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Everything posted by fastmailsend

  1. close this topic
  2. import net.minecraft.util.NonNullList; i cant find this lib
  3. I have 2 questions: 1 is it an error in json files or code? 2 How can I fix this? And how do I use ModelRegistryEvent, and where.
  4. check this plz https://github.com/Beriktabe/test/tree/master/main
  5. Can you give me an example. plz
  6. Check, plz, why i cant add texture to my testBlock main.rar
  7. My mistake in code, sry
  8. but health is 10 only if i damage before catching ,mob, health isnt changing it is 10 and 10 only
  9. Like this? EntityLivingBase a = (EntityLivingBase) ent; health = a.getHealth();
  10. how can i get Health from ent.getEntityData()? and where can i get list of names of elements in ent.getEntityData()?
  11. thx, i fixed it
  12. if(!world.isRemote) { Entity ent = new EntityCow(world); //ent.posX = player.posX; //ent.posZ = player.posZ; //ent.posY = player.posY; ent.setPosition(player.posX, player.posY, player.posZ); //ent. world.spawnEntityInWorld(ent); }
  13. How to spawn entities on the server only.
  14. Can you give me an example plz?)
  15. Entity ent = new EntityCow(world); //ent.posX = player.posX; //ent.posZ = player.posZ; //ent.posY = player.posY; ent.setPosition(player.posX, player.posY, player.posZ); world.spawnEntityInWorld(ent); this code spawn 2 cows, one is normal, another is untouchable
  16. Entity ent = new EntityCow(world); ent.posX = player.posX; ent.posZ = player.posZ; ent.posY = player.posY; world.spawnEntityInWorld(ent); return super.onItemRightClick(itemStackIn, world, player, hand); i use this code
  17. When I call the cow, it immediately disappears
  18. Like this? Entity ent = new EntityCow(world); ent.posX = player.posX; ent.posZ = player.posZ; ent.posY = player.posY; world.spawnEntityInWorld(ent);
  19. is it correct: Entity ent = new EntityCow(world); world.spawnEntityInWorld(ent);
  20. This is my problem, i cant found how to spawn entity, like cows) sry for my English)
  21. How can i spawn entity by name, when i right click
  22. I dont know how to spawn mob, which i catch)
  23. @Override public boolean onLeftClickEntity(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, Entity entity) { lastName = entity.getName(); entity.isDead = true; return super.onLeftClickEntity(stack, player, entity); } with this code i catch entityName Plz help )
  24. Thx, it was more easy on 1.7.10)))
  25. I am noob in forge 1.10.2
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