The mod is made so that people can use a command to add a username to the database. When the mod user joins a server it loops through everyone on the server and then if it finds someone with a username in the database it displays some text on the screen that they are in the database for a few seconds. = Join class = Name checker = SQL Connection thing
I have a MySQL database that has a list of usernames in it. When the mod user connects to a server I want it to check through all the players and see if they are in the database.
That only runs for singleplayer as far as I can tell. I cannot get it to run when joining a multiplayer server.
And you don't know what my mod is about or what it does. It has to be in 1.8.9.
I was just wondering, I have an event that is a ClientConnectedToServerEvent because I couldn't find any better event that gets when the player connects to the server. I need to get the world the player joins when this event fires, how do I do this?