Super new to modding and just playing around with creating new dimensions but cant seem to a proper sky with sun, moon and cloud. Only showing plain sky with fog color. Even tried strtaight up duplicating the overworld but still with no successany. No idea what I'm missing?
public class PurgatoryModDimension extends ModDimension {
public BiFunction<World, DimensionType, ? extends Dimension> getFactory() {
return PurgatoryDimension::new;
public class PurgatoryDimension extends OverworldDimension {
public PurgatoryDimension(World world, DimensionType dimType) {
super(world, dimType);
public boolean isSurfaceWorld() {
return false;
@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid= LukesMod.MOD_ID, bus= Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.FORGE)
public class ForgeEventBusSubscriber {
public static void registerDimensions(final RegisterDimensionsEvent event){
if(DimensionType.byName(LukesMod.PURGATORY_DIM_TYPE) == null)
DimensionManager.registerDimension(LukesMod.PURGATORY_DIM_TYPE, RegistryHandler.PURGATORY_DIM.get(), null , true);