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Tito Tigi

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Yes, I have other developer working with me and the code is actually correct. I have systems to prevent security systems, like md5 encryption and access token storage instead of the password (as suggested to do by mojang). Why are you talking about a website? I'm just developing a launcher and it is actually legal: I'm not modifying or redistributing Minecraft, I'm just starting it using another software and that is legal. I think I have not insulted you, so I don't know why you are angry with me. Note, I'm not an English native speaker and probably I have misunderstood your intention
  2. The authentication is done in full respect of the user privacy I already managed to get the access token to verify that the game is not pirated So the only problem is that I get this error without knowing the reason. To answer your last question, I want to make a launcher ONLY for my community, easier than the others like twitch launcher (I'm excluding Technick Launcher and ATLauncher because they need a lot of authorization to upload a modpack). This launcher will only show modpacks only for the community servers, nothing more.
  3. That's not so useful. Is there a particular reason why I should not?
  4. It is a launcher developed by me to be used for my community. Currently I have structured the launcher folder like this: LauncherFolder/ |- Libs/ | |- "All the jar files used as libraries" | |- Assets/ | |- "the copy of Minecraft assets folder" | |- 1.10.2.jar I have no idea on how to resolve this problem...
  5. Hi all! I'm new in the forum, I hope I'm writing in the correct section. Anyway, I'm triying to start Minecraft forge by command line but I constantly get this error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Patcher expecting non-empty class data file for net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityThrowable, but received empty, your vanilla jar may be corrupt. I already tried changing the 1.10.2.jar file with another but the issue persist; I also tried using a clean installation of minecraft and forge to check that both libraries and assets weren't corrupt. Any suggestion? Here my entire command: https://pastebin.com/7ekFNffH Ps: the vanilla version start without any issue
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