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Everything posted by Riizu

  1. Bear with me, what are each of those again? Its been awhile
  2. Hey everyone! So awhile back I started making a mod called Liquid Dynamics centered around doing more with ocean biomes and water in general. I've decided to revisit it, but one concern another modder voiced to me was world generation with custom models, which is something I intended with coral. He had stated this could cause massive lag during world gen, and that it should be avoided at all times. I also saw something similar in personal experience with the mod XYCraft, and its infamous XYCrystals. Is this still a concern? Would 1.8's new rendering code fix it? Who REALLY shot JFK?
  3. Wouldn't usually double post, but wanted to make sure people saw that a solution had been posted. Thanks to the folks in the Minecraft Forge IRC channel, namely TehBeard, I figured out that this was caused due to being unable to run javac from the command line. Now, I'm not sure if this was a recent change with 1.6.2, but for whatever reason I had no issues with 1.5.2. So for those who run into the issue, make sure all of this is true: 1. You have the most up to date JRE and JDK 2. You have the proper versions for your processor (ie. x86 or x64) 3. Ensure you can run java and javac from the command line 4. If not, add them to your environment PATH variables. Searching environment variable in the windows search at the control panel will make this easy. P.S. A new fun fact I learned, is double check that your development environment (in my case, a custom Eclipse workspace) has the proper libraries in the build path. Provided you aren't using scala, they are: 1.6.2.jar argo-2.25_fixed.jar asm-all-4.1.jar bcprov-jdk15on-1.47.jar codecjorbis-20101023.jar codecwav-20101023.jar commons-io-2.4.jar commons-lang3-3.1.jar gson-2.2.2.jar guava-14.0.jar jinput-2.0.5.jar* jopt-simple-4.5.jar jutils-1.0.0.jar launchwrapper-1.3.jar libraryjavasound-20101123.jar libraryjwjglopenal-20100824.jar lwjgl_util-2.9.0.jar* lwjgl-2.9.0.jar* Izma-0.0.1.jar soundsystem-20120107.jar All of these should also be exported, with the exception of "1.6.2.jar." As well as this, all the ones marked with a astrik (*) should have the native library location set to: mcp/jars/versions/1.6.2/1.6.2-natives Finally, ensure that you have the run configuration pointing to the working directory that contains the assets folder (in this case mcp/jars). I was getting quite a headache with an error resulting in not having the proper icon for Minecraft after launching. I hope this helps anyone else with this issue.
  4. Howdy guys, After attempting to update to 1.6.2, I seem to be experiencing issues with the install script. I have made sure that I don't have MCP downloaded ahead of time, and I'm not getting stuck on downloading the files, it appears to just be with the actual decompile. Here is a pastebin of the issue. http://pastebin.com/HhxMi8J0 Thanks in advance EDIT: Here's a link to the mcp.log, as requested by LexManos http://pastebin.com/Nvus47LD
  5. Well, I tried what you said, and I no longer have any errors, just some warnings. Total of 6. Does this sound correct?
  6. Hi there, I recently tried setting up Forge and MCP using both the manual method (grabbing all the jars and such by hand) and the method described by the wiki, which was to just add Forge into MCP, and run install.cmd. Both times resolved in the error you mentioned above. I tried your fix, both by pointing eclipse to using the folder you specified, and by copy and pasting that folder into MCP's root folder, and then pointing eclipse to that. Both times, I now resolve in 8 errors. These all reference the external libraries: guava-12.0.1.jar asm-all-4.0.jar argo-2.25.jar minecraft.jar lwjgl.jar jinput.jar Whats weird is all of these can be found in my "jars" folder in MCP. As well as that, they have full drop downs in the Minecraft project folder. Any ideas on what could help?
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