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[1.16.4] How to retexture .OBJ models for items using the .JSON "textures" keys


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Hello Everyone! I am starting a mod where I want items to have their textures changed using property overrides, the catch is, i'm using wavefront .OBJ models.

I did try placing  a "textures" key in the sword.json and setting values like "#blade":"oversmith:items/iron", but it just wouldn't change.

I remember that at least 1.12.2 where i have another mod up and running, i could use it like mentioned above, i mean, using "#[material name]" inside the "textures" key, but it seems that feature isn't there anymore, perhaps it's because it doesn't use blockstates anymore for items. I'm new to properties overrides so if there is an error, please help me out!

Anyways, as a side question: would this be the correct approach for having an obj model change it's textures? Because in my head, this would only load the model once instead of loading tons of the same model just changing the material lib.

The mod is all on git hub at: Oversmith Repository

Key parts for this problem are:


    private void setup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event)
        // some preinit code
        LOGGER.info("DIRT BLOCK >> {}", Blocks.DIRT.getRegistryName());



public class SmithItems {

	public static class SmithItemGroupClass extends ItemGroup {
		public SmithItemGroupClass(String label) {

		public ItemStack createIcon() {
			return Items.IRON_INGOT.getDefaultInstance();

	public static ItemGroup SmithItems = new SmithItemGroupClass("Smith_items");

	public static DeferredRegister<Item> ITEMS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS, OverSmith.MOD_ID);

	public static RegistryObject<Item> SWORD = ITEMS.register("sword", ItemSword::new);

	public static class MaterialGetter implements IItemPropertyGetter {
		private String part;

		public MaterialGetter(String part) {
			this.part = part;

		public float call(ItemStack stack, @Nullable ClientWorld world, @Nullable LivingEntity entity) {
			CompoundNBT tag =  stack.getTag();
			if(tag != null) {
				if (tag.contains(this.part)) {
					return tag.getFloat(this.part);
			return 0;

	 * This is a temporary location, certainly gonna change to a better class
	public static void initProperties() {
		ItemModelsProperties.registerProperty(SWORD.get(), new ResourceLocation(OverSmith.MOD_ID, "grip"), new MaterialGetter("grip"));
		ItemModelsProperties.registerProperty(SWORD.get(), new ResourceLocation(OverSmith.MOD_ID, "blade"),  new MaterialGetter("blade"));
		ItemModelsProperties.registerProperty(SWORD.get(), new ResourceLocation(OverSmith.MOD_ID, "pommel"),  new MaterialGetter("pommel"));
		ItemModelsProperties.registerProperty(SWORD.get(), new ResourceLocation(OverSmith.MOD_ID, "guard"),  new MaterialGetter("guard"));



public class ItemSword extends ItemWeapon {

	public ItemSword() {

	public ItemStack getDefaultInstance() {
		ItemStack stack = super.getDefaultInstance();
		CompoundNBT tag = stack.getTag();
		if(tag == null) tag = new CompoundNBT();
		tag.putFloat("blade", 1);
		tag.putFloat("guard", 1);
		tag.putFloat("grip", 0);
		tag.putFloat("pommel", 1);
		return stack;


sword.json (model) 

  "loader": "forge:obj",
  "model": "oversmith:models/item/sword.obj",
  "flip-v": true,
  "display": {
    "thirdperson_righthand": {
      "translation": [8,2,-8],
      "rotation": [0,90,0]
    "firstperson_righthand": {
      "translation": [8,2,-8],
      "rotation": [0,90,0]
    "gui": {
      "translation": [7.5,1,0],
      "rotation": [0,0,45],
      "scale": [0.7,0.7,0.7]
  "overrides": [
    { "predicate": {"oversmith:grip": 0},"model":"oversmith:item/sword", "textures": { "#grip": "oversmith:items/wood.png"} },
    { "predicate": {"oversmith:grip": 1},"model":"oversmith:item/sword", "textures": { "#grip": "oversmith:items/iron.png"} },
    { "predicate": {"oversmith:guard": 0},"model":"oversmith:item/sword", "textures": { "#guard": "oversmith:items/wood.png"} },
    { "predicate": {"oversmith:guard": 1},"model":"oversmith:item/sword", "textures": { "#guard": "oversmith:items/iron.png"} },
    { "predicate": {"oversmith:pommel": 0},"model":"oversmith:item/sword", "textures": { "#pommel": "oversmith:items/wood.png"} },
    { "predicate": {"oversmith:pommel": 1},"model":"oversmith:item/sword", "textures": { "#pommel": "oversmith:items/iron.png"} },
    { "predicate": {"oversmith:blade": 0},"model":"oversmith:item/sword", "textures": { "#blade": "oversmith:items/wood.png"} },
    { "predicate": {"oversmith:blade": 1},"model":"oversmith:item/sword", "textures": { "#blade": "oversmith:items/iron.png"} }


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I haven't tried that before however you might find the easiest way (if combining multiple models together eg pommel, hilt, etc) is to use an ItemStackTileEntityRenderer instead of a json block model, and then rebind the appropriate texture before rendering the object models.





Alternatively you could create a new model file for each one, which is identical except for the materialLibrary Override texture; eg



  "loader": "forge:obj",
  "model" : "minecraftbyexample:models/entity/mbe81b_boomerang.obj",
  "flip-v": true,
  "detectCullableFaces": false,
  "diffuseLighting": true,
  "ambientToFullbright": false,
  "materialLibraryOverride": "minecraftbyexample:models/entity/mbe81b_boomerang.mtl",
  "__comment": "flip-v may be required if your texture appears mirrored.  See OBJloader::read() for other flags.  currently the available options are",
  "__comment1": "detectCullableFaces (default true) = try to convert faces to Directional Quads (EAST, WEST, etc) instead of just general quads",
  "__comment2": "diffuseLighting (default false) = attempt to apply the direction-dependent lighting as per vanilla blocks.  Currently does nothing.",
  "__comment3": "flipV (default false) = mirror the texture sheet top-->bottom (if your textures appear upside-down)",
  "__comment4": "ambientToFullbright (default true) = always render at maximum world illumination (combinedLight) regardless of the actual skylight or blocklight present",
  "__comment5": "materialLibraryOverrideLocation (default null) = use this path/filename for the material library file .mtl",
  "overrides": [
    { "predicate": { "chargefraction": 0.000 }, "model": "minecraftbyexample:item/mbe81b_boomerang_charge_0" },
    { "predicate": { "chargefraction": 0.001 }, "model": "minecraftbyexample:item/mbe81b_boomerang_charge_1" },
    { "predicate": { "chargefraction": 0.333 }, "model": "minecraftbyexample:item/mbe81b_boomerang_charge_2" },
    { "predicate": { "chargefraction": 0.666 }, "model": "minecraftbyexample:item/mbe81b_boomerang_charge_3" }


and charge_0 for example is

  "loader": "forge:obj",
  "model" : "minecraftbyexample:models/entity/mbe81b_boomerang.obj",
  "flip-v": true,
  "detectCullableFaces": false,
  "diffuseLighting": true,
  "ambientToFullbright": false,
  "materialLibraryOverride": "minecraftbyexample:models/entity/mbe81b_boomerang_texture0.mtl",
  "__comment": "flip-v may be required if your texture appears mirrored.  See OBJloader::read() for other flags.  currently the available options are",
  "__comment1": "detectCullableFaces (default true) = try to convert faces to Directional Quads (EAST, WEST, etc) instead of just general quads",
  "__comment2": "diffuseLighting (default false) = attempt to apply the direction-dependent lighting as per vanilla blocks.  Currently does nothing.",
  "__comment3": "flipV (default false) = mirror the texture sheet top-->bottom (if your textures appear upside-down)",
  "__comment4": "ambientToFullbright (default true) = always render at maximum world illumination (combinedLight) regardless of the actual skylight or blocklight present",
  "__comment5": "materialLibraryOverrideLocation (default null) = use this path/filename for the material library file .mtl",


The full source code for that example is here, if you want to see the context.


Look at the jsons which start with mbe81b

Disclaimer: it works fine for the item transforms but I'm not sure it works for the materialLibraryOverride.





Edited by TheGreyGhost
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