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j4mesyz4de's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. What code would I put in to texture my weapons and another thing I'd like to ask is how would I change the model for a player
  2. Omg! Dude thank you so much I thought my mod was never going to continue it works thanks!
  3. I'm coding a Combat based mod and I keep getting an error can someone tell me how to fix it? Im new to coding so if you can simplify it that would be great! Here are the items I tried to code and the error EnumToolMaterial wood; woodenBattleaxe = new ItemWoodenBattleaxe(4000, wood).setIconIndex(0).setItemName("Wooden Battleaxe"); After the 4000 it says there's an error with wood but I tried every fix and nothing seemed to work so if someone could tell me how to fix it I would be truely greatfull
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