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Everything posted by Snizz

  1. THIS IS FOR THE NEWLY RELEASED CHINESE EDITION OF MINECRAFT, I UNDERSTAND THAT I'M ASKING ABOUT AN OUTDATED MINECRAFT VERSION, BUT THE FORGE SETUP IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM WHAT I'M USED TO Hello, This is my first thread and I have just installed the Chinese Edition of Minecraft. This version runs a separate database from the "International Minecraft" we all know and love. This means IGNs that are taken on the International version were available on the Chinese Edition. This causes some odd interactions with Optifine and such. Anyways this is all background information. The main point is: Chinese Minecraft is not the "Regular/International" Minecraft we know. They still use Minecraft Forge as they have mods specifically for their version of Minecraft. I'll include the downloads to those mods if needed. The big problem is they use 1.8.8 forge and I want to use 1.8.9. I know this is an outdated minecraft version. There is no launcher_profiles.json. So I cannot install Minecraft with the regular Forge installer File Path and Contents Below: . I'm almost positive that you can alter this as you can already install mods on top of what is there. Some other information is that you have to use the Chinese Launcher to even connect. Selecting Which Version: Single or Multi Server You Wish to Play Selecting Your Account To Launch Again I know I'm asking about an outdated version, but I hope I can still get some help.
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