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[1.9.4] Problem with crops


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I have a problem with the items that are dropped by crops. At first I solved the problem by doing a separate class for every crop. I want to set the seed and crop drop in the GameRegistry like that GameRegistry.registerBlock(resource_crop = new TestCrop("resource_crop", AEItems.resource_seed, AEItems.redstone_sprout), "resource_crop"); but it was unsuccessful.

Custom Crop code:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.extend;


import java.util.Random;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocks;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItems;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.main.ConfigurationFile;


import net.minecraft.block.Block;

import net.minecraft.block.BlockCrops;

import net.minecraft.block.SoundType;

import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;

import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;

import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;

import net.minecraft.item.Item;

import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;

import net.minecraft.world.World;


public class TestCrop extends BlockCrops {


public static Item seed;

public static Item drop;


public TestCrop(String name, Item seed, Item drop) {










    public Item getSeed() {

return seed;




public Item getCrop() {

return drop;




public boolean canUseBonemeal(World worldIn, Random rand, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) {

    return true;



    protected boolean canSustainBush(IBlockState state) {

        return state.getBlock() == Blocks.FARMLAND;







Crop Register:



GameRegistry.registerBlock(resource_crop = new TestCrop("resource_crop", AEItems.resource_seed, AEItems.redstone_sprout), "resource_crop");



When I break the crop I get this error:

[server thread/WARN] [FML]: Attempted to add a EntityItem to the world with a invalid item at (936.52,  4.37, 999.74), this is most likely a config issue between you and the server. Please double check your configs


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I have a problem with the items that are dropped by crops. At first I solved the problem by doing a separate class for every crop. I want to set the seed and crop drop in the GameRegistry like that GameRegistry.registerBlock(resource_crop = new TestCrop("resource_crop", AEItems.resource_seed, AEItems.redstone_sprout), "resource_crop"); but it was unsuccessful.

Custom Crop code:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.extend;


import java.util.Random;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocks;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItems;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.main.ConfigurationFile;


import net.minecraft.block.Block;

import net.minecraft.block.BlockCrops;

import net.minecraft.block.SoundType;

import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;

import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;

import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;

import net.minecraft.item.Item;

import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;

import net.minecraft.world.World;


public class TestCrop extends BlockCrops {


public static Item seed;

public static Item drop;


public TestCrop(String name, Item seed, Item drop) {










    public Item getSeed() {

return seed;




public Item getCrop() {

return drop;




public boolean canUseBonemeal(World worldIn, Random rand, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) {

    return true;



    protected boolean canSustainBush(IBlockState state) {

        return state.getBlock() == Blocks.FARMLAND;







Crop Register:



GameRegistry.registerBlock(resource_crop = new TestCrop("resource_crop", AEItems.resource_seed, AEItems.redstone_sprout), "resource_crop");



When I break the crop I get this error:

[server thread/WARN] [FML]: Attempted to add a EntityItem to the world with a invalid item at (936.52,  4.37, 999.74), this is most likely a config issue between you and the server. Please double check your configs


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Holyshit a crop related problem that's not a NPE!


And one that makes no sense to me.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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Holyshit a crop related problem that's not a NPE!


And one that makes no sense to me.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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Class fields seed and drop go uninitialized. The constructor takes like-named parameters, but they're never used.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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Class fields seed and drop go uninitialized. The constructor takes like-named parameters, but they're never used.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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What do not you understand?


I do not understand the error.

But if it is as the other folks are saying:


Show your whole main class.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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What do not you understand?


I do not understand the error.

But if it is as the other folks are saying:


Show your whole main class.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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And how should I initialize the seed and drop?

Main Class:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.main;


import java.io.File;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.TestCrop;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocks;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocksReg;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItems;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItemsReg;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.Recipes;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.proxy.CommonProxy;


import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.SidedProxy;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent;


@Mod(modid = Reference.MOD_ID, name = Reference.MOD_NAME, version = Reference.VERSION)

public class AgriculturalExpansion {



public static AgriculturalExpansion instance;


@SidedProxy(clientSide = Reference.CLIENT_PROXY, serverSide = Reference.COMMON_PROXY)

public static CommonProxy proxy;


public static final CreativeTab tabAgriculturalExpansion = new CreativeTab("tabAgriculturalExpansion");



public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent preEvent) {








public void Init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {






public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent postEvent) {









Items Class:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.init;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.AEItem;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.AESeed;


import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;

import net.minecraft.item.Item;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;


public class AEItems {



public static Item resource_sprout;


public static Item coal_essence;

public static Item iron_essence;

public static Item gold_essence;

public static Item lapis_essence;

public static Item quartz_essence;

public static Item redstone_essence;

public static Item diamond_essence;

public static Item emerald_essence;


public static Item zombie_essence;

public static Item creeper_essence;

public static Item skeleton_essence;

public static Item slime_essence;

public static Item spider_essence;

public static Item guardian_essence;

public static Item ghast_essence;

public static Item wither_essence;



public static Item resource_seed;


public static Item coal_sprout;

public static Item iron_sprout;

public static Item gold_sprout;

public static Item lapis_sprout;

public static Item quartz_sprout;

public static Item redstone_sprout;

public static Item diamond_sprout;

public static Item emerald_sprout;


public static Item zombie_sprout;

public static Item creeper_sprout;

public static Item skeleton_sprout;

public static Item slime_sprout;

public static Item spider_sprout;

public static Item guardian_sprout;

public static Item ghast_sprout;

public static Item wither_sprout;


public static void initItems() {



GameRegistry.registerItem(resource_sprout = new AEItem("resource_sprout"), "resource_sprout");


GameRegistry.registerItem(coal_essence = new AEItem("coal_essence"), "coal_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(iron_essence = new AEItem("iron_essence"), "iron_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(gold_essence = new AEItem("gold_essence"), "gold_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(lapis_essence = new AEItem("lapis_essence"), "lapis_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(quartz_essence = new AEItem("quartz_essence"), "quartz_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(redstone_essence = new AEItem("redstone_essence"), "redstone_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(diamond_essence = new AEItem("diamond_essence"), "diamond_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(emerald_essence = new AEItem("emerald_essence"), "emerald_essence");


GameRegistry.registerItem(zombie_essence = new AEItem("zombie_essence"), "zombie_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(creeper_essence = new AEItem("creeper_essence"), "creeper_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(skeleton_essence = new AEItem("skeleton_essence"), "skeleton_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(slime_essence = new AEItem("slime_essence"), "slime_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(spider_essence = new AEItem("spider_essence"), "spider_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(guardian_essence = new AEItem("guardian_essence"), "guardian_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(ghast_essence = new AEItem("ghast_essence"), "ghast_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(wither_essence = new AEItem("wither_essence"), "wither_essence");



GameRegistry.registerItem(resource_seed = new AESeed("resource_seed", AEBlocks.resource_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "resource_seed");


GameRegistry.registerItem(coal_sprout = new AESeed("coal_sprout", AEBlocks.coal_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "coal_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(iron_sprout = new AESeed("iron_sprout", AEBlocks.iron_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "iron_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(gold_sprout = new AESeed("gold_sprout", AEBlocks.gold_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "gold_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(lapis_sprout = new AESeed("lapis_sprout", AEBlocks.lapis_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "lapis_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(quartz_sprout = new AESeed("quartz_sprout", AEBlocks.quartz_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "quartz_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(redstone_sprout = new AESeed("redstone_sprout", AEBlocks.redstone_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "redstone_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(diamond_sprout = new AESeed("diamond_sprout", AEBlocks.diamond_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "diamond_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(emerald_sprout = new AESeed("emerald_sprout", AEBlocks.emerald_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "emerald_sprout");


GameRegistry.registerItem(zombie_sprout = new AESeed("zombie_sprout", AEBlocks.zombie_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "zombie_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(creeper_sprout = new AESeed("creeper_sprout", AEBlocks.creeper_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "creeper_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(skeleton_sprout = new AESeed("skeleton_sprout", AEBlocks.skeleton_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "skeleton_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(slime_sprout = new AESeed("slime_sprout", AEBlocks.slime_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "slime_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(spider_sprout = new AESeed("spider_sprout", AEBlocks.spider_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "spider_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(guardian_sprout = new AESeed("guardian_sprout", AEBlocks.guardian_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "guardian_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(ghast_sprout = new AESeed("ghast_sprout", AEBlocks.ghast_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "ghast_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(wither_sprout = new AESeed("wither_sprout", AEBlocks.wither_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "wither_sprout");








Crop Class:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.init;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.crops.vanillaresources.*;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.crops.mobresources.*;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.crops.oredictionaryresources.*;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.AEBlock;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.TestCrop;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.main.ConfigurationFile;


import net.minecraft.block.Block;

import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;

import net.minecraft.init.Items;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;


public class AEBlocks {



public static Block sprout_block;



public static Block resource_crop;


//Vanilla Crops

public static Block coal_crop;

public static Block iron_crop;

public static Block gold_crop;

public static Block lapis_crop;

public static Block quartz_crop;

public static Block redstone_crop;

public static Block diamond_crop;

public static Block emerald_crop;


//Mob Crops

public static Block zombie_crop;

public static Block creeper_crop;

public static Block skeleton_crop;

public static Block slime_crop;

public static Block spider_crop;

public static Block guardian_crop;

public static Block ghast_crop;

public static Block wither_crop;


//Passive Mobs


public static void initBlocks() {



GameRegistry.registerBlock(sprout_block = new AEBlock("sprout_block", Material.PLANTS, 0, 0, null, 0), "sprout_block");



GameRegistry.registerBlock(resource_crop = new TestCrop("resource_crop", AEItems.resource_seed, AEItems.redstone_sprout), "resource_crop");


GameRegistry.registerBlock(coal_crop = new CoalCrop("coal_crop"), "coal_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(iron_crop = new IronCrop("iron_crop"), "iron_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(gold_crop = new GoldCrop("gold_crop"), "gold_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(lapis_crop = new LapisCrop("lapis_crop"), "lapis_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(quartz_crop = new QuartzCrop("quartz_crop"), "quartz_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(redstone_crop = new RedstoneCrop("redstone_crop"), "redstone_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(diamond_crop = new DiamondCrop("diamond_crop"), "diamond_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(emerald_crop = new EmeraldCrop("emerald_crop"), "emerald_crop");


//Mob Crops

GameRegistry.registerBlock(zombie_crop = new ZombieCrop("zombie_crop"), "zombie_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(creeper_crop = new CreeperCrop("creeper_crop"), "creeper_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(skeleton_crop = new SkeletonCrop("skeleton_crop"), "skeleton_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(slime_crop = new SlimeCrop("slime_crop"), "slime_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(spider_crop = new SpiderCrop("spider_crop"), "spider_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(guardian_crop = new GuardianCrop("guardian_crop"), "guardian_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(ghast_crop = new GhastCrop("ghast_crop"), "ghast_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(wither_crop = new WitherCrop("wither_crop"), "wither_crop");









TestCrop Class:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.extend;


import java.util.Random;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocks;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItems;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.main.ConfigurationFile;


import net.minecraft.block.Block;

import net.minecraft.block.BlockCrops;

import net.minecraft.block.SoundType;

import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;

import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;

import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;

import net.minecraft.item.Item;

import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;

import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;

import net.minecraft.world.World;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;


public class TestCrop extends BlockCrops {


private static Item seed;

private static Item drop;


public TestCrop(String name, Item seed, Item drop) {











    protected Item getSeed() {

return seed;




protected Item getCrop() {

return drop;



public boolean canUseBonemeal(World worldIn, Random rand, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) {

    return true;



    protected boolean canSustainBush(IBlockState state) {

        return state.getBlock() == Blocks.FARMLAND;







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And how should I initialize the seed and drop?

Main Class:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.main;


import java.io.File;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.TestCrop;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocks;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocksReg;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItems;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItemsReg;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.Recipes;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.proxy.CommonProxy;


import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.SidedProxy;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent;


@Mod(modid = Reference.MOD_ID, name = Reference.MOD_NAME, version = Reference.VERSION)

public class AgriculturalExpansion {



public static AgriculturalExpansion instance;


@SidedProxy(clientSide = Reference.CLIENT_PROXY, serverSide = Reference.COMMON_PROXY)

public static CommonProxy proxy;


public static final CreativeTab tabAgriculturalExpansion = new CreativeTab("tabAgriculturalExpansion");



public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent preEvent) {








public void Init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {






public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent postEvent) {









Items Class:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.init;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.AEItem;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.AESeed;


import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;

import net.minecraft.item.Item;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;


public class AEItems {



public static Item resource_sprout;


public static Item coal_essence;

public static Item iron_essence;

public static Item gold_essence;

public static Item lapis_essence;

public static Item quartz_essence;

public static Item redstone_essence;

public static Item diamond_essence;

public static Item emerald_essence;


public static Item zombie_essence;

public static Item creeper_essence;

public static Item skeleton_essence;

public static Item slime_essence;

public static Item spider_essence;

public static Item guardian_essence;

public static Item ghast_essence;

public static Item wither_essence;



public static Item resource_seed;


public static Item coal_sprout;

public static Item iron_sprout;

public static Item gold_sprout;

public static Item lapis_sprout;

public static Item quartz_sprout;

public static Item redstone_sprout;

public static Item diamond_sprout;

public static Item emerald_sprout;


public static Item zombie_sprout;

public static Item creeper_sprout;

public static Item skeleton_sprout;

public static Item slime_sprout;

public static Item spider_sprout;

public static Item guardian_sprout;

public static Item ghast_sprout;

public static Item wither_sprout;


public static void initItems() {



GameRegistry.registerItem(resource_sprout = new AEItem("resource_sprout"), "resource_sprout");


GameRegistry.registerItem(coal_essence = new AEItem("coal_essence"), "coal_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(iron_essence = new AEItem("iron_essence"), "iron_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(gold_essence = new AEItem("gold_essence"), "gold_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(lapis_essence = new AEItem("lapis_essence"), "lapis_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(quartz_essence = new AEItem("quartz_essence"), "quartz_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(redstone_essence = new AEItem("redstone_essence"), "redstone_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(diamond_essence = new AEItem("diamond_essence"), "diamond_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(emerald_essence = new AEItem("emerald_essence"), "emerald_essence");


GameRegistry.registerItem(zombie_essence = new AEItem("zombie_essence"), "zombie_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(creeper_essence = new AEItem("creeper_essence"), "creeper_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(skeleton_essence = new AEItem("skeleton_essence"), "skeleton_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(slime_essence = new AEItem("slime_essence"), "slime_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(spider_essence = new AEItem("spider_essence"), "spider_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(guardian_essence = new AEItem("guardian_essence"), "guardian_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(ghast_essence = new AEItem("ghast_essence"), "ghast_essence");

GameRegistry.registerItem(wither_essence = new AEItem("wither_essence"), "wither_essence");



GameRegistry.registerItem(resource_seed = new AESeed("resource_seed", AEBlocks.resource_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "resource_seed");


GameRegistry.registerItem(coal_sprout = new AESeed("coal_sprout", AEBlocks.coal_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "coal_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(iron_sprout = new AESeed("iron_sprout", AEBlocks.iron_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "iron_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(gold_sprout = new AESeed("gold_sprout", AEBlocks.gold_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "gold_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(lapis_sprout = new AESeed("lapis_sprout", AEBlocks.lapis_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "lapis_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(quartz_sprout = new AESeed("quartz_sprout", AEBlocks.quartz_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "quartz_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(redstone_sprout = new AESeed("redstone_sprout", AEBlocks.redstone_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "redstone_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(diamond_sprout = new AESeed("diamond_sprout", AEBlocks.diamond_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "diamond_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(emerald_sprout = new AESeed("emerald_sprout", AEBlocks.emerald_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "emerald_sprout");


GameRegistry.registerItem(zombie_sprout = new AESeed("zombie_sprout", AEBlocks.zombie_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "zombie_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(creeper_sprout = new AESeed("creeper_sprout", AEBlocks.creeper_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "creeper_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(skeleton_sprout = new AESeed("skeleton_sprout", AEBlocks.skeleton_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "skeleton_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(slime_sprout = new AESeed("slime_sprout", AEBlocks.slime_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "slime_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(spider_sprout = new AESeed("spider_sprout", AEBlocks.spider_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "spider_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(guardian_sprout = new AESeed("guardian_sprout", AEBlocks.guardian_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "guardian_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(ghast_sprout = new AESeed("ghast_sprout", AEBlocks.ghast_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "ghast_sprout");

GameRegistry.registerItem(wither_sprout = new AESeed("wither_sprout", AEBlocks.wither_crop, Blocks.FARMLAND), "wither_sprout");








Crop Class:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.init;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.crops.vanillaresources.*;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.crops.mobresources.*;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.crops.oredictionaryresources.*;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.AEBlock;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.TestCrop;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.main.ConfigurationFile;


import net.minecraft.block.Block;

import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;

import net.minecraft.init.Items;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;


public class AEBlocks {



public static Block sprout_block;



public static Block resource_crop;


//Vanilla Crops

public static Block coal_crop;

public static Block iron_crop;

public static Block gold_crop;

public static Block lapis_crop;

public static Block quartz_crop;

public static Block redstone_crop;

public static Block diamond_crop;

public static Block emerald_crop;


//Mob Crops

public static Block zombie_crop;

public static Block creeper_crop;

public static Block skeleton_crop;

public static Block slime_crop;

public static Block spider_crop;

public static Block guardian_crop;

public static Block ghast_crop;

public static Block wither_crop;


//Passive Mobs


public static void initBlocks() {



GameRegistry.registerBlock(sprout_block = new AEBlock("sprout_block", Material.PLANTS, 0, 0, null, 0), "sprout_block");



GameRegistry.registerBlock(resource_crop = new TestCrop("resource_crop", AEItems.resource_seed, AEItems.redstone_sprout), "resource_crop");


GameRegistry.registerBlock(coal_crop = new CoalCrop("coal_crop"), "coal_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(iron_crop = new IronCrop("iron_crop"), "iron_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(gold_crop = new GoldCrop("gold_crop"), "gold_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(lapis_crop = new LapisCrop("lapis_crop"), "lapis_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(quartz_crop = new QuartzCrop("quartz_crop"), "quartz_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(redstone_crop = new RedstoneCrop("redstone_crop"), "redstone_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(diamond_crop = new DiamondCrop("diamond_crop"), "diamond_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(emerald_crop = new EmeraldCrop("emerald_crop"), "emerald_crop");


//Mob Crops

GameRegistry.registerBlock(zombie_crop = new ZombieCrop("zombie_crop"), "zombie_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(creeper_crop = new CreeperCrop("creeper_crop"), "creeper_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(skeleton_crop = new SkeletonCrop("skeleton_crop"), "skeleton_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(slime_crop = new SlimeCrop("slime_crop"), "slime_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(spider_crop = new SpiderCrop("spider_crop"), "spider_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(guardian_crop = new GuardianCrop("guardian_crop"), "guardian_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(ghast_crop = new GhastCrop("ghast_crop"), "ghast_crop");

GameRegistry.registerBlock(wither_crop = new WitherCrop("wither_crop"), "wither_crop");









TestCrop Class:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.extend;


import java.util.Random;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocks;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItems;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.main.ConfigurationFile;


import net.minecraft.block.Block;

import net.minecraft.block.BlockCrops;

import net.minecraft.block.SoundType;

import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;

import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;

import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;

import net.minecraft.item.Item;

import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;

import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;

import net.minecraft.world.World;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;


public class TestCrop extends BlockCrops {


private static Item seed;

private static Item drop;


public TestCrop(String name, Item seed, Item drop) {











    protected Item getSeed() {

return seed;




protected Item getCrop() {

return drop;



public boolean canUseBonemeal(World worldIn, Random rand, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) {

    return true;



    protected boolean canSustainBush(IBlockState state) {

        return state.getBlock() == Blocks.FARMLAND;







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I said your MAIN class.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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I said your MAIN class.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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I said your MAIN class.

Main Class:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.main;


import java.io.File;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.TestCrop;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocks;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocksReg;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItems;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItemsReg;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.Recipes;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.proxy.CommonProxy;


import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.SidedProxy;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent;


@Mod(modid = Reference.MOD_ID, name = Reference.MOD_NAME, version = Reference.VERSION)

public class AgriculturalExpansion {



public static AgriculturalExpansion instance;


@SidedProxy(clientSide = Reference.CLIENT_PROXY, serverSide = Reference.COMMON_PROXY)

public static CommonProxy proxy;


public static final CreativeTab tabAgriculturalExpansion = new CreativeTab("tabAgriculturalExpansion");



public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent preEvent) {








public void Init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {






public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent postEvent) {









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I said your MAIN class.

Main Class:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.main;


import java.io.File;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.TestCrop;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocks;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocksReg;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItems;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItemsReg;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.Recipes;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.proxy.CommonProxy;


import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.SidedProxy;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent;


@Mod(modid = Reference.MOD_ID, name = Reference.MOD_NAME, version = Reference.VERSION)

public class AgriculturalExpansion {



public static AgriculturalExpansion instance;


@SidedProxy(clientSide = Reference.CLIENT_PROXY, serverSide = Reference.COMMON_PROXY)

public static CommonProxy proxy;


public static final CreativeTab tabAgriculturalExpansion = new CreativeTab("tabAgriculturalExpansion");



public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent preEvent) {








public void Init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {






public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent postEvent) {









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Fuck, I hate this "make the proxy do all of the main class" shit.


Because now I need your common proxy.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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Fuck, I hate this "make the proxy do all of the main class" shit.


Because now I need your common proxy.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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Fuck, I hate this "make the proxy do all of the main class" shit.


Because now I need your common proxy.

Common Proxy Class:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.proxy;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.TestCrop;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocks;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItems;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.Recipes;


import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent;


public class CommonProxy {


public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent preEvent) {









public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {




public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent postEvent) {








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Fuck, I hate this "make the proxy do all of the main class" shit.


Because now I need your common proxy.

Common Proxy Class:



package com.agriculturalexpansion.proxy;


import com.agriculturalexpansion.extend.TestCrop;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEBlocks;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.AEItems;

import com.agriculturalexpansion.init.Recipes;


import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent;


public class CommonProxy {


public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent preEvent) {









public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {




public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent postEvent) {








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Ah, yep. There we go.


You create and register your blocks before you do items.  So when your try to reference




, both of those are null.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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