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[1.16.4] Rendering UI problems


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I just migrated to 1.16.4, and I'm starting to develop a mod with my friends, so I still have little knowledge about some things in this version.
Anyways, I'm trying to render an UI above the hunger bar, and although the texture loads I'm having problems with the placement.
Well, it just deleted the hunger bar, and my bar replaced the health bar.

Here's the code:

@SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
    public void renderGameOverlay(RenderGameOverlayEvent event)
        if(Minecraft.getInstance().player.isCreative() == false)
            Minecraft minecraft = Minecraft.getInstance();

            int posX = event.getWindow().getWindowX();
            int posY = event.getWindow().getWindowY();

            minecraft.getTextureManager().bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("races:textures/gui/test_cooldown_gui.png"));
            minecraft.ingameGUI.blit(event.getMatrixStack(), 0, 0, 0, 0, posX, posY, 80, 5);

And it looks like this (that exp-looking bar is mine):


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13 hours ago, K1llM3Pl5 said:

Well, it just deleted the hunger bar, and my bar replaced the health bar.

first use RenderGameOverlayEvent Pre or Post

Second, the RenderGameOverlayEvent contains an ElementType enum which contains the various vanilla overlay elements.

Check whether the ElementType is what you need (example: you want to change something on the Hunger overlay then check whether the ElementType == FOOD).


13 hours ago, K1llM3Pl5 said:

Well, it just deleted the hunger bar, and my bar replaced the health bar.

This is because you are rendering on all ElementType, that is, when minecraft renders your bar over all ElementType that are under the current layer

use something like this to check if the current ElementType is correct:

// example			
if (event.getType() != ElementType.VIGNETTE) {


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Okay, so I suppose I could also check it like this for example?

event.getType() == RenderGameOverlayEvent.ElementType.FOOD

Well, it doesn't replace the other bars anymore, but I don't want to actually overlay anything, and just put my bar in an unused place. The closest I could think of doing this is the ElementType.AIR, but it doesn't show up that way.

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Ok, I'm trying to draw it with the blit method, with the render system and checking for the ElementType.ALL, and indeed it doesn't overlay anything, but it still does not render and I actually don't know exactly which variables in the (blit) method do what. Should I be using this method exactly or some other way to render it?

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if(Minecraft.getInstance().player.isCreative() == false && event.getType() == RenderGameOverlayEvent.ElementType.ALL)
    Minecraft minecraft = Minecraft.getInstance();

    int posX = event.getWindow().getWindowX();
    int posY = event.getWindow().getWindowY();

    RenderSystem.clearColor(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
    minecraft.getTextureManager().bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("races:textures/gui/test_cooldown_gui.png"));
    minecraft.ingameGUI.blit(event.getMatrixStack(), 0, 0, 0, 0, posX, posY, 80, 5);


Currently like this. I'm still having some trouble with the RenderSystem.

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Oh, my IDE wasn't actually warning me at all. And the name of the variable I simply forgot to change. But yes, now I see it is complete nonsense. I probably thought the window X and Y were the X and Y dimensions of the screen. What should the width and height be then, if I already declared the texture dimensions?


EDIT: Actually Intellij was warning me, but it didn't warn it as a major error. I was using eclipse before so I just didn't know how Intellij did it lol

Edited by K1llM3Pl5
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Okay, I got it to work this way:

int windowX = event.getWindow().getScaledWidth();
            int windowY = event.getWindow().getScaledHeight();
            RenderSystem.clearColor(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
            minecraft.getTextureManager().bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("races:textures/gui/test_cooldown_gui.png"));
            minecraft.ingameGUI.blit(event.getMatrixStack(), windowX / 2 + 10, windowY - 48, 0, 0, windowX / 2, windowY, 256, 256);

But does it affect anything the fact calling blit like an instance?


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