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Loydiee's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. FIXED !! Thanks to sir IarsGerrits <3 VERY THANKS ! SIR
  2. My PC is running in Windows 7, And My• "Java Version is in Latest Version or Java 8 Update 161", Should i back it to Java 7?
  3. How to run the launcher in administrator mode? How? HELP ME SIR! My forge still not working
  4. So no one can fix it right now??
  5. Ohh So sorry sir, i'm just excited to fix my Issue, i'm so sorry
  6. Here is my Issue/Problem, so please help me to fix that, My Logs/Issue messaage, is in my thread please read it Thanks <3
  7. Sir Can you please help me too to my Issue about forge 1.12 ? cause it is also not working for me ! PLEASE? you can see my thread out here, (SUPPORTS AND BUGS)
  8. Can please someone help me ? !! Pleaseee
  9. Please HELP me Guys!
  10. Hello admins/moderators, My Minecraft Forge (Version 1.12) Doesn't work, i choose "Recommended" and click the "Installer" But after i install the forge to my MC and says No problems/errors, And Open my Minecraft and change my profile to FORGE, After the Loading, My minecraft Reappeared "Crash" And says error, this is the error message : https://pastebin.com/uXw62Bfa ~I Hope someone can help me... (")
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