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  1. problem is already solved. I was generating files when the boolean was eclipse yet the mod was compiled meaning it had all the files generated inside of the jar already. The files that were generating before looking for compiled were src/main/resources/modid/files
  2. only if the mod isn't compiled. Because if it's a jar file it means that the jsons and lang are already inside of the jar file and the assets are already loaded
  3. that's what I was doing to begin with but, other mods that were jar files were generating files in src/main/resources because it was eclipse
  4. will the file ever be null?
  5. but, I have multiple mods that would do this. So your saying create my own config between mod and boolean? I guess I could do that just was hoping that the mod container already had something
  6. that seems like alot of work for every time I compile a mod. is there no other way?
  7. I need a boolean to know if a mod in my mdk is compiled that way it doesn't generate files automatically that it doesn't do in compiled form. Because checking if it is eclipse isn't enough I load the mod and it generates the files when it's already compiled.
  8. I eventually figured out there is a third tile entity setting into the client world only if the player places it using the offhand. It could be related to these packets always being sent twice this.player.connection.sendPacket(new SPacketBlockChange(worldserver, blockpos)); this.player.connection.sendPacket(new SPacketBlockChange(worldserver, blockpos.offset(enumfacing)));
  9. so what is the difference between client and server sync when you use the offhand. I debugged another 8 hours looked at 30+ more classes and can't figure out why it's rendering a pig. My best guess is something is setting the block state wrong or tile entity if and only if it's your offhand. please help.
  10. So after 2 hours of solid debugging again at a random chance I think I found the answer but, no solution. If the tileentity is placed from the offhand something is replacing it with another tile entity as if it had gotten deleted. System.out.println(ItemBlock.lastTile == Minecraft.getMinecraft().world.getTileEntity(ItemBlock.lastTile.getPos())); Output: false that means the memory location isn't the same as the tile entity last placed. What do I do why is this happening what is happening post placement logic only happening when you place it in the offhand that is causing this? I also tested in the main hand the same thing occurred there were two tile entities at the same pos the only difference being is one is pig. What packets that are sent from the server send tile entities because it's sending the wrong data somehow? For the actual issue of why it's sending a pig spawner as the 2d tile entity in the same block is unkown to me.
  11. Ok well whatever forge uses to get private values I will just have to re-write my ReflectionUtil to match forge's even if it's an access transformer. Thanks.
  12. for example the itemstack.stackSize cannot be directly set you cannot say itemstack.stackSize += 10; ... there are also alot of private fields that cannot be set nor gotten related to the minecraft class. IItemRenderer port will no longer work since it uses reflection to set an object. Many many things will break there has to be a way to allow reflection
  13. I thought reflection was still in java 9+? do you have to use nodes instead to set stuff? Without reflection you can't even correctly set the itemstacks size without a loop. And all the methods that should be public that I invoke
  14. the code fires on both sides client and server since I don't stop it. I copied it from 1.8 and then modified it slightly and added the ability for events to fire which just by itself does 1.8 code. Spawners can now render random entities onInitialSpawn() during the spawner to ignore the next readFromNBT() sent by the server after the initial client one. On the main hand it works on the offhand it does not. if 1.8 code had onInitialSpawn() twice it would flash two different entity models usually for horses as an example. I also confirmed the result is successful during the readFromNBT(),setTileNBT() and the useItem() fired twice so what am I missing here? Could you give me some idea of some classes that could have something else to do with post placement? I need more debugging but, I would assume A: it's not rendering updating or B: there is something resetting the mob spawner immediately after my placement A quickfix would be to let the models flash twice or simply don't render until the server gets data. But, this would be an issue with other things like signs rendering wrong and flashing text and mods would look way worse imagine AE2 placement between red and blue or something.
  15. will it have java 8 compatibility as well? What is the difference that java 9 has changed no ASM or something, no Annotations because that's all I could think of. I remember reading the major changes and all that happened was new things called nodes or something?
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