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RAM and performance

Jay Avery

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I just timed how long it took to load and run my mod. It was seven minutes from clicking 'run' in eclipse to seeing the main Minecraft menu, another six minutes from loading a world until the HUD appeared, and about three-four minutes for it to load and render (with a 10 chunk radius) enough to move around.


My computer has 4Gb of RAM, which I know is not much. But I'm worried that it's taking so long to load - could this be a sign of badly made or inefficient mod? (Perfectly possible since I'm a total amateur) Is there anything obvious that I can look for or try to improve that will help with performance and load times? Am I worrying too much?


Edit: github link! https://github.com/JayAvery/jjmod/tree/building

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You have a link I can download your mod with, so I can do a time test too? What version?

I Love To Help People. Unless They Are The Kind Of People Who Just Doesn't Know Anything. Those People Need Some Serious Help. This Could Help But......



ThingsMod Git: https://github.com/EscapeMC/Things-Mod-1.10.2


TeamMadness Mod Git: https://github.com/EscapeMC/TeamMadness-Mod-1.10.2


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I would suggest uploading your mod to github or some other service and allowing people to take a look. And secondly not sure if you allocated more than one gig of Ram sense Minecraft limits this to 1 at runtime, so that it does not lag/take all the computers ram during moments it needs more.


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Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.

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Sorry, forgot to put a github link! https://github.com/JayAvery/jjmod/tree/building (this is the most up-to-date branch). I have also allocated more RAM to Minecraft (2Gb) in the run configuration. Doing that did seem to slightly help the load time (I allocated more RAM because it just completely crashed with a memory error at one point, and that hasn't happened since), but my timings were measured since I changed that.

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I think the "problem" is that you have a lot of Items and Blocks. I don't think there is anything you can do about this.


I will be posting 1.15.2 modding tutorials on this channel. If you want to be notified of it do the normal YouTube stuff like subscribing, ect.

Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.

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you may want to increase your memory allocation to 4GB

He probably shouldn't do that, because it will slow his computer (also uses some ram ~1GB max), and because of that, it will slow minecraft as well

I think he should do max 3, but around 2GB

Classes: 94

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Github repo: https://github.com/KokkieBeer/DeGeweldigeMod

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He probably shouldn't do that, because it will slow his computer (also uses some ram ~1GB max), and because of that, it will slow minecraft as well

I think he should do max 3, but around 2GB


No, not at all. If your computer has 8GB, or more, of memory, you'll almost certainly be fine with allocating 4GB for Minecraft. That would leave the operating system and other running programs with 4GB, which is fine for most stuff.


There is no one universal value for memory allocation that applies to everybody, because everybody has different computers with varying amounts of memory. My computer as 16GB of RAM, so I can afford to allocate 4GB of memory to Minecraft and have many other programs running simultaneously. If OP's had only 4GB of RAM, they wouldn't be able to allocate all 4GB to Minecraft, because that would leave the operating system with none. If, however, they had 8 or more, they'd be fine with allocating 4 to MC.

Don't make mods if you don't know Java.

Check out my website: http://shadowfacts.net

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Thanks for the responses everyone. Looks like it's just the size of the mod and there's not much I can do about it. Another question then: are the performance issues worse when developing than they will be for someone actually running the mod? Is compiling and running it with Eclipse more RAM-draining than running it with Forge once it's built?

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