Hi everyone,
I'm trying to set up a Forge mod for Minecraft 1.21.4 (Forge MDK 54.1.2), but I'm having issues with missing imports. For example, import net.minecraft.world.item.Tier; isn't recognized by IntelliJ/Gradle, even though the same import works fine in a 1.20 mod.
I've tried:
Running ./gradlew --refresh-dependencies
Running ./gradlew build and ./gradlew genIntelliJRuns
Checking my build.gradle mappings (tried both official and parchment)
But nothing seems to fix the issue. Has Tier been removed or replaced in 1.21? Or is there something wrong with my setup? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! 🚀
ok i got this working now i think one of my mods at the version it was at just wasnt compatible with the more recent neoforge versions so i just updated all my mods and hoped for the best and it worked
i dont believe this is the issue because it was happening before i even added the mod
but as a side note i did update it before i launched to make this log so i have no clue why it showed up again (i just tried launching again and that line wasnt in the log)
Check for a modpack which is using most of the mods you will need in your modpack
Test this one and just add some mods you will need one by one
If this modpack is modified with quests and other custom stuff, create a new clean forge instance and just copy the mods to your mods-folder