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(Solved / Headdesk) 1.12.2] Can't remove recipes added via addShapeless


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I know custom recipes went to JSON format quite a while ago but when I tried to start moving to that today I found out my recipes seem stuck in the mod/game and I can't clear them?  All of them were added w/one of the addShapeless() methods from the CraftingHelper class below. I've tried cleaning my project, moving to updated version of forge and few other things but even though my addShapeless() recipes are commented out they're still in the game when I debug. Anyone know how to remove these recipes? It is driving me INSANE...


Example of one my recipes

CraftingHelper.addShapeless(event, new ItemStack(Items.APPLE,0),new Object[]{Items.COAL});


CraftingHelper class  w/the addShapeless method(s):

package com.me.mymod.util;

import java.util.List;
import com.me.mymod.Reference;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.Ingredient;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes;
import net.minecraft.stats.RecipeBook;
import net.minecraft.util.NonNullList;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.event.RegistryEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreIngredient;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapedOreRecipe;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapelessOreRecipe;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.IForgeRegistry;

public class CraftingHelper {

	private static int j = 0;
	private static final String MODID = Reference.MOD_ID;// Mod.MODID;
	private static final String MODNAME = Reference.MOD_NAME; // Mod.MODNAME;

	public static void addRecipe(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, int j, IRecipe rec) {
		final IForgeRegistry<IRecipe> registry = event.getRegistry();
	    if(rec.getRegistryName() == null)
	    	registry.register(rec.setRegistryName(new ResourceLocation(MODID, "recipes" + j)));
	    else registry.register(rec);

	 * This adds the recipe to the list of crafting recipes.  Cares about names.
	public static void addRecipe(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, String name, IRecipe rec) {
		final IForgeRegistry<IRecipe> registry = event.getRegistry();
	    if(rec.getRegistryName() == null)
	    	registry.register(rec.setRegistryName(new ResourceLocation(MODID, name)));
	    else registry.register(rec);

	 * This adds a shaped recipe to the list of crafting recipes, using the forge format.
	public static void addOldShaped(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, ItemStack output, Object... input) {
		addRecipe(event, j++, new ShapedOreRecipe(new ResourceLocation(MODID, "recipes" + j), output, input));

	 * This adds a shaped recipe to the list of crafting recipes, using the forge format, with a custom group.
	public static void addOldShaped(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, String group, ItemStack output, Object... input) {
		addRecipe(event, j++, new ShapedOreRecipe(new ResourceLocation(MODID, group), output, input));
     * This adds a shaped recipe to the list of crafting recipes, using the forge format, with a custom group.
    public static void addOldShaped(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, String name, String group, ItemStack output, Object... input) {
        addRecipe(event, j++, new ShapedOreRecipe(new ResourceLocation(MODID, group), output, input).setRegistryName(MODID, name));

	 * This adds a shapeless recipe to the list of crafting recipes, using the forge format.
	public static void addOldShapeless(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, ItemStack output, Object... input) {
		addRecipe(event, j++, new ShapelessOreRecipe(new ResourceLocation(MODID, "recipes" + j), output, input));

	 * This adds a shapeless recipe to the list of crafting recipes, using the forge format, with a custom group.
	public static void addOldShapeless(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, String group, ItemStack output, Object... input) {
		addRecipe(event, j++, new ShapelessOreRecipe(new ResourceLocation(MODID, group), output, input));

	 * Adds a shapeless recipe with X output using an array of inputs. Use Strings for OreDictionary support. This array is not ordered.
	public static void addShapeless(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, ItemStack output, Object... inputs) {
		addRecipe(event, j++, new ShapelessRecipes(MODID + ":" + j, output, createInput(inputs)));
	public static void addShapeless(int outputStackCount, RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, ItemStack output, Object... inputs) {
		addRecipe(event, j++, new ShapelessRecipes(MODID + ":" + j, output, createInput(inputs)));

	public static void addShapeless(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, Item output, Object... inputs) {
		addShapeless(event, new ItemStack(output), inputs);

	public static void addShapeless(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, Block output, Object... inputs) {
		addShapeless(event, new ItemStack(output), inputs);

	 * Adds a shapeless recipe with X output using an array of inputs. Use Strings for OreDictionary support. This array is not ordered.  This has a custom group.
	public static void addShapeless(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, String group, ItemStack output, Object... inputs) {
		addRecipe(event, j++, new ShapelessRecipes(MODID + ":" + group, output, createInput(inputs)));

	public static void addShapeless(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, String group, Item output, Object... inputs) {
		addShapeless(event, group, new ItemStack(output), inputs);

	public static void addShapeless(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, String group, Block output, Object... inputs) {
		addShapeless(event, group, new ItemStack(output), inputs);

	 * Adds a shapeless recipe with X output on a crafting grid that is W x H, using an array of inputs.  Use null for nothing, use Strings for OreDictionary support, this array must have a length of width * height.
	 * This array is ordered, and items must follow from left to right, top to bottom of the crafting grid.
	public static void addShaped(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, ItemStack output, int width, int height, Object... input) {
		addRecipe(event, j++, genShaped(output, width, height, input));

	public static void addShaped(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, Item output, int width, int height, Object... input) {
		addShaped(event, new ItemStack(output), width, height, input);

	public static void addShaped(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, Block output, int width, int height, Object... input) {
		addShaped(event, new ItemStack(output), width, height, input);

	 * Adds a shapeless recipe with X output on a crafting grid that is W x H, using an array of inputs.  Use null for nothing, use Strings for OreDictionary support, this array must have a length of width * height.
	 * This array is ordered, and items must follow from left to right, top to bottom of the crafting grid. This has a custom group.
	public static void addShaped(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, String group, ItemStack output, int width, int height, Object... input) {
		addRecipe(event, j++, genShaped(MODID + ":" + group, output, width, height, input));

	public static void addShaped(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, String group, Item output, int width, int height, Object... input) {
		addShaped(event, group, new ItemStack(output), width, height, input);

	public static void addShaped(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, String group, Block output, int width, int height, Object... input) {
		addShaped(event, group, new ItemStack(output), width, height, input);

	public static ShapedRecipes genShaped(ItemStack output, int l, int w, Object[] input) {
		if (input[0] instanceof Object[])
			input = (Object[]) input[0];
		if (l * w != input.length)
			throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
					"Attempted to add invalid shaped recipe.  Complain to the author of  " + MODNAME);
		NonNullList<Ingredient> inputL = NonNullList.create();
		for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
			Object k = input[i];
			if (k instanceof String) {
				inputL.add(i, new OreIngredient((String) k));
			} else if (k instanceof ItemStack && !((ItemStack) k).isEmpty()) {
				inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks((ItemStack) k));
			} else if (k instanceof Item) {
				inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Item) k)));
			} else if (k instanceof Block) {
				inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Block) k)));
			} else {
				inputL.add(i, Ingredient.EMPTY);

		return new ShapedRecipes(MODID + ":" + j, l, w, inputL, output);

	public static ShapedRecipes genShaped(String group, ItemStack output, int l, int w, Object[] input) {
		if(input[0] instanceof List)
			input = ((List<?>) input[0]).toArray();
		else if (input[0] instanceof Object[])
			input = (Object[]) input[0];
		if (l * w != input.length)
			throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
					"Attempted to add invalid shaped recipe.  Complain to the author of  " + MODNAME);
		NonNullList<Ingredient> inputL = NonNullList.create();
		for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
			Object k = input[i];
			if (k instanceof String) {
				inputL.add(i, new OreIngredient((String) k));
			} else if (k instanceof ItemStack && !((ItemStack) k).isEmpty()) {
				inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks((ItemStack) k));
			} else if (k instanceof Item) {
				inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Item) k)));
			} else if (k instanceof Block) {
				inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Block) k)));
			} else {
				inputL.add(i, Ingredient.EMPTY);

		return new ShapedRecipes(group, l, w, inputL, output);

	public static NonNullList<Ingredient> createInput(Object[] input) {
		if(input[0] instanceof List)
			input = ((List<?>) input[0]).toArray();
		else if (input[0] instanceof Object[])
			input = (Object[]) input[0];
		NonNullList<Ingredient> inputL = NonNullList.create();
		for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
			Object k = input[i];
			if (k instanceof String) {
				inputL.add(i, new OreIngredient((String) k));
			} else if (k instanceof ItemStack) {
				inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks((ItemStack) k));
			} else if (k instanceof Item) {
				inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Item) k)));
			} else if (k instanceof Block) {
				inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Block) k)));
			} else {
				throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
						"Attempted to add invalid shapeless recipe.  Complain to the author of " + MODNAME);
		return inputL;


Edited by EM3R50N
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11 minutes ago, EM3R50N said:

my recipes seem stuck in the mod/game and I can't clear them?

Huh? What?

11 minutes ago, EM3R50N said:

Anyone know how to remove these recipes?

Have you tried....deleting the code?

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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I've had them all commented out the whole time I've been trying to get them out of my mod. All of them look like this right now

// CraftingHelper.addShapeless(event, new ItemStack(Items.APPLE,0),new Object[]{Items.COAL});
// CraftingHelper.addShapeless(event, new ItemStack(Items.IRON_INGOT,0),new Object[]{Items.COAL});
// CraftingHelper.addShapeless(event, new ItemStack(Items.BONE_MEAL,0),new Object[]{Items.COAL});


Not sure if you're joking but I'm so desperate I'll try delete the commented out lines too!... but assuming that won't change anything.

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Yeah deleting the commented out lines didn't change anything (again I'm desperate - realize that's crazy person logic). 

I guess I'm paying for my sins of not moving to JSON recipe format back when it first came out. 


If anyone know more about the  IForgeRegistry and how that is handled and/or if it can be cleaned out/reset somehow please chime in? I obviously know very little about it right now but am assuming that's where my recipes are stuck because all my addShapeless() calls have been going through this

	public static void addRecipe(RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event, String name, IRecipe rec) {
		final IForgeRegistry<IRecipe> registry = event.getRegistry();
	    if(rec.getRegistryName() == null)
	    	registry.register(rec.setRegistryName(new ResourceLocation(MODID, name)));
	    else registry.register(rec);


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If your code doesn’t exist but it’s still getting run... make sure your IDE is correctly launching your project and that your edits are getting saved. 

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Just realized a version of the recipe I was trying to remove was ALREADY IN VANILLA MINECRAFT... and that was what I was interpreting as a sign my recipes weren't removed yet.

/headdesk x 100


God help me.


@Draco18s @Cadiboo Thanks for trying to help/replying guys. Sorry for distraction



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    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
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