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[1.15.1] Rendering block 'manually' (clientside)


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Hello !


I am currently working on a Forge mod that must display a fake block on client side ("fake" because only for visual). From picking up various render methods in previous versions, and somehow dive into 1.15 new rendering system, I've managed to display something succesfully on screen.

I've got an unexpected side-effect: player's hand is disappearing (or probably just rendering far away ?). I've been struggling to understand why and would like to know if anybody could help me on that point.


Some snippets

MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.addListener(renderFake); // somewhere at client's init (FMLClientSetupEvent, Dist.CLIENT)

private void renderFake(RenderWorldLastEvent event) {
	ActiveRenderInfo renderInfo = Minecraft.getInstance().gameRenderer.getActiveRenderInfo();
	BlockPos pos = new Blockpos(0, 64, 0); // Just somewhere in the world
	matrixStack.func_227860_a_(); // push
	matrixStack.func_227861_a_(-renderInfo.getProjectedView().getX(), -renderInfo.getProjectedView().getY(), -renderInfo.getProjectedView().getZ()); // translate back to camera
	Matrix4f matrix4f = matrixStack.func_227866_c_().func_227870_a_(); // get final transformation matrix, handy to get yaw+pitch transformation
	Minecraft.getInstance().getTextureManager().bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("textures/block/stone.png"));
	Tessellator.getInstance().getBuffer().begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX);
	drawBlock(Tessellator.getInstance().getBuffer(), pos.x + 0.5, pos.y + 0.5, pos.z + 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0.5,0.5,0.5);
	matrixStack.func_227861_a_(0, 0, 0); // reset translation
	matrixStack.func_227865_b_(); // pop

private static void drawBlock(final BufferBuilder bufferbuilder, final double x, final double y, final double z, final float minU, final float maxU, final float minV, final float maxV, final double x_size, final double y_size, final double z_size) {
	// UP
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(-x_size + x, y_size + y, -z_size + z).func_225583_a_(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(-x_size + x, y_size + y, z_size + z).func_225583_a_(maxU, minV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(x_size + x, y_size + y, z_size + z).func_225583_a_(minU, minV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(x_size + x, y_size + y, -z_size + z).func_225583_a_(minU, maxV).endVertex();

	// DOWN
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(-x_size + x, -y_size + y, z_size + z).func_225583_a_(minU, minV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(-x_size + x, -y_size + y, -z_size + z).func_225583_a_(minU, maxV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(x_size + x, -y_size + y, -z_size + z).func_225583_a_(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(x_size + x, -y_size + y, z_size + z).func_225583_a_(maxU, minV).endVertex();

	// LEFT
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(x_size + x, -y_size + y, z_size + z).func_225583_a_(maxU, minV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(x_size + x, -y_size + y, -z_size + z).func_225583_a_(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(x_size + x, y_size + y, -z_size + z).func_225583_a_(minU, maxV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(x_size + x, y_size + y, z_size + z).func_225583_a_(minU, minV).endVertex();

	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(-x_size + x, -y_size + y, -z_size + z).func_225583_a_(minU, maxV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(-x_size + x, -y_size + y, z_size + z).func_225583_a_(minU, minV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(-x_size + x, y_size + y, z_size + z).func_225583_a_(maxU, minV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(-x_size + x, y_size + y, -z_size + z).func_225583_a_(maxU, maxV).endVertex();

	// BACK
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(-x_size + x, -y_size + y, -z_size + z).func_225583_a_(minU, maxV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(-x_size + x, y_size + y, -z_size + z).func_225583_a_(minU, minV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(x_size + x, y_size + y, -z_size + z).func_225583_a_(maxU, minV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(x_size + x, -y_size + y, -z_size + z).func_225583_a_(maxU, maxV).endVertex();

	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(x_size + x, -y_size + y, z_size + z).func_225583_a_(maxU, minV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(x_size + x, y_size + y, z_size + z).func_225583_a_(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(-x_size + x, y_size + y, z_size + z).func_225583_a_(minU, maxV).endVertex();
	bufferbuilder.func_225582_a_(-x_size + x, -y_size + y, z_size + z).func_225583_a_(minU, minV).endVertex();


Before rendering "fake" block



After rendering "fake" block (player's hand disappear)


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4 minutes ago, Koudja said:

matrixStack.func_227861_a_(0, 0, 0); // reset translation

matrixStack.func_227865_b_(); // pop

pop already resets translation. That's the whole point of the pop (push/pop "the matrix" which refers to the transformation matrix, which covers translation, scale, and rotation as well as projection (roughly, the field of view)).

Edited by Draco18s

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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Have you looked at BlockRendererDispatcher#renderBlock?

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Yes, I have been trying to use it but could'nt figure out how rendering system knows where BlockPos is. I have been looking backward in stack looking for it (believing it was set before) without success :/


I would prefer using this method rather than my own custom in fact.

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The block pos is used for gathering extra data + randomising the model. Passing in BlockPos.ORIGIN (or ZERO, it might have been renamed) is likely to not cause any noticeable bugs. In 1.14.4 there was a method that just took in a BlockState and rendered it, I think it was called renderBlockBrightness and you might want to replicate its logic.

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I managed to make use of renderBlock as mentionned:


    public static void renderBlock2(MatrixStack matrixStack, Vec3d pos, BlockState state) {
        BlockRendererDispatcher renderer = Minecraft.getInstance().getBlockRendererDispatcher();
        ClientWorld world = Minecraft.getInstance().world;
        IModelData model = renderer.getModelForState(state).getModelData(world, new BlockPos(pos), state, ModelDataManager.getModelData(world, new BlockPos(pos)));

        ActiveRenderInfo renderInfo = Minecraft.getInstance().gameRenderer.getActiveRenderInfo();

        matrixStack.func_227860_a_(); // push
        matrixStack.func_227861_a_(-renderInfo.getProjectedView().getX() + pos.x, -renderInfo.getProjectedView().getY() + pos.y, -renderInfo.getProjectedView().getZ() + pos.z); // translate back to camera
        Minecraft.getInstance().getBlockRendererDispatcher().renderBlock(state, matrixStack, Minecraft.getInstance().func_228019_au_().func_228487_b_(), 15728880, OverlayTexture.field_229196_a_, model);
        matrixStack.func_227865_b_(); // pop


The only issue left is that rendered block is always on top of everything else with this method.

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Because you're waiting for RenderWorldLastEvent. As indicated by its name, it's last.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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I found out why it was on top of everything else. There is 2 different RenderTypeBuffer.Impl available in client, one is for displaying stuff as part of GUI (in top of world rendering), the other is for world rendering.

Thanks to everyone working with me on this !


Here is a working snippet for anyone struggling with same issue as me (needless to say, it's physical client-side code only)

    public void render(RenderWorldLastEvent event) {
      Vec3d location; // some location in world
      BlockState state; // some BlockState (does not have to be part of world)
      renderBlock(event.getMatrixStack(), location, state);

    public static void renderBlock(MatrixStack matrixStack, Vec3d pos, BlockState state) {
        BlockRendererDispatcher renderer = Minecraft.getInstance().getBlockRendererDispatcher();
        ClientWorld world = Minecraft.getInstance().world;
        IModelData model = renderer.getModelForState(state).getModelData(world, new BlockPos(pos), state, ModelDataManager.getModelData(world, new BlockPos(pos)));

        ActiveRenderInfo renderInfo = Minecraft.getInstance().gameRenderer.getActiveRenderInfo();

        matrixStack.func_227860_a_(); // push
        matrixStack.func_227861_a_(-renderInfo.getProjectedView().getX() + pos.x, -renderInfo.getProjectedView().getY() + pos.y, -renderInfo.getProjectedView().getZ() + pos.z); // translate back to camera
        // Overlay texture = custom RGBA on top of texture, 0 -> red
        //func_228487_b_ -> display over everything else
        //func_228489_c_ -> display as part of chunk rendering
        Minecraft.getInstance().getBlockRendererDispatcher().renderBlock(state, matrixStack, Minecraft.getInstance().func_228019_au_().func_228489_c_(), 15728880, OverlayTexture.field_229196_a_, model);
        matrixStack.func_227865_b_(); // pop


Edited by Koudja
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You probably want to use the hex representation of your color number. Also why not pass in a BlockPos instead of a Vec3d?

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On 1/15/2020 at 12:22 AM, Koudja said:

Fun fact, my snippet does not seem to work for FluidBlock

Hint: BlockRendererDispatcher#renderFluid (func_228794_a_). Look at ChunkRenderDispatcher.ChunkRender.RebuildTask#rebuild (func_228940_a_) for more context (previously RenderChunk#rebuildChunkChunkRender#rebuildChunk).

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