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Chat handling


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So i was designing a chat handler that provides a prefix to a user based on their "Empire".

An "Empire" is essentially a "faction" that a player can join, create and invite others to.

Now, what I am having problems with is when a player without a "Empire" chats:


#1: Players with Empires get this printed: [Rank] [Empire] playername: message

#2: Players without Empires that chat, crash the game because of the null.


Now I know why it crashes,

The code searches a database of Empires using their username to find their empire/rank.

If they do not have one, then it just crashes the game despite my else statements.


Here is my revised code:

public class ChatHandler {
	public static final ChatHandler instance = new ChatHandler();
	public void onServerChatReceivedEvent(ServerChatEvent event) {
	EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) event.player;

	 if (event.player!=null) {
		 List players = MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().playerEntityList;
		 for (int i = 0; i < + players.size();i++) {
			EntityPlayer target = (EntityPlayer) players.get(i);
			Citizen res = EmpiresUniverse.instance.getOrMakeCitizen(target);
			Empire empire;
			Rank rank;
			if (CommandsEMP.getEmpireFromCitizen(res) == null)
				String chat2 = player.getDisplayName() + ": " + event.message;
				target.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation(chat2));

			empire = CommandsEMP.getEmpireFromCitizen(res);
			rank = CommandsEMP.getRankFromCitizen(res);
           //TODO Add herochat support?
           //TODO Fix Crash when empire = null
           //TODO Abbreviate ranks (Leader = [L], Officer = [O], Member = [M])
			 String chat = "[" + rank   +"]" + "§6[" + empire + "]" + "§f " + player.getDisplayName() + ": " + event.message;
			 target.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation(chat));





hope someone can tell me what i am doing wrong, and how i can fix it.


Edited by Andrew2070
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