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[1.15.2] Storing data in block Client side different than Server side


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I am trying to store some information inside of my block and most of it seems to be working fine. I can save the inventory perfectly, but when it comes to a few integers it seems that they are not appearing to be saved. When I show some logs after I pick up the block and put it back down, in the tick() method it shows the server with the correct int and the client with 0.

Does anyone have any knowledge around this?


[23:17:19] [Render thread/DEBUG] [co.dy.ma.ti.MagicBlockTileEntity/]: No essence! Remaining conjure time: 0
[23:17:19] [Render thread/DEBUG] [co.dy.ma.ti.MagicBlockTileEntity/]: Can't being conjure!
[23:17:19] [Render thread/DEBUG] [co.dy.ma.ti.MagicBlockTileEntity/]: No essence! Remaining conjure time: 0
[23:17:19] [Render thread/DEBUG] [co.dy.ma.ti.MagicBlockTileEntity/]: Can't being conjure!
[23:17:19] [Server thread/DEBUG] [co.dy.ma.ti.MagicBlockTileEntity/]: No essence! Remaining conjure time: 5
[23:17:19] [Server thread/DEBUG] [co.dy.ma.ti.MagicBlockTileEntity/]: No more magical essence!
[23:17:19] [Server thread/DEBUG] [co.dy.ma.ti.MagicBlockTileEntity/]: No essence! Remaining conjure time: 5
[23:17:19] [Server thread/DEBUG] [co.dy.ma.ti.MagicBlockTileEntity/]: No more magical essence!

My loot_table:


  "type": "magicnthings:block",
  "pools": [
      "rolls": 1,
      "entries": [
          "type": "minecraft:item",
          "functions": [
              "function": "minecraft:copy_name",
              "source": "block_entity"
              "function": "minecraft:copy_nbt",
              "source": "block_entity",
              "ops": [
                  "source": "inv_in",
                  "target": "BlockEntityTag.inv_in",
                  "op": "replace"
                  "source": "inv_out",
                  "target": "BlockEntityTag.int_out",
                  "op": "replace"
                  "source": "conjure",
                  "target": "BlockEntityTag.conjure",
                  "op": "replace"

                  "source": "conjure_start",
                  "target": "BlockEntityTag.conjure_start",
                  "op": "replace"
                  "source": "conjure_recipe",
                  "target": "BlockEntityTag.conjure_recipe",
                  "op": "replace"
                  "source": "essence",
                  "target": "BlockEntityTag.essence",
                  "op": "replace"
                  "source": "essence_start",
                  "target": "BlockEntityTag.essence_start",
                  "op": "replace"
              "function": "minecraft:set_contents",
              "entries": [
                  "type": "minecraft:dynamic",
                  "name": "minecraft:contents"
          "name": "magicnthings:magic_block"
      "conditions": [
          "condition": "minecraft:survives_explosion"



My Tile Entity:


    public void read(CompoundNBT tag) {
        CompoundNBT invInTag = tag.getCompound("inv_in");
        inputHandler.ifPresent(handler -> ((INBTSerializable<CompoundNBT>) handler).deserializeNBT(invInTag));

        CompoundNBT invOutTag = tag.getCompound("inv_out");
        outputHandler.ifPresent(handler -> ((INBTSerializable<CompoundNBT>) handler).deserializeNBT(invOutTag));

        // Conjure time
        remainingConjureTime = tag.getInt("conjure");
        startingConjureTime = tag.getInt("conjure_start");
        conjuringItemRecipe = tag.getInt("conjure_recipe");

        // Essence
        remainingEssence = tag.getInt("essence");
        startingEssence = tag.getInt("essence_start");

    public CompoundNBT write(CompoundNBT tag) {
        inputHandler.ifPresent(handler -> {
            CompoundNBT compound = ((INBTSerializable<CompoundNBT>) handler).serializeNBT();
            tag.put("inv_in", compound);
        outputHandler.ifPresent(handler -> {
            CompoundNBT compound = ((INBTSerializable<CompoundNBT>) handler).serializeNBT();
            tag.put("inv_out", compound);

        // Conjure time
        tag.putInt("conjure", remainingConjureTime);
        tag.putInt("conjure_start", startingConjureTime);
        tag.putInt("conjure_recipe", conjuringItemRecipe);

        // Essence
        tag.putInt("essence", remainingEssence);
        tag.putInt("essence_start", startingEssence);
        return super.write(tag);



Edited by dgraygray
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You don’t ever sync the values.

Read the Documentation.

Here’s an example of a TileEntity that syncs it’s energy every time it changes and here’s an example of a TileEntity that syncs its smeltTime whenever you’re in its GUI (see its container for the syncing)

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Thank you for the speedy reply! From what I can see here, these are the functions that handle this sorta thing correct?


	 * Retrieves packet to send to the client whenever this Tile Entity is re-synced via World#notifyBlockUpdate.
	 * This packet comes back client-side in {@link #onDataPacket}
	public SUpdateTileEntityPacket getUpdatePacket() {
		final CompoundNBT tag = new CompoundNBT();
		tag.putInt(ENERGY_TAG, this.energy.getEnergyStored());
		// We pass 0 for tileEntityTypeIn because we have a modded TE. See ClientPlayNetHandler#handleUpdateTileEntity(SUpdateTileEntityPacket)
		return new SUpdateTileEntityPacket(this.pos, 0, tag);

	 * Get an NBT compound to sync to the client with SPacketChunkData, used for initial loading of the
	 * chunk or when many blocks change at once.
	 * This compound comes back to you client-side in {@link #handleUpdateTag}
	 * The default implementation ({@link TileEntity#handleUpdateTag}) calls {@link #writeInternal)}
	 * which doesn't save any of our extra data so we override it to call {@link #write} instead
	public CompoundNBT getUpdateTag() {
		return this.write(new CompoundNBT());

	 * Handle a packet created in {@link #getUpdatePacket()}
	public void onDataPacket(final NetworkManager net, final SUpdateTileEntityPacket pkt) {

	public void onLoad() {
		// We set this in onLoad instead of the constructor so that TileEntities
		// constructed from NBT (saved tile entities) have this set to the proper value
		if (world != null && !world.isRemote)
			lastEnergy = energy.getEnergyStored();


I don't see in the second example a place where you are touching the smelting values though

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1 minute ago, dgraygray said:

these are the functions that handle this sorta thing correct?


2 minutes ago, dgraygray said:

I don't see in the second example a place where you are touching the smelting values though

11 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

(see its container for the syncing)


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Rendering and handling keyboard input should only be done on the client.

Logic (pretty much everything else) should be done on the sever.


However, to make stuff look smoother, vanilla runs some logic on both client and server (so that it appears to run smoothly on the client while the real result is synced a little bit later from the server)

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