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1.14.2 World Generation


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I've noticed that world generation is different from 1.12.2. Is there a registry for world generation similar to how you used to use GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator? There isn't a registry for it in the list in the documentation, but that's for 1.13 and it tends to be outdated regardless. I can't see one used in the vanilla code either, but I haven't looked incredibly hard.


Looking at how vanilla does it, I can see a lot has changed (everything seems to be a Feature now and there are a bunch of config things like OreFeatureConfig and CountRangeConfig), but I can't work out how to hook my code into it, because the biomes seem to just call a long list of functions that add all the features in their constructors.


Are there any resources that give an overview of these changes or examples of how to do world generation now?


Edit: After looking for a little longer I've worked out that I can loop through ForgeRegistries.BIOMES and call addFeature on each of the biomes. This doesn't feel like a particularly great way of doing things, is there a nicer way?

Edited by fweo
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