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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Wait, it worked, thank you so much!!!
  2. I have no clue how to give it more ram.. and I'm using the regular launcher
  3. Hello! Sorry to bother but uh, my minecraft crashes on the loading screen whenever I try to load my 1.11.2 forge. I currently have no mods. I've tried 1.11.2, 1.10.2, and 1.11, they all seem to crash at the same spot. I have look at other forums and my head just usually ends up hurting by the end of it and I feel like I just need to give up. I have also tried skydaz (it's a website that downloads mods with forge for you, just in case you didn't know), but that didn't work at all and crashed on the launcher, it just says "The version you are trying to play inherits properties from an unknown version". Sorry if I didn't type this up right.. I'm quite a noobie to online forums. I hope this is the right thing i'm supposed to put.
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