ThermoCraft will be a mod that implements ambient air temperature and effects related to it to Minecraft. Players wanting to explore cold biomes will have to put a jacket on, and those who build their houses in the desert must install air conditioning.
The full WIP design document is here (in PDF format): ( in case filedropper breaks)
Here's the short version: The mod adds a temperature value to every air block in the game, which they all try to equalize with each-other. The player also has a heat value, and if this gets too far from 98 F then he starts to get status effects and eventually dies. To prevent this, the player can wear clothes that protect him (players that start in cold or hot biomes spawn with clothing), but that only lasts so long; to remain in a cold or hot biome indefinitely, the player needs to build an HVAC system in his house with a heat exchanger, which takes BC/IC2 energy.
As you can see, I've put a pretty significant amount of planning into this already. However, my modding skills are not up-to-par (Forge modding seems pretty... obtuse might be the right word. Very difficult to get started). It'd be great if I could have a mentor of some sort to answer basic questions and offer suggestions on how to do things.
Anyone have any comments?