I may have found a possible but expensive solution, I moved the server files to an internal 2TB 7200rpm HDD and it is working better so I think that getting another internal SSD would solve the problem.
This is the link: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/b7fd9fb5b7e994d24977a45e07a9ba11. I am running a Dell Inspiron 3650 w/ i7 6700, Amd Radeon R9 360, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, the server is on an external 3TB HDD R/W of ~80MB/s, Windows 10 Pro.
Edit: I give the server 5GB ram MAX but give an initial heap of 3GB.
I run a modded server for me and my friend and it always says it cant keep up, and when I fly with my maxed out Draconic Armour it says "The_Clinery1 moved to quickly!" this greatly impacts exploration because I sometimes cant move anywhere because it just brings me back to the same spot ie im at 100 80 100 and I hold W and I move to 120 80 105 but it brings me back to 100 80 100 once again because it cant keep up! Please help. I have also attached the log: latest.log, the fml-server-latest.log wouldn't upload.
I have the same issue and its impacting gameplay so much that i'm not starting the server as much anymore. With the server telling me that I am moving too quickly with full draconic armour (Max flight speed, I cant sprint fly cause that's worse) its only me on the server and I also have ~20 chunks loaded at once, what should I do? I have 48 mods on the server and the log was included, its 1.10.2
Edit: I did the same thing, lower the ram but that still didn't help
I have somthing to: when I go to click controlls it just crashes, the crash report is attached this is for 1.12, sorry for confusion