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  1. Alright, thanks for the advice. I'll keep working at it, and look into upgrading to 1.12 as well.
  2. Alright, that makes sense. I'm feeling pretty dumb here, is there something wrong with this preinit from the CommonProxy? @EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){ File directory = event.getModConfigurationDirectory(); config =new Configuration(new File(directory.getPath(),"TiberianEclipse.cfg")); ModItems.init(); ModBlocks.init(); ModRecipes.init(); ModEntities.init(); ModBiome.registerBiomes();
  3. Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out how to get items to drop. I'm new to modding, and even following tutorials my items wont drop from a test block. Funnily, vanilla items do drop. I am unsure as to whether this is an issue with my items or blocks registries, or the test block itself. I was able to get the modded item to drop by changing @Override public Item getItemDropped(IBlockState blockState, Random random, int fortune){ return drop; } from BlockTestDrops to @Override public Item getItemDropped(IBlockState blockState, Random random, int fortune){ return ModItems.ripariusShard; } While it works, it seems inefficient to bloat the blocks package by creating new classes for each block I want to have item drops. Here are the relevant classes: ModItems ModBlocks BlockTestDrops Any help would be greatly appreciated
  4. Well, that was certainly an error I wasn't seeing, thanks! I've been trying to figure this out all day, but it was right there the whole time.
  5. Hi, I'm extremely new to modding and was having some issues getting a custom model to load from it's json. Here is the log. My github Any help would be appreciated, I wasn't able to locate any useful documentation for this. Granted, I have only been modding for about a day and a half now, so my idea of useful could be way off.
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