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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Nevermind! I figured it out! For anyone who needs help, this is a helpful mod to look at!
  2. Yeah I know. I just had a lot of unhelpful code in my event class, so I switched the class, not realizing that it would be pointless, which it very much is. I believe this is whats wrong with it. Only thing is, I use a jar dependency which is not a mod, and I cannot figure out how to reobfuscate my mod and include the dependency. I looked up online how to make a "fat jar," which has worked except for obfuscation..
  3. Just edited it to include it in context.
  4. I have coded a mod in order to get the IP of a Minecraft server and do some things with that. So far, everything works except this line of code: It always spews out this error: Hastebin Link for easier reading EDIT: Also here is the Gradle mappings and stuff, if this shall help:
  5. Thank you two! One more question. How can I change chat packets that are received by the client from a server?
  6. EnumChatFormatting color; @SubscribeEvent public void partyInvite(final ClientChatReceivedEvent e) { EntityPlayerSP p = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer; if (ChatMod.toggle) { if (ChatMod.mineplex) { String otherMsg = e.message.getFormattedText(); if (otherMsg.startsWith("§9Party>")) { String noBlue = otherMsg; noBlue = noBlue.replace("§9", "§5"); e.setCanceled(true); p.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(noBlue)); return; } } } } I cannot change the color §9 to §5 whilst keeping the rest of the colors the same. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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