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[1.16] How to make a biome spawn in the nether?


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I have a custom biome I'm adding into the game, however, I want it to spawn in the Nether only.

currently the biome only spawns in the overworld, and does not spawn in the nether.


Biome Registration:

@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = Main.MOD_ID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD)
public class ModBiomes {

    public static final DeferredRegister<Biome> BIOMES = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.BIOMES, Main.MOD_ID);

    public static final RegistryObject<Biome> EFFETE_FOREST = BIOMES.register("effete_forest", Maker::EffeteForest);

    public static void setupBiomes(FMLCommonSetupEvent event) {
        event.enqueueWork(() ->
            setupBiome(EFFETE_FOREST.get(), BiomeManager.BiomeType.WARM, 10000000, //1000
                Type.NETHER, Type.FOREST, Type.HOT, Type.DRY)

    private static void setupBiome(Biome biome, BiomeManager.BiomeType type, int weight, Type... types) {
        RegistryKey<Biome> key = RegistryKey.getOrCreateKey(
            Objects.requireNonNull(ForgeRegistries.BIOMES.getKey(biome), "Biome registry name was null")

        BiomeDictionary.addTypes(key, types);
        BiomeManager.addBiome(type, new BiomeManager.BiomeEntry(key, weight));

    private static class Maker {

        private static Biome EffeteForest() {
            BiomeGenerationSettings genset = new BiomeGenerationSettings.Builder()
                .withFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.VEGETAL_DECORATION, Features.RED_MUSHROOM_NETHER)
                .withFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.VEGETAL_DECORATION, Features.NETHER_SPROUTS)
                .withFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, Features.ORE_GOLD_NETHER)
                .withFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, Features.ORE_QUARTZ_NETHER)

            MobSpawnInfo mobspawn = new MobSpawnInfo.Builder()
                .withSpawner(EntityClassification.MONSTER, new MobSpawnInfo.Spawners(EntityType.CAT, 4, 2, 4))

            BiomeAmbience ambience = new BiomeAmbience.Builder()

            return new Biome.Builder()



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So, this is not at all a trivial task right now, and it is not one you can fully achieve without some mixin usage (until Forge provides a way of registering Nether an End biomes like we are already able to do with Overworld biomes). So you can look here to see how we added biomes to the End. Adding biomes to the Nether is a very similar process, you just need to explore a bit the NetherBiomeProvider class.

Overriding the vanilla biome provider: https://github.com/Beethoven92/BetterEndForge/blob/master/src/main/java/mod/beethoven92/betterendforge/mixin/DimensionTypeMixin.java

The custom biome provider class: https://github.com/Beethoven92/BetterEndForge/blob/master/src/main/java/mod/beethoven92/betterendforge/common/world/generator/BetterEndBiomeProvider.java

Do note that some mods that add their own biomes to the Nether already exists (Biome o' plenty, biomes you'll go...). You may want to take a look at their nether biome provider to see how they handle this

Check out the port of the BetterEnd fabric mod (WIP): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betterend-forge-port

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11 hours ago, Beethoven92 said:

So, this is not at all a trivial task right now, and it is not one you can fully achieve without some mixin usage (until Forge provides a way of registering Nether an End biomes like we are already able to do with Overworld biomes). So you can look here to see how we added biomes to the End. Adding biomes to the Nether is a very similar process, you just need to explore a bit the NetherBiomeProvider class.

Overriding the vanilla biome provider: https://github.com/Beethoven92/BetterEndForge/blob/master/src/main/java/mod/beethoven92/betterendforge/mixin/DimensionTypeMixin.java

The custom biome provider class: https://github.com/Beethoven92/BetterEndForge/blob/master/src/main/java/mod/beethoven92/betterendforge/common/world/generator/BetterEndBiomeProvider.java

Do note that some mods that add their own biomes to the Nether already exists (Biome o' plenty, biomes you'll go...). You may want to take a look at their nether biome provider to see how they handle this

Okay, I took a look at the repository and the classes, I tried to specify it to my needs (which should be very simplistic), and ended up with the following code, is this how I should be doing this?


Biome Provider:

public class EffeteBiomeProvider extends BiomeProvider {

    public static final Codec<EffeteBiomeProvider> EFFETE_CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create(builder ->
            RegistryLookupCodec.getLookUpCodec(Registry.BIOME_KEY).forGetter(provider -> provider.lookupRegistry),
            Codec.LONG.fieldOf("seed").stable().forGetter(provider -> provider.seed)
        ).apply(builder, builder.stable(EffeteBiomeProvider::new))

    private final Registry<Biome> lookupRegistry;
    private final long seed;

    public EffeteBiomeProvider(Registry<Biome> lookupRegistry, long seed) {

        this.lookupRegistry = lookupRegistry;
        this.seed = seed;

    private static List<Biome> getBiomes(Registry<Biome> biomeRegistry) {
        return biomeRegistry.stream()
            .filter(biome -> biome.getCategory() == Biome.Category.NETHER)

    public Biome getNoiseBiome(int x, int y, int z) {
        return ModBiomes.EFFETE_FOREST.get();

    protected Codec<? extends BiomeProvider> getBiomeProviderCodec() {
        return EFFETE_CODEC;

    public BiomeProvider getBiomeProvider(long seed) {
        return new EffeteBiomeProvider(lookupRegistry, seed);

    public static void register() {
        Registry.register(Registry.BIOME_PROVIDER_CODEC, "effete_biome_provider", EFFETE_CODEC);



public class DimensionTypeMixin {

    @Inject(at = @At("HEAD"), method = "getNetherChunkGenerator(Lnet/minecraft/util/registry/Registry;Lnet/minecraft/util/registry/Registry;J)Lnet/minecraft/world/gen/ChunkGenerator;", cancellable = true)
    private static void effeteGenerator(Registry<Biome> registry, Registry<DimensionSettings> settings, long seed, CallbackInfoReturnable<ChunkGenerator> info) {
        info.setReturnValue(new NoiseChunkGenerator(
            new EffeteBiomeProvider(registry, seed), seed,
            () -> settings.getOrThrow(DimensionSettings.field_242736_e)


some follow up question too: does this makes my biome spawn in the nether, and nether alone? and would this conflict with other mods that add nether biomes?

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Yes, this will only affect the Nether generation. Right now you should only see your biome generating in the Nether, because it is the only one you are providing, here:

public Biome getNoiseBiome(int x, int y, int z) {
   return ModBiomes.EFFETE_FOREST.get();

If you look at Biome You'll Go custom NetherBiomeProvider you can see how they provide for world generation all available Nether biomes that are present in the registry (vanilla and modded ones), so making the mod compatible with other mods that add their own biomes to the Nether: https://github.com/CorgiTaco/BYG/blob/c4142c9f93a9e86a8248260af2847be4fde10921/src/main/java/corgiaoc/byg/common/world/dimension/nether/BYGNetherBiomeProvider.java#L73

Check out the port of the BetterEnd fabric mod (WIP): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betterend-forge-port

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This seems to be a little above my level (and by a little I mean a lot).

I had given up on trying to understand what was going on and was just copy-pasting code, and now I've giving up on that too.

Waiting until Forge implements their solution to facilitate this seems like the better option for me at least


thanks anyhow

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