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[1.10] isOpaqueCube deprecated


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I noticed that net.minecraft.Block::isOpaqueCube(IBlockState) is @Deprecated.


What is the preferred method of achieving a non-opaque block, in this case? Was the method deprecated incorrectly or is there a better way to achieve the same effect as overriding the method to return false?


(I am looking at forgeSrc-1.10-

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If you would look at other Block's methods you'll see there are also deprecations.


In 1.9 (or 1.9.4) Mojang apparently decided that @Deprecated will be used to mark methods as "internal" ones.

Yes - this is miss-use of annotation, so also yes - don't worry about that (tho it's annoying).

Deprecated for Blocks (and maybe few other things) means that given method can ever only be called by internals (so basically aside from @Overriding it you shouldn't ever call it) - or at least - this is what some of us come up with.

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1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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