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[SOLVED] Update block every tick (for grass-like spreading)


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Hi! I'm trying to find a method to override in order for my block to have grass-like spreading capabilities. I was looking through the classes of different types of block that have timing in them, and they've either used the randomTick() method or the tick() method. However, it's deprecated! So is there any other alternative solution to my problem or the tick method in general? I've heard something about block ticks being called in BlockState now or something, but I've tried looking into that and I don't know what it means.


Here's my code that would've probably worked if tick wasn't deprecated, simply spreading to a random surrounding block of a type every two seconds, code was pretty much ripped from:

private int defaultTimer = 40; //2 seconds

private int timer = defaultTimer;

//Constructor, other overriden methods, yada yada

    public void tick(BlockState state, ServerWorld worldIn, BlockPos pos, Random rand) {
        super.tick(state, worldIn, pos, rand);

        if(timer < defaultTimer)

            for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
                BlockPos blockpos = pos.add(rand.nextInt(3) - 1, rand.nextInt(5) - 3, rand.nextInt(3) - 1);
                if (worldIn.getBlockState(blockpos).isIn(RegistryHandler.BLOCK_TO_SPREAD_ONTO.get())) {
                    worldIn.setBlockState(blockpos, RegistryHandler.THIS_BLOCK.get().getDefaultState());

            timer = defaultTimer;
            timer --;



Thanks everyone for the help,


Edited by CommandCore
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Deprecation of randomTick and tick have nothing to do with overriding the methods. The deprecation is for usage. When calling those methods, you should call them through BlockState rather than through Block.


As for why it won't work, you probably didn't add tickRandomly() to your block's properties. Deprecated methods will still work regardless.

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6 hours ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

Deprecation of randomTick and tick have nothing to do with overriding the methods. The deprecation is for usage. When calling those methods, you should call them through BlockState rather than through Block.


As for why it won't work, you probably didn't add tickRandomly() to your block's properties. Deprecated methods will still work regardless.

Gotcha, I was able to utilize this and use tick() to check for surrounding blocks.


5 hours ago, poopoodice said:



to tick

This method is definitely a way to go for some actions, but unfortunately it didn't work for me,


By putting this in onBlockPlace() and also putting it in tick(), I was able to make someone of a consistent tick loop that ran for every interval that the tick scheduler was set at. However, it was inconsistent as random ticks would overlap it and start new tick loops. Removing  the tickRandomly() also wouldn't work for natural block appearances.


Basically any solution using this was going to lag out my game or just be straight up inconsistent. I really appreciate you showing me how to schedule a tick though, it is what I asked to do in the first place after all.


End Result:

I ended up using tickRandomly() and tick() like so:


public MyBlock() {
    .hardnessAndResistance(2.5f, 7f)

public void tick(BlockState state, ServerWorld worldIn, BlockPos pos, Random rand) {
    super.tick(state, worldIn, pos, rand);



Thanks guys for the help!! 😄

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