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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Are we thinking of different methods? Unless if you override it, Block#getDrops is in the call hierarchy of PlayerInteractionManager#tryHarvestBlock, which also calls Block#removedByPlayer. The default call hierachy, unless if I'm mistaken, goes: Block#harvestBlock -> Block#dropBlockAsItem (if not silk touch) -> Block#dropBlockAsItemWithChance -> Block#getDrops I've checked a bunch of popular mods like Thermal Expansion, Immersive Engineering, and EnderIO, and they all handle their drops in Block#getDrops, so I assumed that was where block drops were handled. Note, I'm not talking about getting the drops from the tile entity or any container. I am aware of that tile entities are removed in Block#breakBlock, I'm talking about harvesting the block itself. In mods I checked, if there is a block with a container that retains its contents with NBT data as an item, they would get the block item, add the NBT data to it based on the tile entity's data, and then return it in Block#getDrops. This works because getDrops is called before the tile entity is removed in breakBlock. However, the vanilla shulker box handles its drops entirely in breakBlock, where it generates the dropped shulker box item with NBT data. getDrops is never called because dropBlockAsItemWithChance is overriden. I'm just wondering if the shulker box implementation is an anomaly or not, since I've never seen it done like that before, and there would be no way to check what it drops without actually simulating the drop itself.
  2. I'm designing a mod that checks for drops from a block using Block#getDrops which is called in Block#dropBlockAsItem and actually spawns the items. Most mods override the getDrops method to determine what a block drops, but I've noticed that the vanilla shulker box determines what it drops only in Block#breakBlock and doesn't call getDrops at all. Is there any reason to handle block drops like the shulker box? Or is it just plain bad code?
  3. Here's the full crash log: The standard response to this is to disable the splash screen, but for some reason the config folder with splash.properties doesn't generate for me. The "run" folder specified by runDir contains just logs, crash-reports, and mods, there's no config folder. I manually created a config folder in the run directory, then copied the splash.properties from .minecraft/config, and disabled the splash screen. That didn't work. I also tried downgrading the java version I use in Eclipse through Windows -> Preferences -> Installed JREs, then selecting jres for both java 7 and 6 (I tried both). Both didn't work either. I'm using Intel HD Graphics, which I know is crap, but I don't have any issues whatsoever running Minecraft modded or not. I also reinstalled the driver. Is there any way to fix this problem or am I straight out of luck?
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