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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Running Forge 1.12-, 64bit java 8 update 131 ForgeGradle and Minecraft are using jopt-simple-5.0.3, but Forge still seems to be using jopt-simple:4.6. This might be causing strange exceptions when calling any method deriving from JOpt. For example: parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("help", "?"), "Help"); will throw java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: joptsimple.OptionParser.acceptsAll(Ljava/util/List;)Ljoptsimple/OptionSpecBuilder; ONLY when running outside the developer environment, otherwise it runs just fine. Edit: just to be clear. I am talking about the dependencies listed in the json file inside the versions folder.
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