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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I'm stupid and was looking at the wrong block at the end there ?‍♂️ Thank you for the help!
  2. ?‍♂️sorry, added it, its SiliconBlock.java
  3. https://gist.github.com/Puyodead1/a572af9a26d3d2c47772bd08f3750fc5
  4. Okay, I did that, eclipse added the override method, but it still refuses to show any tooltip. @Override public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, World player, List<String> tooltip, ITooltipFlag advanced) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub tooltip.add("test"); super.addInformation(stack, player, tooltip, advanced); }
  5. I use eclipse, it says Create 'addInformation()' in super type BlockBase or IHasModel, i assume it would be the BlockBase class?
  6. I am not sure what I'm doing wrong with that. I tried that but I get this error: "The method addInformation(ItemStack, EntityPlayer, List<String>, boolean) of type SiliconBlock must override or implement a supertype method" so I don't know where else I am suppose to put it
  7. How can I add a ToolTip to an item and blocks I create?
  8. thanks!!! that helps a lot! thanks to everyone for the help
  9. ok, http://prntscr.com/fy4suu
  10. i guess what I'm trying to say is that i want to do kinda like ModLoader with forge
  11. I already did setup forge
  12. ok, so in this vid, he uses MCP and ModLoader, I want to use Forge, but I want to have the minecraft source files as if they were actually in my package, watch to see what I mean
  13. I have done this, there are the decompiled files in a folder, but I want to open them in eclipse for like if I wanted to edit them I found the folder, same as what I just said
  14. so in ModLoader you can view all the classes in minecraft, how do you do this with Forge 1.9.4? like this
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