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Save a list of objects as .json on server side


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6 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

getDisplayNameAndUUID is not a thing.

To get the player's UUID you can use getUniqueID. Note that saving the display name might not be what you want: The display name can be changed.


Your for loop will only work for one iteration. The next iteration you write the same keys again, overwriting what you did previously. You need a list of things, ListNBT, each entry being a CompoundNBT with the structure you have now.

Alright thanks.


I've done it as follows:

    public CompoundNBT write(CompoundNBT compound) {
        ListNBT portsListNBT = new ListNBT();
        CompoundNBT portNBT = new CompoundNBT();
        int i = 0;
        for (Port p:portList){
            portNBT.putLong("uuidL", p.getOwner().getUniqueID().getLeastSignificantBits());
            portNBT.putLong("uuidM", p.getOwner().getUniqueID().getMostSignificantBits());
            portNBT.putBoolean("isOpen", p.isOpen());
            portNBT.putString("name", p.getName());
            portNBT.putInt("x", p.getXCoordinate());
            portNBT.putInt("y", p.getZCoordinate());

            ListNBT docksListNBT = new ListNBT();
            CompoundNBT dockNBT = new CompoundNBT();
            for (Dock d:p.getDocks())
                dockNBT.putBoolean("isHomeDock", d.isHomeDock);
                dockNBT.putBoolean("isUsed", d.isUsed);
                dockNBT.putIntArray("dockArea", d.getDockArea().toNBTTagIntArray().getIntArray());
        return compound;

Now how do I get a ListNBT into a compound, or do I now need to save a ListNBT and not the compound?

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20 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

You need to create a new CompoundNBT for every loop iteration. You cannot reuse them (or you will again overwrite the data).


The top level entry for a WorldSavedData must always be a CompoundNBT. So here you can just create a new CompoundNBT and put a single entry into it, containing your list.

So more like this:

    public CompoundNBT write(CompoundNBT compound) {                                                                    //NBT_Compound

        ListNBT portsListNBT = new ListNBT();
        compound.put("ports", portsListNBT);                                                                            //-NBT_List "ports"

        for (Port p:portList){
            CompoundNBT portNBT = new CompoundNBT();                                                                    //--NBT_Compound "a single port"
            portNBT.putLong("uuidL", p.getOwner().getUniqueID().getLeastSignificantBits());                             //---NBT_Long "uuidL"
            portNBT.putLong("uuidM", p.getOwner().getUniqueID().getMostSignificantBits());                              //---NBT_Long "uuidM"
            portNBT.putBoolean("isOpen", p.isOpen());                                                                   //---NBT_Bool "isOpen"
            portNBT.putString("name", p.getName());                                                                     //---NBT_String "name"
            portNBT.putInt("x", p.getXCoordinate());                                                                    //---NBT_Int "x"
            portNBT.putInt("y", p.getZCoordinate());                                                                    //---NBT_Int "y"

            ListNBT docksListNBT = new ListNBT();
            portNBT.put("docks", docksListNBT);                                                                         //---NBT_List "docks"

            for (Dock d:p.getDocks())
                CompoundNBT dockNBT = new CompoundNBT();                                                                //----NBT_Compound "a single dock"
                dockNBT.putBoolean("isHomeDock", d.isHomeDock);                                                         //----NBT_Bool "isHomeDock"
                dockNBT.putBoolean("isUsed", d.isUsed);                                                                 //----NBT_Bool "isUsed"
                dockNBT.putIntArray("dockArea", d.getDockArea().toNBTTagIntArray().getIntArray());                      //----NBT_Int[] "dockArea"



        return compound;


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How/Where do I implement my new PortWorldSavedData?


I saw Minecraft uses a save function to save it to a file. But where and when do I write the save funtion?


Also I found the isDirty attribute. I assume I need to mark the WorldSavedData as dirty, when the nbt data changed. Can't I just simply mark it dirty at the end of my write function? because i have seen, that mojang did not do that in their write functions. Why so?

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44 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

No, do not run it yourself. Simply call markDirty and then Minecraft will save the data. In your case, whenever you change something about the portList you call markDirty. Minecraft will then go ahead and call write at some point and ensure your data is saved to disk (it won't happen immediately to prevent constantly saving to disk, it will happen whenever Minecraft deems it necessary to save the world).

Ah that is nice. So I assume I need to create an instance of my PortWorldSavedData. Do I need to do it in a specific space?

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And the markDirty is completly fine here?

public CompoundNBT write(CompoundNBT compound) {                                                                    //NBT_Compound

    ListNBT portsListNBT = new ListNBT();
    compound.put("ports", portsListNBT);                                                                            //-NBT_List "ports"

    for (Port p:portList){
        CompoundNBT portNBT = new CompoundNBT();                                                                    //--NBT_Compound "a single port"
        portNBT.putLong("uuidL", p.getOwner().getUniqueID().getLeastSignificantBits());                             //---NBT_Long "uuidL"
        portNBT.putLong("uuidM", p.getOwner().getUniqueID().getMostSignificantBits());                              //---NBT_Long "uuidM"
        portNBT.putBoolean("isOpen", p.isOpen());                                                                   //---NBT_Bool "isOpen"
        portNBT.putString("name", p.getName());                                                                     //---NBT_String "name"
        portNBT.putInt("x", p.getXCoordinate());                                                                    //---NBT_Int "x"
        portNBT.putInt("y", p.getZCoordinate());                                                                    //---NBT_Int "y"

        ListNBT docksListNBT = new ListNBT();
        portNBT.put("docks", docksListNBT);                                                                         //---NBT_List "docks"

        for (Dock d:p.getDocks())
            CompoundNBT dockNBT = new CompoundNBT();                                                                //----NBT_Compound "a single dock"
            dockNBT.putBoolean("isHomeDock", d.isHomeDock);                                                         //----NBT_Bool "isHomeDock"
            dockNBT.putBoolean("isUsed", d.isUsed);                                                                 //----NBT_Bool "isUsed"
            dockNBT.putIntArray("dockArea", d.getDockArea().toNBTTagIntArray().getIntArray());                      //----NBT_Int[] "dockArea"



    return compound;


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32 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Just call the getOrCreate whenever you need access to the data. This will create your data on the first time it is needed.


markDirty does not make sense inside write. Write will be called after you call markDirty.

The process is as follows:

  1. Change data in your WSD (in your case portList).
  2. Call markDirty.

Some time later Minecraft will call write, to save the (unsaved) changes from step 1.

So like this:

private static int createPort(CommandSource source, String name, int xCoordinate, int zCoordinate) throws CommandSyntaxException {
        Port port = new Port(source.asPlayer(), name, xCoordinate, zCoordinate);
        PortWorldSavedData.addPortToList(port, PortWorldSavedData.get(source.asPlayer().getServerWorld()));
        source.sendFeedback(new TranslationTextComponent("commands.createPort.name.x.y", name , xCoordinate, zCoordinate), true);
        return 1;

and I call markDirty here:

public static void addPortToList(Port port, PortWorldSavedData instance){

so thats all?

Now it will save my list of ports everytime I create a new one.

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I run my mod now on the server and the memory use constantly goes up and gets dumped in repeat.



Also I get this message when I join the server:


[19:51:03] [Netty Server IO #1/ERROR] [minecraft/ArgumentTypes]: Could not serialize net.minecraftforge.server.command.ModIdArgument@6c4cc19b (class net.minecraftforge.server.command.ModIdArgument) - will not be sent to client!
[19:51:03] [Netty Server IO #1/ERROR] [minecraft/ArgumentTypes]: Could not serialize net.minecraftforge.server.command.EnumArgument@5d8e20ce (class net.minecraftforge.server.command.EnumArgument) - will not be sent to client!



[20:03:51] [Netty Client IO #0/ERROR] [minecraft/ArgumentTypes]: Could not deserialize minecraft:
[20:03:51] [Netty Client IO #0/ERROR] [minecraft/ArgumentTypes]: Could not deserialize minecraft:


And would it be easier for you if I brin my project to git, so you could look at the code? Or would it be unnessesary?

Edited by Bumpay
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50 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

This is normal garbage collection behavior. Please compare to a vanilla or pure Forge server, you will see similar things.


This is unrelated to your mod, it happens on every Forge server.


Every code project should be in Git. If you are not using Git you are missing a vital tool in software development.

Alright thanks man, so I will definetly read myself into Git.


Also I now want to connect to the WorldSavedData through a command (later a gui), do I need to do this via a network? Because the command is executed from the client side, but it needs to be saved on the server side?


And I do get this error when I run my command:

[03Okt2020 02:07:13.719] [Server thread/FATAL] [net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.RuntimeDistCleaner/DISTXFORM]: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/Minecraft for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER


The command looks like this:

private static int createPort(CommandSource source, String name, int xCoordinate, int zCoordinate) throws CommandSyntaxException {

        TraSimPacketHandler.INSTANCE.sendToServer(new PacketCreatePort(source.asPlayer().getUniqueID(), name, xCoordinate, zCoordinate));
        Port port = new Port(source.asPlayer(), name, xCoordinate, zCoordinate);
        PortWorldSavedData portWorldSavedData = PortWorldSavedData.get(source.asPlayer().getServerWorld());
        portWorldSavedData.addPortToList(port, portWorldSavedData);
        source.sendFeedback(new TranslationTextComponent("commands.createPort.name.x.y", name , xCoordinate, zCoordinate), true);
        return 1;

And if this is also important I do get a NullPointerException with the old commented stuff.


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1 minute ago, diesieben07 said:

Why did you exclude the Gradle wrapper and the build.gradle files? They are essential. The .gitignore file that comes with the MDK is already properly configured.


Where do you get the NPE? They are usually easy to debug using the debugger by looking at what's null.

I didn't know how important they are. I will push them in a moment.

Well, right after executing the command:



Can I use the Debugger with breakpoints? Because when I first tried it, it went off when I started the world, probably because it was initialized there. So where do I need to set the brekpoints when I watch the client actions?

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2 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

You need to look at the log and see the actual stacktrace...

At the debug.log? Because there it only says

[03Okt2020 12:31:45.476] [Render thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.client.gui.NewChatGui/]: [CHAT] An unexpected error occurred trying to execute that command
2 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

As for the debugger: Yes, you use it with breakpoints.

So where do I need to place it when I want to stop it after the user executes the command?

I tried some places but they only fired when loading the world and not in-game.

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7 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

That's at the point where you call executes. You need to put the breakpoing inside the lambda, which is called by Minecraft to execute your command.

Ah well that helped alot.


Then for quick fix these errors is it possible, and if so how, to edit and build the code while running the client?

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1 minute ago, diesieben07 said:

In theory, yes, but I've yet to get it to work properly with Minecraft. Look for "reload changed classes" in IntelliJ.

I found it under the debug options, so it might only work when i run the debug mode right?

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1 minute ago, diesieben07 said:

Yes, debug mode is required for breakpoints and hotswapping of code to work.

NIce this finally helps me to figure out problems on my own and work even more efficient 👍


Can I somehow check the objects I have saved now?

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How can I create a switch case in a command?


I want the command /create to merge all /createPort, / createDock, /createShip etc.


So the player can type in / create [type] and then the arguments vary, depending on what the type needs.

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How do I read my saved Objects back when this is how I write it?


GitHub - PortWorldSavedData

    public CompoundNBT write(CompoundNBT compound) {                                                                    //NBT_Compound

        ListNBT portsListNBT = new ListNBT();
        compound.put("ports", portsListNBT);                                                                            //-NBT_List "ports"

        for (Port p:portList){
            CompoundNBT portNBT = new CompoundNBT();                                                                    //--NBT_Compound "a single port"
            portNBT.putLong("uuidL", p.getOwner().getUniqueID().getLeastSignificantBits());                             //---NBT_Long "uuidL"
            portNBT.putLong("uuidM", p.getOwner().getUniqueID().getMostSignificantBits());                              //---NBT_Long "uuidM"
            portNBT.putBoolean("isOpen", p.isOpen());                                                                   //---NBT_Bool "isOpen"
            portNBT.putString("name", p.getName());                                                                     //---NBT_String "name"
            portNBT.putInt("x", p.getXCoordinate());                                                                    //---NBT_Int "x"
            portNBT.putInt("y", p.getZCoordinate());                                                                    //---NBT_Int "y"

            ListNBT docksListNBT = new ListNBT();
            portNBT.put("docks", docksListNBT);                                                                         //---NBT_List "docks"

            for (Dock d:p.getDocks())
                CompoundNBT dockNBT = new CompoundNBT();                                                                //----NBT_Compound "a single dock"
                dockNBT.putBoolean("isHomeDock", d.isHomeDock);                                                         //----NBT_Bool "isHomeDock"
                dockNBT.putBoolean("isUsed", d.isUsed);                                                                 //----NBT_Bool "isUsed"
                dockNBT.putIntArray("dockArea", d.getDockArea().toNBTTagIntArray().getIntArray());                      //----NBT_Int[] "dockArea"



        return compound;



Okay I tried around a bit and does this might be the right way to load the data again?


    public void read(CompoundNBT nbt) {
        ListNBT list = nbt.getList("ports", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND);
        for (int i = 0; i < list.stream().count(); i++)
            CompoundNBT portNBT = list.getCompound(i);

            ListNBT listDocks = portNBT.getList("docks", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND);
            ArrayList<Dock> docks = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int j = 0; j < listDocks.stream().count(); j++)
                CompoundNBT dockNBT = listDocks.getCompound(i);

                Dock dock = new Dock(
                        new Vec3i(dockNBT.getIntArray("pos1")[0], dockNBT.getIntArray("pos1")[1], dockNBT.getIntArray("pos1")[2]),
                        new Vec3i(dockNBT.getIntArray("pos2")[0], dockNBT.getIntArray("pos2")[1], dockNBT.getIntArray("pos2")[2]));

            Port port = new Port(
                    new UUID(portNBT.getLong("uuidM"), portNBT.getLong("uuidL")),



Edited by Bumpay
Maybe the solution
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