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  1. i found the solution, this.attacker.inventory.setPickedItemStack(this.getBestAttackItem()); is not working correctly and only showing you client side that u are holding that item. on the server i was hitting the monsters with bare hands.
  2. some information: i have applied an AITask to the EntityPlayerSP that attacks every EntityMob that gets within attack range. it works fine but for some reason the automated attacks take 10+ hits to kill a mob with a diamond sword. private void performAttack(EntityLivingBase target) { this.lastAttackTick = Minecraft.getMinecraft().world.getTotalWorldTime(); this.attacker.inventory.setPickedItemStack(this.getBestAttackItem()); this.attacker.swingArm(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND); Minecraft.getMinecraft().playerController.attackEntity(this.attacker, target); } this is the code that performs the attack. the field lastAttackTick is used to make sure that i only attack when its supposed to deal full damage. before i used if(this.attacker.getCooledAttackStrength(0F) == 1) but i had the same problem with that. getBestAttackItem() returns the ItemStack with the most ATTACK_DAMAGE in the players inventory. i hope i offered enough information and someone know what the problem is thanks in advance
  3. Sry if im just being dumb or blind but i cant seem to find a render tutorial thats not completly outdated. So if someone could point me in the right direction i'd be thankful. Right now im looking to render a custom projectile if that matters. Thanks in advance.
  4. you are my hero right now, thank you so much
  5. yes im in survival mode as i said the setAttackTarget method of the entity gets called but the entity does not react to it.
  6. i tried it but it didnt change anything
  7. So my problem is that my Entity does not attack. Its not just dealing no damage it does not even move towards the target or do anything at all really. Entity: https://pastebin.com/d9dAzjM0 EntityNeutral: https://pastebin.com/R2R1Raqx WalkHomeAi: https://pastebin.com/1ECiWBsD AttackAI: https://pastebin.com/08Xvq8tt But i dont think it is a problem with my AI since i also tried Minecrafts AIs EntityAIHurtByTarget and EntityAINearestAttackableTarget and they didnt work either. I also used System.out.println to see if the setattacktarget method of my entity is called and it does get called.
  8. thanks alot guys
  9. yea im using my account, how can i run it without mine?
  10. thats how i start the server, but how do i get two clients on that server? when i start 2 clients afterwards they have the same name and one of them joining kicks the other one
  11. im using eclipse, not quite sure how to do that
  12. thats the first thing i found when i googled it but im not a 100% sure on how to use it. i tried it out but i have no real way to test it in single player
  13. Thats super helpful thank you. i will try it out later
  14. So i been looking around a little but didnt really find a way to do this. Im basicially creating a gamemode where two teams are playing against each other and within these teams the players should not be abe to attack each other. So what i need is to turn off PvP between some Players but towards other Players it still has to be turned on. I hope there is a way to do that and thanks in advance.
  15. oh wow, i did the exact same thing you did, i knew Minecraft.getMinecraft() was client side but apparently i still used it anyways. thanks alot
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