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[1.11.2 - SOLVED] Networking issues


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Hi !

I'm using SimpleImpl to send data from the server to the client.

I have to send 2 different messages (in fact, the same message containing different informations) approximatively at the same time to all players.

But players receive two times the same message.

If I pause the server thread after the first message is sent, both messages are correctly received. So I conclude that there's not enough time between the moments where messages are sent.
Do you know how can I fix that ?

Edited by Franckyi
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My source code is available here : https://github.com/Franckyi/Wireless-Switch-Control/tree/1.11.2-update-networking

Network issues are occuring at blocks.BlockRedstoneSwitch::breakBlock and blocks.BlockRedstoneController::breakBlock.

In both cases, I'm sending messages to all players in a loop. But, for example, if I send 1, then 2, then 3; I'll recieve 3, 3, 3.

Edited by Franckyi
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One solution could be to change the message to send a set of data instead of only one data per message. If someone has a better solution, please tell me.

And also, that's strange that I can't send two messages in a too short period of time.

[EDIT] My solution works.

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I haven't really checked if it was correct or not, but with my new message it works.

How do I send a message to the players tracking the chunk ?

And also, if player 1 goes far away (not tracking the chunk), then player 2 updates the block, then player 1 comes back, is the data sent automatically to player 1 when he loads the chunk ? Or I have to detect and send the data to the client ?


Edited by Franckyi
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Thanks !
So this should work ?

BlockRedstoneController::breakBlock (everything is called server side)

WorldServer worldServer = (WorldServer) world;
for (EntityPlayer player : worldServer.playerEntities) {
	EntityPlayerMP playerMP = (EntityPlayerMP) player;
	if (worldServer.getPlayerChunkMap() {
		.getEntry(world.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos).x, world.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos).z)
			PacketHandler.INSTANCE.sendTo(new UpdateRedstoneControllerMessage(updateControllers), playerMP);

(and the same for BlockRedstoneSwitch)


EventHandler (I don't know if this event is fired on the server, on client or on both)

public void onChunkWatch(ChunkWatchEvent.Watch event) {
	WorldServer world = event.getPlayer().getServerWorld();
	if (!world.isRemote) {
		for (TileEntity te : world.loadedTileEntityList) {
			if (event.getChunk().equals(world.getChunkFromBlockCoords(te.getPos()).getPos())) {
				if (te instanceof TileEntityRedstoneSwitch) {
					PacketHandler.INSTANCE.sendTo(new UpdateRedstoneSwitchMessage(te.getPos(),
							te.getCapability(RedstoneSwitchProvider.SWITCH_CAP, null).getSwitch()), event.getPlayer());
				} else if (te instanceof TileEntityRedstoneController) {
					PacketHandler.INSTANCE.sendTo(new UpdateRedstoneControllerMessage(te.getPos(),
							te.getCapability(RedstoneControllerProvider.CONTROLLER_CAP, null).getController()), event.getPlayer());




Edited by Franckyi
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Okay so everything seems to be fine. But I have another problem also linked to networking : my mod can't run on the server.

Crash Report

It fails when it registers a message that is handled on the client side. But I must register it on both sides anyway, right ?

I really don't know where does it try to load the WorldClient class.

Is it linked to my special PacketHandler class ?


public class PacketHandler {

	public static abstract class ClientHandler<REQ extends IMessage> extends CommonHandler<REQ> {

		public IMessage onMessage(REQ message, MessageContext ctx) {
			super.onMessage(message, ctx);
			this.world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().world;
			this.mainThread = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
			return null;


	public static abstract class CommonHandler<REQ extends IMessage>
			implements IMessageHandler<REQ, IMessage>, Runnable {

		protected World world;
		protected IThreadListener mainThread;
		protected REQ message;
		protected MessageContext ctx;

		public IMessage onMessage(REQ message, MessageContext ctx) {
			this.message = message;
			this.ctx = ctx;
			return null;


	public static abstract class ServerHandler<REQ extends IMessage> extends CommonHandler<REQ> {

		public IMessage onMessage(REQ message, MessageContext ctx) {
			super.onMessage(message, ctx);
			this.world = ctx.getServerHandler().player.world;
			this.mainThread = (WorldServer) this.world;
			return null;


	public static final SimpleNetworkWrapper INSTANCE = NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.newSimpleChannel(ModReference.MODID);



Client-side Message Handlers extends PacketHandler.ClientHandler whereas Server-side Message Handlers extends PacketHandler.ServerHandler.

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