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  1. Hi, another post for my friend. His words follow. "So I have a model that is set up into several sections based on placement from the master and direction. Because these models can use more than 16 states, I can't use metadata. I use a tile entity to save the data of the piece and load it up just fine. But how would I load up a model without using metadata and using tile entity variables instead to decide the model to render?" It's be appreciated if you reply as if you were speaking to him, since I'm bad a paraphrasing.
  2. "OK, thanks. What about changing a blocks state from the tile entity? Or will it auto change the model from the blockstates when a property has changed."
  3. Nevermind, I believe he figured it out himself.
  4. One last thing @Jay Avery. "OK so, successfully saved and loaded the states with metadata! Woot! But now I am seeing about how to set the TileEntity data so I can use more states later. I am unsure of how to access the TileEntity of a block I create (I place a block down and it auto creates the 3 other blocks). I have a reference to the tile entity in the block, but how can I access that to change the data?"
  5. "Ahhhhh! I didn't think of that! I'll give it a shot :D"
  6. "Ah OK, that makes sense haha. Then if I want to do more than 16 states, I would use TileEntities and their writeToNBT()? If so, when does that get called? Guessing on game end, but if it does, the state I saved to it never changes even when written to NBT as a string. Most LIKELY did it wrong or set it wrong. :/"
  7. "I tried using Tile Entities but I wasn't sure when the data saved, since it always seemed to reset my data. Also, I've been looking at fences and beds to understand how they save the metadata, but I don't understand fully how it works. Blockststes I understand, it's just the metadata hell I don't get. Any links where I can understand it more?"
  8. His words. "Hey, I am not posting since I am not online. But here is the break down of what I'm trying to do. Consider a bed. You have two blocks that are codependent each other. I am trying to do this, but with 4 blocks instead. Each block "part" will have a direction IProperty and a part IProperty. What I am trying to do is load up the part correctly through meta data so that I can essentially have it as it was when I placed it. I have basically no idea how metadata should be handled although I kind of get the math behind it. If I can figure out this, I can in turn do the rest of what I need (simultaneous block breaking, same inventory use, blah blah). Currently only saving the direction metadata but I have no clue on how to add my part metadata to that." Edit: If you want, I can just completely copy and paste all your answers and his replies so it's less, stupid, with me in the mix.
  9. He doesn't have internet, so he texts me to search for things. Rarely he manages to get internet by going with his mother to work. He's replying now, and his texts take a while to send.
  10. Ok, he has four blocks he wants to be in a group. How do you make four blocks a group? Sorry if you're getting mad or frustrated.
  11. @Jay Avery Says he already knows that. He wants to know how to "load up multiple properties with meta data." Edit: He basically wants to know how to get the other 3 blocks of his four block "block" to break when one is broken. He's bad at explaining and I should have done this before.
  12. This is help for my friend and these are his words. Basically, I'm trying to make it so that when I place a block, it places down 3 others which each have their own part property. So then I can save and load the part states and load up the model from blockstates properly.
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