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Getting actual ores from the OreDictionary


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As we all know, the name of the OreDictionary can be very deceiving, because although it was probably originally created to be used for ores, it's used for just about everything. What I want to know is: is there a way to look at an ItemStack and figure out if it's an ore of any type? I want to use this for my crushing machine, but I'm not sure how to do it.


EDIT: Looking back now, I think I'm going to have to specify exactly what kind of ores I want it to be able to break down, so that I can return the proper dusts. Also, is there any sort of API for making custom recipes in forge? Like the arcane workbench from thaumcraft and the mana pool recipes from botania, is there some sort of recipe handler registration with forge or are all of those homemade by every mod?


Oh, and I'm in MC 1.8.9 (sorry should have mentioned that before)

- Just because things are the way they are doesn't mean they can't be the way you want them to be. Unless they're aspen trees. You can tell they're aspens 'cause the way they are.

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Thanks, that should make it easier to deal with. I just updated the question before I saw your comment.

- Just because things are the way they are doesn't mean they can't be the way you want them to be. Unless they're aspen trees. You can tell they're aspens 'cause the way they are.

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Ah, cool. If any forge devs are out there listening, this may be a good idea :P


JK, I'm sure you have thought about doing something like this before and there's probably a reason an API for recipes doesn't exist. I guess I'll just have to make my own and then make it accessible to other developers. One more thing... (I swear it's the last one, I know I should probably create separate threads for all my questions) how would one go about creating an API for a forge mod? like how COFH has the RF API (kind of). My mod is a tech mod of sorts and adds it's own unique energy system (the concept behind it is fundamentally different from RF and EU, so I can't just use those) so how would I make it so other developers can create addons and such for my mod?

- Just because things are the way they are doesn't mean they can't be the way you want them to be. Unless they're aspen trees. You can tell they're aspens 'cause the way they are.

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API is just a set of public classes/methods/fields that in some way make interaction with your mod easier.


There is nothing speacial about APIs - they are just mods or libraries that you give other people to use.


It's other devs that decide if they want to have dependency to your API mod and then use it.


E.g: You want to have some recipe API. You make interface IMyRecipe that other can implement and register to your mod using that API.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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The only thing "special" about an API is that it comes with an implied contract that says, "this will never change."  That is, once you have an interface called


that supplied some method

ItemStack getTheRecipeResult(...)

then that interface will forever exist in that package location with that name and that method.


Some people in the modding community don't understand this, *cough, Reika, cough,* and they will modify their API with every release of their mod, breaking any integration someone else went to a lot of work to make sure it played nice.  The crash then occurs in the other person's mod, and that person may have fucked off to the outer reaches of space and not give two shits any more.


Good job hero: your API changes made someone else's mod crash (and now they hate your guts).


(And this is why my Reasonable Realism mods no longer support Rotary Craft)

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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