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  1. okay sorry think i missed something or wasnt looking in the right spot where is this that your saying to click ? Okay Scratch this Found it
  2. sounds good.. waiting to see how the newest update goes .. and to try it out will it be re posted in here? just wondering where i would find the new link i was just looking at github and didnt see one there yet.. but not sure what the time diff is from when you started this to when i posted it. thanks again keep up the good stuff
  3. Crash report with using bukkit4vanilla-1.4.5-2. the Server Loads up great, but the minute you break or place a block this is the crash report. I tried using the blockbreak in with the coremods, and the second crash report happens immediately. and FYI your work is appreciated by most and understand that this is something that you like to do, running servers is something that i like to do.. i know there's no get rich with it, and i know there's no one throwing money at you saying come on do this do that,,, even then.. its on your time and things like Life and education are important and should always be first. Keep up the good work and hopefully soon this would be resolved, but what you have is great so far. By the way do you have a donate yet? honestly don't remember if there was one in the beginning of the post or not. The following is with the blockbreak blockbreak-1.4.5-0
  4. The only thing I can think of here, is that you may have Power Login installed as well. Then you have to register and login before you can use any commands. Or do you have any other mods installed that add something with permissions? i'll look thru again.. i dont have the login part, but i'll try removing a few other mods and see what happens.. i had it working while it was on a local machine, then ftp'd to my server host.. and it stopped letting me claim... or anything.. may have to remove all and start again not that i want to.. 40 somethn mods to re do kind of sux lol update.. okay i got issue solved.. my own fault
  5. the"jarmod" i was refering to was the bukkit4vanilla.JAR" as what folder did that get put into. Anyways i tried several ways to get this to launch And YES Coremod is in the Coremod Folder
  6. Bukkit4Vanilla (soon to be known as BukkitForge) Open Beta - now v2 for 1.4.5! ForgeCore BETA! ForgeCommands BETA! ForgeChat Block Break Event Licensing All my mods are licensed under the LGPLv2+. Keeping up with what I'm doing If you want to see what I'm working on/have worked on, you might want to check out my github repos Would you mind maybe giving a quick how to structure all this together say if someone wanted to use this for there server? i have been soooo looking to use something like this setup but just not understanding what and where to start 1st.. does this (bukkit4vanilla.jar file go into the minecraft_server.jar , does it replace it? does forge get added to the minecraft_server.jar or the bukkit4vanilla, is it in it? i tried a minecaraft_server.jar with the latest forge and placed the ForgeCore into the coremod folder and got crash "coremod is a coremod!" same as other person in this forum posting. a little more explaination as to what goes where etc would be great if you wouldnt mind.. i'm not a complete idiot as i have run several servers vanilla, tekkit, forge modded... just not understanding where your files go Thanks
  7. It gets automatically generated when the mod is started the first time. Only ChunkProtection makes a file, "powertools_chunkprotection.cfg". It is in the "config" folder. i don't have any issues with it loading, or finding the cfg file.. the issue i have is even op'd i cant use /chunk any commands it tells me i dont have permission and cant find where i should add to have permission any help? thanks
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