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Changing the blockmodel


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you need to create a new class which implements IBakedModel, overwrite getQuads (the one which takes an IModelData) an make it return the quads for your model, the IModelData shouls contain the info on the list

and you set the info on the IModelData by overwriting getModelData in your tile entity. you need to sync the data from, the Server tile entity, to the client, which you can do by overwriting getUpdatePacket (Server sends updated data to the client), and onDataPacket  (Client handles an update packet received).

then, whenever that data changes you can call World#notifyUpdate, and whenever the client receives an update (so in the end of onDataPacket) you call requestModelUpdate().


for the BakedModel, what I do is:

I pass in an existing IBakedModel (that works as a base that I can add quads to) to the constructor, and store it in a field. then I can call IBakedModel#getQuads on the base model, which gives a list of BakedQuads, and add any new quads to it. and you can create your quads by using FaceBakey#bakeQuad, it takes the start and end positions of the quad (in block space, so 0 -> 16), an instance of a BlockPartFace, the sprite you want to use, which you can get from an AtlasTexture, the Direction of that quad, a transform (I just use SimpleModelTransform.IDENTITY), a rotation, which you can just pass null, a boolean that tells wether that face should be shaded or not, and then a throwaway ResourceLocation.

and you can decide on all those properties, and on what faces to add, given the IModelData


EDIT: oh, and to register it you can do so through the modelRegistry in the ModelBakeEvent (this event is client-side only (I think))

if you need some examples, I used this repo to learn how to use BakedModels: https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/tree/master/src/main/java/minecraftbyexample/mbe04_block_dynamic_block_models

Edited by kiou.23
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9 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

You don't need a custom baked model for this. Look at the composter model for an example.

hm... when I had a similar issue the discord pointed me towards using baked models. but multiparts does seem way simpler, and with datagen I could even do it proceduraly

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