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Everything posted by RenderSettings

  1. The problem with that is he is rendering a 2d circle, which you would need to expand into 3 dimensions. Think of it in terms of circles stacked on top of eachother, with the top/bottom circles be the smallest and the middle being the thickest. Note that since it needs a lot of vertexes to look smooth, preformance will drop. A lot.
  2. Made some mock up code, and couple of problems: 1)HarvestCheck is apparently called a lot. Like, every time out click on it. Also, only called when you try to harvest without a tool, which is odd. 2)HashMap wouldn't work, since you still need to be able to save inbetween server restarts.
  3. That's what I was just trying to figure out... You could either store to a config file, which I guess would work but would be ugly, or maybe save to player data, which I don't know how to do =/
  4. new EntityItem(event.entityPlayer.worldObj,event.entityPlayer.posX,event.entityPlayer.posY, event.entityPlayer.posZ, new ItemStack(IDHERE,1));
  5. Listen for PlayerEvent.HarvestCheck, make sure the block is Stone, and save the number...somewhere...would probably be the easier. I'm not familiar with saving data to player's, but it can probably be done.
  6. Are you calling addNewArmorRendererPrefix? It seems like it is throwing an error since '5' isn't a valid index in armorPrefixes, which that would solve. IE:If you have /armor/titanium1,2,3 etc. you should add 'titanium' as a prefix.
  7. From the error log, it looks like it is more a runtime error caused by the ASM loader in main, and not the main method itself. Are you sure the ASM is error free?
  8. I was creating a bit of a hacky mod for custom recipe mapping, but noticed a small problem: Recipes that use an item that can have multiple recipes doesn't seem to be registered under Item.itemList For example: List<IRecipe> l = CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList(); for(int i=0;i<l.size();i++){ if(l.get(i).getClass().getName()=="net.minecraft.src.ShapedRecipes"){ ShapedRecipes r = (ShapedRecipes)l.get(i); System.out.println("Shaped recipe found:"+r.getRecipeOutput().getDisplayName()); shaped.add(r); } else if(l.get(i).getClass().getName()=="net.minecraft.src.ShapelessRecipes"){ ShapelessRecipes sh = (ShapelessRecipes)l.get(i); System.out.println("Shapeless recipe found:"+sh.getRecipeOutput().getDisplayName()); unshaped.add(sh); } That code will never output a few basic items, for example: Pistons, fences, chests, or anything that has an ID that can be mapped to multiple metadatas and isn't explicitly assigned in CraftingManager (Torches are included in that list since they are explicitly defined to have a recipe for charcoal) While this isn't an error per say, it is a bit of a hindrance and quite a big inconsistency, and wondering if there is a workaround or fix for it.
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