimension: 0

Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?

Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)

Level game mode: Game mode: creative (ID 1). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false

Forced entities: 23 total; [EntitySheep['Sheep'/32, l='MpServer', x=-622.09, y=4.00, z=-933.03], EntityCow['Cow'/33, l='MpServer', x=-626.94, y=4.00, z=-917.00], EntityCow['Cow'/34, l='MpServer', x=-610.94, y=4.00, z=-912.03], EntitySheep['Sheep'/35, l='MpServer', x=-613.25, y=4.00, z=-881.19], EntityCow['Cow'/4, l='MpServer', x=-741.09, y=4.00, z=-849.97], EntityCow['Cow'/36, l='MpServer', x=-593.91, y=4.00, z=-934.09], EntityPlayerSP['Player156'/56, l='MpServer', x=-664.70, y=4.00, z=-858.70], EntitySheep['Sheep'/37, l='MpServer', x=-603.88, y=4.00, z=-888.41], EntityCow['Cow'/5, l='MpServer', x=-735.31, y=4.00, z=-919.75], EntitySheep['Sheep'/6, l='MpServer', x=-733.06, y=4.00, z=-827.94], EntityCow['Cow'/7, l='MpServer', x=-724.22, y=4.00, z=-798.75], EntityCow['Cow'/40, l='MpServer', x=-588.09, y=4.00, z=-893.97], EntityCow['Cow'/8, l='MpServer', x=-712.09, y=4.00, z=-820.94], EntityRabbit['Rabbit'/9, l='MpServer', x=-705.72, y=4.00, z=-789.16], EntityCow['Cow'/10, l='MpServer', x=-712.94, y=4.00, z=-776.03], EntitySheep['Sheep'/14, l='MpServer', x=-694.00, y=4.00, z=-923.06], EntityCow['Cow'/15, l='MpServer', x=-698.22, y=4.00, z=-879.78], EntityChicken['Chicken'/17, l='MpServer', x=-684.47, y=4.00, z=-813.28], EntityArmorStand['Armor Stand'/18, l='MpServer', x=-659.50, y=4.00, z=-853.50], EntityArmorStand['Armor Stand'/19, l='MpServer', x=-659.50, y=4.00, z=-851.50], EntityArmorStand['Armor Stand'/24, l='MpServer', x=-653.50, y=4.00, z=-868.50], EntityArmorStand['Armor Stand'/25, l='MpServer', x=-643.50, y=4.00, z=-868.50], EntityItem['item.item.egg'/454361, l='MpServer', x=-684.31, y=4.00, z=-812.72]]

Retry entities: 0 total; []

Server brand: fml,forge

Server type: Integrated singleplayer server


at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient.addWorldInfoToCrashReport(WorldClient.java:392)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.addGraphicsAndWorldToCrashReport(Minecraft.java:2614)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:405)

at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:117)

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)

at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)

at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135)

at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28)

at net.minecraftforge.gradle.GradleStartCommon.launch(Unknown Source)

at GradleStart.main(Unknown Source)


-- System Details --


Minecraft Version: 1.8

Operating System: Windows 8.1 (x86) version 6.3

Java Version: 1.8.0_51, Oracle Corporation

Java VM Version: Java HotSpot Client VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation

Memory: 890818928 bytes (849 MB) / 1060372480 bytes (1011 MB) up to 1060372480 bytes (1011 MB)

JVM Flags: 3 total; -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M

IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0

FML: MCP v9.10 FML v8.0.99.99 Minecraft Forge 4 mods loaded, 4 mods active

States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored

UCHIJAAAA mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar)

UCHIJAAAA FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forgeSrc-1.8-

UCHIJAAAA Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forgeSrc-1.8-

UCHIJAAAA carbonmod{1.0} [CarbonMod] (bin)

Loaded coremods (and transformers):

GL info: ' Vendor: 'NVIDIA Corporation' Version: '3.3.0' Renderer: 'GeForce GT 240/PCIe/SSE2'

Launched Version: 1.8

LWJGL: 2.9.1

OpenGL: GeForce GT 240/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 3.3.0, NVIDIA Corporation

GL Caps: Using GL 1.3 multitexturing.

Using GL 1.3 texture combiners.

Using framebuffer objects because OpenGL 3.0 is supported and separate blending is supported.

Shaders are available because OpenGL 2.1 is supported.

VBOs are available because OpenGL 1.5 is supported.


Using VBOs: No

Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'

Type: Client (map_client.txt)

Resource Packs: []

Current Language: English (US)

Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)

[15:27:28] [Client thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [net.minecraft.init.Bootstrap:printToSYSOUT:663]: #@!@# Game crashed! Crash report saved to: #@!@# C:\Users\nikola\Downloads\Mo' Things Mod\eclipse\.\crash-reports\crash-2015-11-08_15.27.28-client.txt

Java HotSpot Client VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release


To Craft, or not to Craft. That is the question.

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    • sure, here's the link, I hope I did what you wrote about, I just didn't quite understand you ( ._.) https://paste.ee/p/ZXHKZ
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